Post your boardfolios

>Jow Forums 25%
>Jow Forums 25%
>Jow Forums 25%
>Jow Forums 25%

Attached: 6B41F13D-6E82-4654-8993-E19BFED12AA6.jpg (750x927, 761K)

im a biz maximalist

> 100% Jow Forums

I would be too if this board moved as fast as it did last year.

>Not going all in on /biz

Never gonna make it

> 90% Jow Forums
> 10% Jow Forums
I diasagree with Jow Forums on a lot of things, But it can be a decent new source sometimes. I mainly use Jow Forums for entertainment/ memes. Jow Forums has the best memes by far.

33% Jow Forums
33% /mu/ (for kpg)
33% Jow Forums

>he still goes on Jow Forums
>he thinks he will make it
90% biz 10% int here

Attached: 1545539717358.jpg (259x194, 5K)

>Jow Forums 75%
>/Toy/ 15%
>/X/ 10%

That's it right there fella.


75% /o/
10% /diy/
10% /his/
5% Jow Forums

Jow Forums 25%
/vg/ 25%
Jow Forums 25%
/tv/ 25%

Jow Forums is just a containment board for white niggers (rednecks and russian shills). The forms of culture they embrace are not relevant to their level of whiteniggerism.

40% Jow Forums
40% Jow Forums
10% /tv/
5% /x/
5% Jow Forums

75% /x/
25% Jow Forums

Attached: 679x459.jpg (679x459, 43K)

Jow Forums
Jow Forums
Jow Forums
Evenly distr

30% Jow Forums
30% Jow Forums
20% /his/
10% /o/
10% /diy/

Attached: BitHoven-Beethoven_dead@Apr_4_00.44.48_2015.jpg (450x600, 62K)

>80% Jow Forums
>10% Jow Forums
>10% /a/

GOTDAMN Florida State has the hottest white girls in the country

damn fucking STRAIGHT we do
>biz has the best memes by far
also this

Attached: 147E6342-8147-4F27-A142-9894721D6B0E.jpg (750x932, 699K)

33% /biz
33% /hm
33% /y

33% Jow Forums
33% /fa/
33% /mu/

Attached: avatar92.jpg (92x92, 4K)


> 30% Jow Forums
> 30% Jow Forums
> 20% Jow Forums
> 10% /b/

kill yourself subhuman

Jow Forums

Attached: patrick-bateman.jpg (650x470, 63K)

100% Jow Forums all in boyz

Used to be all in /fit, made gains, then my knees exit scammed and my bags went to dyel (came here from time to time to see ether shilled hard and laugh at people buying for less than 1$) so I changed my folio to 100% pol and kept coming here laughing at coiners buying ans for less than nothing, then my brain exit scammed because of too many redpills, then again changed my folio to 100% biz but during december 2017, and stayed here holding bags until sergey exit scams, then i'll go all in /r9k

This, pol is literal fucking reddit tier the donald posting

What about the last 1%?

>Jow Forums 10%
>Jow Forumscryptocurrency 90%

Attached: pepe celebrating 2.jpg (334x506, 42K)

trolling on pol is so much fun tf u mean

nut in me coach

leave pls sir or the vishnu will make you leave

2009-2011 /b/ /fa/
2012-2015 Jow Forums Jow Forums /trv/
2016-2017 reddit
2018 biz

the laanguage here is even more crazy than other boards, imagine someone from pol finding this now, they'll unironically think link is shit and we're all crazy gamblers, it has the most layers in any 4chin board

yes also a lot of troll/fud/slide threads like "is smelling your own farts a good investment?" keep the normies away

/tv/ and Jow Forums is the true chad partnership

> Jow Forums, Jow Forums, /b/
get some help, seriously user

>they'll unironically think link is shit
I can't tell if this post is being ironic or post-post ironic.

>ywn impregnate her armpits

About 70% biz 20% pol the rest depends on content availability really. /v/ has been great with ultimate

Jow Forums 20%
/sp/ 30%
/tv/ 25%
/mu/ 25%

>Jow Forums - 40%
>Jow Forums - 30%
>/ck/ - 10%
>/out/ - 5%
>Jow Forums - 5%

I have the healthiest, most well-balanced portfolio which is a testament to my sophisticated character.

75% Biz
15% Fit
10% Lit

25% Jow Forums
75% reddit

95% /biz

5% /pol

5% /b (for when i need to jack off)

i am surprised nobody visits this board more often. Making money > everything

Why does she want to be in coach? Wouldn't you rather fly first class?

20% Jow Forums
55% /ai/
15% /a/
5% /u/
5% /h/

150% biz

>60% /his/
>30% Jow Forums
>10% Jow Forums
t. Chad

Attached: 1545779598258.jpg (1080x1246, 119K)

50% Jow Forums
15% /a/
10% Jow Forums
10% /tv/
5% /tg/
5% /gif/
5% /cm/

Attached: 1527246774039.jpg (1285x756, 59K)

95% Jow Forums
5% /trv/

25% Jow Forums
25% /sci/
25% Jow Forums
25% Jow Forums

/a/ 10%
Jow Forums 20%
Jow Forums 50%
/v/ 20%
/wsg/ 10%

>40% Jow Forums
>30% Jow Forums
>10% Jow Forums
>10% /a/
>10% /x/

Jow Forums

>Jow Forums 45%
>/sci/ 25%
>/lit/ 25%
>Jow Forums 5%

Wait, I forgot fit, that's why my sci/lit is so high

>Jow Forums 50%
>/sci/ 15%
>/lit/ 15%
>Jow Forums 15%
>Jow Forums 5%

Hah, thought her shirt said not in my cooch. I've been had

>90% total
user, what do you do with the 10 last % ?

>Florida State semen holes

>Jow Forums 15%
>Jow Forums 15%
>/sci/ 10%
>/ck/ 60%
Because I do most of my browsing on clover which defaults to /ck/ every time you open it.

>25% biz
>25% pol
>25% x
>15% tv
>10% lit

Attached: file.png (616x800, 873K)

>50% Jow Forums
>50% /y/

>40% Jow Forums
>20% Jow Forums
>20% Jow Forums
>15% /tg/
>5% everything else.

Yes everything, from /a/ to /y/ and everything in the middle.Well besides /vg/. Trying to get more into /lit/ and Jow Forums right now.

80 biz
10 pol
5 x
5 Reddit

50% Jow Forums
30% Jow Forums
20% /sp/
I go there for the /heem/

5% /MLP/ (not the gay/lewd shit)
10% Jow Forums
40% Jow Forums
45% /vg/ (Kenshi, M&B, Dwarf fortress)

>Jow Forums 25%
>Jow Forums 25%
>Jow Forums 25%
> /vg/ 20%
> /u/ 5%

Attached: NkqeMasl.jpg (539x532, 46K)

Same. /b/ is too risky to be opened at work

>Jow Forums 50%
>Jow Forums 40%
>Jow Forums 10%

Gas the kikes, race war now.