Can we have a serious discussion about these patterns

Can we have a serious discussion about these patterns.

It's absolutely ridiculously and so obviously manipulation.

Is this all crypto is now, exchanges fucking users over?

Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-28-16-56-20-93.png (1080x2160, 150K)

You just realized this?

>implying the same isn't happening in the stock markets

No, groups are accumulating. Be prepared for liftoff before EOY.

These patterns are normal, look at any traditional market, they all move like this just not as wildly.

Stop sleeping through the barts mane.

this is good. allows easy money to be made. sell now buy back later. repeat and repeat.

you ask this just now? Lmao

It's thin order books. Yes, the price is $3800 but how many BTC do you think you can actually get for that price? MAYBE 1 whole BTC. After that, the next price is $3801, but only 0.002 BTC is available there. At $3802 you can probably get 0.007 or 0.008.

Want 21 BTC? The only way to buy that much is to pump the price up to around $4150.

This sort of, you have to imagine that when a whale closes his $30M short at market it pumps the price, bots will pull out from the orderbook making it thin and if then stops get hit it will pump the price to the next level of stops, to the next level of stops and so on. So you get these monstrous moves. It's just a cascading effect of multiple factors it isn't necessarily manipulation. What's that whale gonna do? Exit on limit orders to not upset all the gamblers?

Volume is at the shitter, which makes it easier to pump and, especially, dump.

maybe a little less than 30M, I just took a look at the orderbook. But still you get the idea. Money moves markets, having a lot of money yeah you can do some serious damage but I don't think anyone can manipulate long term movements. 2017 wasn't manipulated just a huge frenzy.

>just not as wildly
Literally just contradicted your own statement. Fucking brainlets like you are the ones who ruined this board

Surely etf will be accepted goysss

ride or die bitch

How do you know this?

By your post I can see You are new to trading in general

get fucked cunt

>when it gets manipulated down: LOL GET REKT BULLS BEARS WILL AGAIN

>When it gets manipulated up: REEEEEEEEE MY SHORTS REEEEEEE

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this. fed is literally the official manipulator of fiat and the stock markets.

That's not a contradiction you brainlet lmao

Proof nobody is actually acumulating.
Shakeout still in progress...