31 years old

>31 years old
>150k in cash
Where do i rank?

Attached: 1532296997927.jpg (868x640, 253K)

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All in bitcoin now or you will be worth nothing in 2020

Go 50% BTC and 50% ford and you’ll unironically make it.

Ive been thinking bout it

Get out normie.

What do u mean?

1/4 cash
1/4 gold
1/4 silver
1/4 crypto
>you cant lose

Top 1% of retards

Was thinking of going 90 percent crypto and tje rest cash

Ahead of me. 35 and 40k ... and falling. Thanks, SPXS!

Probably top half. Buy 21 BTC and you're set.

Please do sir

Change silver for real estate and thats pretty good

drug dealer/10

50% crypto (BTC, ETH, LINK)
25% cash
25% precious metals/commodities

You mean urban pharmaceutical sales rep.

Go 80% crypto. You'll unironically make it in 3 years.

Let me help you:
>1/4 Cash
>1/4 Precious Metals
50% silver
50% gold
>1/2 Crypto
50% Bitcoin
25% Masternodes/POS
25% Shitcoins

$1.14 in my bank account
$4000 in debt

cash is good, but 150k is pretty small by 30s

About $149,950 more dollars than me.

No it’s not.
Am 30, doctor, make 130k (GBP) and I have around 190k GBP total in cash and assets.

Heard of student loans, houses, rent and a reasonable quality of life? Shit adds up.

put into dividend aristocrats, continue to add to your portfolio via DCA and do so for 15 years and you'll have a solid retirement plan

I was in your situation back in February of this year. My hard-earned $120k fiat "invested" is now worth $30k. Tread carefully.

>muh dividends
>what is inflation

This is such a fucking boomer answer
Nigga I don’t care if I’m rich at 60, life is over.

>230k net worth, 150k of which is cash
>54k in crypto now with 10.5 BTC bought mainly below 4k

Finna buy the fuck out of the equities dip sometime in 1H19

What should it be for 30s

Can't lose if winning was never an option, at that point you're just giving money away to someone more competent.

I did similar my man, we close to bottom now though

dividend aristocrats raise their dividend annually between 6-20%, well outpacing inflation. Plus if you DRIP you compound your shares getting more shares to get a higher dividend to compound more dividends. if you want to stay poor feel free to do so

Attached: DividendAristocratsVsS&P500.jpg (546x354, 109K)

how are u still alive?

Completely idiotic.

I'm a successful wagie so it doesn't sting too bad. I already have another $50k fiat that I'm looking to buy the "bottom" with.

also, this 35 year old boomer has accumulated $350K in the market and receives $20K per year in passive income..and that number will continue to grow yoy, almost assuredly for the rest of my life.

how do u get passive income?

Top 1% in the U.K.

>PM 00005967 T
These are fakes. I'm so sorry fren.

How much are prostitutes in uk?

unironically this.

Attached: 1545960460445.jpg (597x600, 51K)

open a vangaurd account idiot. if just a dumb zoomer then your ahead of 90% of your """"""peers""""" who have debt for a masters degree in lgbt art history of ru pauls drag race. (not joking met a 31 year old who wrote a thesis paper on rupauls dragrace who was an ineffective female bureaucrat thousands in debt to Brown University)

Put it in a safe 2% yield online savings account. You'll have gained over 3000 in a year

It depends on your goals honestly. There are mustachians that have outpaced you because of their goal to retire early.

But you're easily in the top 30% financially provided you have zero debt.

>Not having 150K in Link or BTC
you're never going to make it OP

Attached: BuyTheDip.png (1192x660, 161K)

Don't worry brother, if you have funds in crypto, you will be successful. Just hodl on.

83rd percentile.

Curve gets steep after 80, you'll never be as comfy as the Jews but you're ahead of most of the peasants. Good job goy.

Heard sears is making a comeback OP, all in now or nothing

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Can't believe people still advice others to "invest" in crypto after what happened over the course of the 12 months.

looks like fake money desu

nigga go all in on LINK, you'll be royalty next bullrun

>Can't believe people still advice others to "invest" in crypto after what happened over the course of the 12 months.
kek zoom out 3-4 years brainlet

eh ok i guess

100% guns