Rate3 is tokenization & cross-chain identity blockchain platform. First based on stellar&ethereum...

Rate3 is tokenization & cross-chain identity blockchain platform. First based on stellarðereum , to be on IOST and others later (token-swaps - they're doing own custom "metamask" for that)

>Collected 25,000 ETH from their ICO (cashed out eunogh to fulfill roadmap)
(Followed regulations clearly - not U.S.A investors allowed for example . not risk of SEC taking action)

Trading now 1/4 ETH ico price
(marketcap: 600k$ listed at Huobi, Bibox, Bitfinex) whales have not pumped this yet. fresh coin.

This is basically a OWN 2.0 / Ravencoin 2.0

>Already compliance to Singapore's law (they got professor to advise about trust law etc)

>just published their own tokenized singapore's dollar (link: sgdr.io )- you'll be able to pay with it to Amazon for example, see RateX plugin at rate.com.sg/ratex in 2019 beginning .

>they've good content makers and are doing articles to Hackernoon to teach people about the niche - also got noticed at techInAsia
>also active writing their medium blog -> medium.com/official-rate3 (MUST CHECK!!!!!)

>AlphaJWC and matrix partners and many others big funds invested to this
>doing own customized blockchain explorer (Identity, token swap, network statistics)

>They're doing a e-gift card shop too for USA, SEA and Canada
>Rate3 got also accepted to PayPal incubator program (9 months) with only 2 other projects

>team is joined to ERC725 alliance
>team got to highest possible place at ETHSingapore hackathon

>there are already testnets online - and more to come before end of year (there is not much time..)
see link : rate3.network/testnet

>CEO has connections to Odyssey&DatX (he is advisor to both) and also advisor at Jun.capital with Vitalik Buterin. CEO is active on conferences
>Active github (/rate-engineering)

"What's coming short-term"
Huge development steps has been done and to be announced in this december - team confirmed they're ahead roadmap

Attached: rate3.png (200x200, 11K)

fuck of twu. no one is buying your erc20 shitcoin. mainnet wont even be announced until 2020. over 2 years away. worst piece of trash ever

You brainlet

they are not making own blockchain


and its not erc20 shitcoin only

they're building on stellar&iost and few others too


Bought 1m thanks

you're a fucking moron.

What about me :(


im from Finland
in finnish moron (morjesta) means hello

keep saying hello

i already noticed you gay


bumb thread

I can’t believr no one pay attentions to free money

Biz is gay

once and forever

Reeee pump it plz

"Currently, we have achieved a strategic relationship with Paypal and are able to start working with the many companies that are already in connection with Paypal, resolving the payments issues (with stablecoins like SGDR) that they face one step at a time."

Come to telegram chat bro

its active this night -- now

Yes good goys


Unironically at least 50x in 2019

Feels good brehs

Pajeet shilling at the onset of the great crypto winter, Godspeed user

user this is a mercy gift. Please do some research


Why is nobody shilling great projects like this one? All I see are some pajeet dero threads

hate money user. they will buy when market cap is 5m