I want a new job

Pic unrelated
I got a new job in It, computer science last August. I was so excited to, “finally a job with adults that’s not minimum wage”. Boy was I wrong, my coworkers are some of the most petty, immature, brats that you’d ever meet. My supervisor LITTERALLY believes he’s a spiritual vampire that sucks up peoples faith, plus he brags about his sexual conquests at the ren fair, Wearing pajama pants while taking a hour and a half lunch every day. My coworker is the very definition of a loser, he talks about his diablo 3 characters while bragging about how big his dick is.
They were alright until a month in when they started complaining about what I ate for lunch
The ramen stinks
The tuna stinks
The canned chicken stinks
The salad dresssing stinks
Yet they go get fucking Arby’s every days making the place smell like a meet shop

Their latest deal is that they have just don’t give me any work to do, then complain that I’m not doing anything
Like really I only ask you 4 times a day for work and when y’all tell me there is none I’m like well can I help you with yours I’m willing to learn
They throw a fit to leave them alone

Are people really like this? Is this what being a adult with a “Adult” job really means?

What should I do?

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Oh I gues I should mention thet those are life sized ice sculptures that they had on display when I went to “ice land” at moody gardens in late November.

Please disregard my complaint
Looking back at what I wrote
I’m a fucking pussy

Dude, just enjoy the paycheck for not doing anything

Most computer science jobs are like this

If you ask every day tasks from your manager but he doesn't have anything to give you then educate yourself.

Also, I'm in such position.

>then educate yourself
This. Show that you are interested to learn, get to meet the people above your boss and get on good terms with them.

Eventually, you get certificates or at least a good review for your work from them and can move over to another job, where there are less retarded people.

Damm really
I do read online and I try to keep my
personal knowledge updated.

...I think I need a girlfriend to blow off some steam

That’s a good idea
I got the job because my overboss was best friends with my brother who died a few years ago and who I look exactually like when they hung out.

That being said
I do have two degrees including a design engineering, and a general mathematics degree also.

I've started a new job at the beginning of the year and have barely done anything at all

No one complains

Got a bonus that co-workers didn't (?)

t. computer scientist

My deal is
I like the job
My coworkers are being unreasonable
My supervisor called me a liar because I didn’t get the time right and I should be like him because “he has photographic memory” and my coworker as told me several times that he should have gotten a raise instead of hireing “new and unnecessary employees” even though I was the only new hire in 2018.

I want to enjoy my job

Dang you’d think I was a fucking was from India with all my misspelled words

The state of wagies...

Get a freelance job OP. I earn $45k in comfort as a technical writer from home.


I've started a new job at the beginning of the year and have barely done anything at all

welcome to the new world.
About 3 out of 10 persons in the work force have stritcly nothing to do. 3 others are doing totally useless things. The 4 left are doing something.
It's what you get when automation and robotization take the relay but you don't adapt the social and economical structure. And it's getting worse by the day.
In the 60's the utopia en vogue was by the 2000 computers and robots would do almost all the work, the states & corporations would be forced to implement UBI, and everyone would be a neet. It's whatt happened but for UBI, instead we have massive unemployment and useless wagecucks.

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That’s not to far off the truth
A computer program does 80% of my work automatically

how the fuck can you not find anything to do if you are in it, there is ALWAYS something to do

fucking brainlet

If you don't have any work to do just start making additional income while at work, I'm posting from work right now and have been day trading most of the morning, in an hour or two I will start working on a couple of my dropshipping sites. Shit is easy to do in IT, lots of free time and I control the firewall and am the only one thT reviews it's logs so I can pretty much do anything I want. Might play some wow later today too.

/smg/ is filled with white collar professionals who do nothing but shitpost and swing trade all day. It’s normal, take advantage of the situation. I make $120k a year and do maybe an hour of real work every day.

See if you can swing working from home a couple days a week.


I don’t live in Galveston
I live in the cesspool next door

Damn, was gonna say, hit me up, we can catch dinner.

That’s a shame
I know where the best tacos in all of baytown are
4 crispy beef tacos for 4.99

The real solution is to make advanced products and services that move society forward

Baytown is what, an hour drive away?

niggers detected

You two faggots should just meet halfway at a motel and rub your little cocks together like the faggots you are. Whiney fucking bitches

Come join us, seems things rub you the wrong way super easily.

Yeah a hour away
Fuck off faggot