Let's see if biz can do highschool math

Let's see if biz can do highschool math

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Other urls found in this thread:

wolframalpha.com/input/?i=a/(b+p) + b/(a+p) + p/(a+b) = 4
wolframalpha.com/input/?i=(a/(b+c)) + (b/(a+c)) + (c/(a+b)) = 4 where b=0 c=1 a=(2-sqrt(3))
quora.com/How-do-you-find-the-positive-integer-solutions-to-frac-x-y z- -frac-y-z x- -frac-z-x y-4/answer/Alon-Amit

here you go

wolframalpha.com/input/?i=a/(b+p) + b/(a+p) + p/(a+b) = 4

Holy fuck did OP want me to find all the solution fuck this I don't have that time to waste on shits

>1 equation and 3 unknowns
Yeah, no thanks.

the answer is KYS

fuck you op, i have been trying to search a solution for more than 30 minutes and just noticed there is no solution fucking brainlet

imagine being unable to do math for 14 year olds

wolframalpha.com/input/?i=(a/(b+c)) + (b/(a+c)) + (c/(a+b)) = 4 where b=0 c=1 a=(2-sqrt(3))

Attached: Spot Healing Brush.jpg (379x212, 37K)

plz explain

Attached: brainlettttt.jpg (800x450, 44K)

set one variable 0
set other variable to whatever you want (e.g. 1)
solve quadratic equasion for third variable

this is L I T E R A L L Y highschool math lmao

It's implied that the fruits are natural numbers, which means there's no solution in natural numbers

> quadratic equasion
I got lost there

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Lol what do you do for a living?

>quadratic equasion
nigga what. can you just use smaller words? jfc. this is why everyone hates academics

you aren't americans by chance?

digital forensics for private investigators

You must be bad at your job because that equation is very obviously not solvable

so you don't just suck at math but also at reading? Are you american too?

You can do this by hand and find that when pineapple = z = 0 and banana = y = 1, apple = x = 2 +/- sqrt(3). You assumed that x = 2 - sqrt(3), but there's no way to know that

There are multiple solution dipshit, read my reply

Attached: gwwsxz217dyz.png (800x729, 48K)

there are literally infinitely many solutions.

let a = 0
let b element N\{0}

c = 2b +/- b*sqrt(3)

now fuck off retard

That's what I just said now you fuck off retard

apple = banana = pineapple = 0

>You assumed that x = 2 - sqrt(3), but there's no way to know that
>there are literally infinitely many solutions.

pic related, you

can't divide by 0 smartass

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Why the fuck are you arguing when we're saying the same thing lol

are you done coping with your inability to do basic math yet?

>because that equation is very obviously not solvable

Yeah as in we can't get x = this, y = this, z = this that are always true no matter what.
Wtf is wrong with you?

>are you done coping with your inability to do basic math yet?
you could just have said yes, you know

apple -> x
banana -> y
pineapple -> z

equation -> x(x+z)(z+y)+y(y+z)(x+y)+z(y+z)(x+z)=4

-> x^2+xz+x^2+xy+y^2+yz+y^2+xy+z^2+yz+z^2+xz=4

-> 2x^2+2y^2+2z^2+2xy+2xz+2yz=4


therefore x=1,y=-1,z=1

this is the most reasonable answer but of course means nothing since you cannot divide by zero in the original equation. trick question.


I bet you felt smart until you realized you didn't factor the right hand side of the equation

realised before i posted, but posted anyway to see how long it would take for someone to notice

>infinite amount of solutions

>brainlets can't even find one of infinitely many

solve this shit with a matrix system, but nobody got time for that
>lagrange gives headache

this better be bait

>It's implied that the fruits are natural numbers, which means there's no solution in natural numbers
think again

quora.com/How-do-you-find-the-positive-integer-solutions-to-frac-x-y z- -frac-y-z x- -frac-z-x y-4/answer/Alon-Amit

apple = 154476802108746166441951315019919837485664325669565431700026634898253202035277999
banana = 36875131794129999827197811565225474825492979968971970996283137471637224634055579
pineapple = 4373612677928697257861252602371390152816537558161613618621437993378423467772036

It's 50/50, either you find the value or you dont.

i think it's 50% for each value, so you get 87.5% of people can actually find the values

what a pointless thread. fuck you op you retard
actually nevermind I dont really care, Jow Forums can't get any worse anyway
still though fuck you op

The only fancy word i know is singularitry and i learned that on Jow Forums cus peoeple are smart here user dont talk shit aboutthem okay?

also just by link 1000 eoy for real yo.


just fucking replace fruits with a,b,c


Holy fuck I can’t believe I take financial advice from this board

This thread did what all fud has failed to do: seriously make me consider selling all my link

>math nerds in my Jow Forums
get the fuck out you big brain faggots, we're trying to pump LINK here

fight me

While you were wasting your time solving a fucking equation on internet with bananas and apples I was fucking a hb8, how does it make you feel incel?

7,1,1 is the easiest solution imo.

Yea this is the day I'm leaving Jow Forums.

Bye dumb fucks.

>thinking i remember anything from math

i don't use that shit, it's not relevant to my daily life