Snitches at Work

>work higher end retail with mostly 20-something millennials as associates
>one associate is a mid 30s guy who took it upon himself to be liaison to management; AKA he’s a snitch about any little thing
>sees security guard giving weed edible to associate girl; snitches on both of them
>associate girl gets called in to talk about it; defends herself by saying ‘butbutbut me and X associate smoked in the parking lot many times already!’ dragging X into the situation
>X associate is the snitches’ best friend at the store, both X and the girl in question get fired despite X being a model employee who was being groomed for management

what the fuck is the point of being a workplace snitch?

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you know what to do OP...snitches get stitches

that girl probably had to suck some dude off for that.

That weed looks so bad.

Not having to deal with retards that do drugs during work.

yeah thats retarded

also, what the fuck is the point of being fired for smoking pot?

I would snitch on you for having such trash quality weed.

doing it at work is different than doing it at all retard

That is some swagy swag

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You are disposable. When will you unskilled laborers learn.

This pot has been soaked in solvent and pressed to remove the oils before drying into a brick and smuggled into the US from Mexico.

It actually looks like shit.

The thing is we work at weed store

this shit is supposed to be weed ?

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In some places this guy would have his knees given the Tonya Harding treatment. Sounds like a desperate faggot. Kissing ass to get ahead is one thing, fucking people over is different.

pretty pathetic to want to be a retail management lol
kys low IQs

What is up with Zoomer thots and their obsession with weed?

>premium faggotry


I used to get weed like this when I was a retarded dealer back in high school. I'd get like quarter pounds of it for less than 150 I believe. Looked exactly like this and almost gave you headaches, was definitely garbage but you could make money off of it because it was so cheap.

that weed looked like the diarrhea in the webm of the pajeet dumping it on his head

Is that a plastic bag packed with dead crickets?

thats some straight garbage
seen worse though

Please post the webm.

>The thing is we work at weed store
>work higher end retail


based boomer
fuck weedies and fuck zoomers

>what the fuck is the point of being a workplace snitch?
work ethic, bitch

that is the ugliest fucking bag of weed i've ever seen. literal ditch weed

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if you want to whine about snitches, go to prison where you belong dumbass degenerate faggot

People still smoke ditch weed like that? Fuck since medical passed in MI a few years back I haven't paid a penny for some really good weed and hash whenever I want it.

I want to puke looking at that "weed". Why are women so fucking retarded?

I guess it depends on where you work, but in all the places I’ve worked at the bosses usually give you a second chance if you fuck up at work. My father for example is a foreman for a roofing company and when I was working under him he caught a coworker with crack in his cigarette pack. My dad didn’t report him but he gave a long lecture and told him to cut that shit out.

why are people still replying to this niggers thread fucks sake

Because it’s an upscale store dipshit. Some of you clearly don’t know what’s out there.