3 days to go

>3 days to go
either this coin is going to make me rich af or im going to lose some play money.

Attached: Screenshot 2018-12-20 at 19.59.00.png (382x364, 77K)

>3 days until total crash to nothing

yep either that or moon hard af

no chance of moon.
you need a solid implementation.
cryptographics isnt about being secret but being private while in public. dero doesnt got a proof of work or audited anything. even if they deployed today it would take a year to find all the bugs that are possible in the implementation.

I am a member of the Dero devteam and yes we are scammers.
But who gives a fuck it is all bout them moolahs.
Buy it and ponzi scam it to someone else just like Bitconnect.
We at Dero we are Bitconnect 2.0

Centralized shitcoin with closed source code and one single dev that is a registered child rapist. Fuck derro.

Ohhhhhh, did you believed captain and his shills? Are you retarded, OP?

welp looks like the turtlecoin fags have raided another dero thread again. notice how all of the fud is either outright lies or nonsensical. i will enjoy rubbing this in, if it succeeds.

It's not FUD if it's true.
There are some truths for you:

>dev lied about premine being locked since the start of it. Now, just half of it is locked.
>dev lied about ASIC resistance.
>dev now has a proprietary license over the code. It's not full open source.
>dev lied about the foundation before July 2018.
>dev lied about Cryptopia. He annouced it in September, and nothing happened since then.
>dev lied about smart contracts in mainnet before the end of 2018
>promised smart contracts in BASIC (rlmfao)

he did not "lie". he told everyone when he unlocked half of it because it was to fund development. And it was locked. literally just look at the commits.

>dev lied about ASIC resistance.
no he didnt. he said dero would be asic resistant and then when the Atlantis release came out, he told everyone that there would no longer be asic resistance since its an impossible problem to tackle.

>dev now has a proprietary license over the code. It's not full open source.
all of the code is on github. it is open source..

>dev lied about Cryptopia. He annouced it in September, and nothing happened since then.
you can literally verify funds have been paid. cryptopia is just being slow as shit. they have to still audit the code since its written from scratch and not some shitcoin fork.

>dev lied about smart contracts in mainnet before the end of 2018
there are still 3 days to go you dipshit. what do you think this thread was about?

not replying anymore since every thread you bring up the same points and lies, and i debunk them all.


Dero dev here.
>Go fuck yourself!
We scammed over 200 Bitcoins from dumb people like you who keep buying Dero.

dero smart contracts are this years wraith protocol. In the next 2 days there will be some bullshit excuse and you'll all eat it up.

>all of the code is on github. it is open source..
i think you dont understand what a open source license is.


turtlefags think their retarded project will actually make it

spend more time on derogold, it's already better than that garbage "turtle""coin"


>he did not "lie". he told everyone when he unlocked half of it because it was to fund development. And it was locked. literally just look at the commits.
No, he didn't. Since the first day, on the bitcointalk thread it was written that the premine was locked. So, he lied, and edited it when people figured out.

>no he didnt. he said dero would be asic resistant and then when the Atlantis release came out, he told everyone that there would no longer be asic resistance since its an impossible problem to tackle.
Yes, he did. He announced that he was keeping the CryptoNight ASIC mined algo literally one day before Atlantis, after three months promising ASIC resistance.

>all of the code is on github. it is open source..
It's not. He has a license over it. Being on github doesn't means that it's full open source.

>you can literally verify funds have been paid. cryptopia is just being slow as shit. they have to still audit the code since its written from scratch and not some shitcoin fork.
Three months for a coin listing? Are you seriously? Certainly some problem occoured, and captain doesn't want to tell what's going on (as he always do, always trying to hide information).

>there are still 3 days to go you dipshit. what do you think this thread was about?
LMAO, even if he commit it TODAY, he'll have exactly 3 days to test it in the testnet and hardfork to mainnet (and releasing it to mainnet with just 3 days of testing would be another proof that he's an careless amateur developer, like he already did implementing bulletproofs without awaiting for the external audits). Time is up. He lied. He didn't made it.

>not replying anymore since every thread you bring up the same points and lies, and i debunk them all.
You didn't debunked ANYTHING. You're just a desperate bagholder pajeet trying to do damage control.

>All this fud
Why are turtle niggers so angry?

Remember: It's not FUD if it's true.

> bunch of kids sucking a dudes dick who calls himself the captain.

Dero's Discord

lmao but nobody believes you though, everything you say is in bad faith and is only to take Dero down, you don't actually care about what's true.

I just give the facts. I've been following Dero since February (along with all the other CryptoNote coins), and I don't care if people believe me or not, it's a responsability of them to check facts and see if the project they buy is really worth their money and trust. But everything I say here can be proved by reading the entire Bitcointalk thread (more than 200 pages of posts since December 2017), a place where Captain can't delete posts from others like he does in Reddit and Discord. And if I see people lying or trying to hide and distort facts about projects that I know about, I will always come and debunk them.

You'll always come back because your a bitter Turtlecoin fag who knows his project sucks dick. When a project is shit, nobody cares they just ignore it and filter it. When people are scared of something, only then do they go out of their way to attack it.

>I say facts about Dero that shills are always trying to hide
>so, I'm necessarily bound with Turtle

Nice association you did, bro. That's the absolute state of all the Dero desperate brainlet shills.

Also, Turtle is just another pointless CryptoNote shitcoin with no future and an absurdly huge max supply of 1 trillion.

lmao, okay. Well your either a Turtle fag or a delusional Monero holder who thinks someday his 10 XMR is gonna make him a millionaire kek. I can't imagine following a coin I don't even hold and fudding it for a year out of sheer hatred, the lack of anything better to do would drive me to want to an hero. Get a hobby mate, believe me nobody but you think anything you do matters.

You didn't refuted anything I said, exactly like I expected.

Nothing I said would matter because this is ideological with you, I've argued with you in the past before, you just ignore shit you don't want to hear, no point. People like you who invest in crypto and think "this is my coin and all others are the enemy" are cancer. I'm here to make money, when I bought Dero at 0.30 I told people thta it was gonna moon and they just said "scam" and I was right. But even if you hate Dero you could have just bought some and then sold it to buy more of the coin you really like, and that's the problems, people like you are to emotional to properly invest.

Dear Serena and Mojo: GO HOME you fucking losers and neck yourselves. Your lives were a mistake.

So, you are here just for the money and only care about the price, not if the project is made and run by scammers and completely defies the true purpose of good decentralized crypto currencies. That's not a bad thing, I must say, because everybody knows that scams can also succeed in this mean, and there are lots of examples, like Electroneum, EOS, Ripple, and many others. But that doesn't mean they are not scams.
Also, you still didn't refuted the facts I brought here.

sirs its scam by poo in loo get out there wont be improved smart contracts

Attached: 1500153446270.png (808x805, 480K)

The DERO dev is someone special in this space.

Smart enough to rewrite CryptoNote in Golang
Master DAG
Wise enough to know that writing smartcontracts in BASIC will do to the cryptp what it did for computing in the 80s and 90s. He understands that crypto still needs to be built and complicated languages are slowing development.
Dero dev is a legacy player. The reveal will be unreal. Some have guessed it to be Nick Szabo or one of the original cypherpunk.

Everything else is trash. Buy DERO or regret it later.