Im in talks with record companys about a deal

They wanna give me a 2 million dollar interest free loan for 2 albums and i have to pay it back by doing live shows over the next 2 years. Everything will be paid for by the record company, food, plane tickets, hotels etc. I just have to turn up for 2 years or ill get sued

I was thinking about putting 1 million straight into crypto for fun

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Seems like youre getting fucked somehow


If your music is actually good you should focus on keeping your masters and having as much control as possible

Record deal? Is this the 80's? Just go on youtube and other online platforms if you're that good and cut out the middle man. It's your life though, so I can understand wanting assurances. Just don't get raped and avoid the weirder parties. Buy LTC.

Everything will be paid by you, you idiot

Go for it. Put 1 mill into boomer savings like an etf and the other 1 mil into chainlink.

Put it all in dividend stocks, make each album for under $10k. Buy a cheap used 12-15 passenger van for $5-7k. Ford E-350 is good. Put like $1k into merch - drop cards & t-shirts. $30k max investment and if your music is good you'll still be successful because they'll be helping you get the booking agent who will help you get the tours you need. Sleep in the van or spend money you make selling merch on hotels. Buy more merch w/ the money you make from selling merch.

Do this right and you'll have $200-300k minimum to walk away with. If your music is good and you're successful you'll have much more. Good luck.

No its part of the contract

they pay for hotels, plane tickets, cars and food. All i have to do is literally be there and perform the show and after 2 year contract ends i will have paid back the 2 million advance

what music?

pop music

Yeah, youre a brainlet.

At least smart enought to seek help wich is relevant.

Is this the only contract someone had offered you? You may try another record companies (Kek a marketing comp would do better and might be cheaper for you)

But is 2 years only, i guess you dont waste dat much (they will ruin your mind so youre their wagieslave forever tho)

If i were you, i would take the contract, keep the money as a contract-breaker, use their reach to make yourself famous (if youre not already) and in the mean time find another record wich offers ypu way better (you still have the 2 mill at this point) You should pursue a carrer rater than the money, think wisely.

lets here some of your music

Robb is that you?

>Yeah, youre a brainlet.

shut the fuck up untermensch

cant do that, ive been blowing up for the past 6 months

This OP.
They shouldn't be offering you a loan, but paying you to perform.


Have you seen the contract in writing? Or did they just expalin this shit to you and then you'll sign the real thing later?

If you haven't seen it, I can almost promise you those Jews will sneak in a bunch of other shit that will absolutely ensure that you never earn a dime. Hire a fucking professional to handle the negotiations for you to make sure you don't get fucked over. I find it very hard to believe that a record label would offer you this with no strings attached.

>Get buthurt
>Insult rater to take advice

Hire a manager.

The question is, what is the likelihood that you make 2 million dollars in two years?

I have a feeling that chances are low. You will end up spending most of that money for no returns.

nah this is a fairly common type of deal. asap rocky got a 3 mil advance payment deal when he blew up. This is how the music industry works

Doesnt matter, i just have to attend the shows, interviews and record 2 albums (not release) and at the end of the 2 years i get 2 million irrelevant of if i make that back. i also get 14% of the royaltys and some other shit.

Nah you're just a plebian and its obvious. dont @ me peasant

I understand that labels will give you and advance, but the idea that they'll risk taking a loss on you by just having you fucking show up to shows is incredibly naive. I promise that actual contract is going to be 100 pages long and you'll be fucked 10 ways from sunday. Hire a fucking agent or entertainment lawyer to negotiate for you because clearly you're in over your head by asking here.

If you can do it indy and make it then do it but if you need that deal to become hot and blow up and then you have leverage afterwards to negotiate another deal, then do that.

No one here is a signed artist so the fuck do we know, we just trade shitcoins.

I don’t see how you can avoid being jewed if you have no leverage going into a deal

What did it take for you to blow up?

Er fragt mich: „Hast du noch bisschen Weed?“
Und ich sag': „Nein!“
Er fragt: „Brudi, hast du was zum Ziehen?“
Und ich sag': „Nein!“
Er fragt: „Digga, bist du aus Berlin?“
Und ich sag': „Nein!“
Sie fragt: „Oida, willst du mit mir chillen?“
Und ich sag': „Nein!“

show us your songs you don't need to give proof its you

>a loan
Dipshit do you know what a loan is?

You can start creating some connections between the 2 remaining neurons inside your near empty skull by reading the fine print.

OP, if serious then email me at my throwaway. I have something crypto-related and possibly lucrative you might want to consider: [email protected]

Make pop music and be handsome

"I was thinking about putting 1 million into crypto for fun." He's either going to get fucked harder than this girl or it's a LARP.

I'll take the bait though. Writers go through the same thing. If they don't like your book they pull your advance back. Most writers spend that shit so the publishing company has you by the ball hairs. It feels like a similar situation.

Get a lawyer. It will be the best 10k you'll ever spend. Have them review everything before you sign it. Have him explain what your signing. Don't be an idiot.

Assuming you have to make the record yourself. Put 1.95M into an Ally account and ladder 12-month CDs for 2 years. You get 2.75% right now. That's about 3500 a month after taxes. This money is there for you to live and pay for whatever you need. Time to get fucking lean. Not time for an entourage, hookers, and coke. But from the above quote, I don't think you'll listen.

I'm unsure if you have to make your own album or pay for your crew. If they are willing to cover a small band. Take 25k, find a local DJ that's hungry as fuck, a decent guitarist, a hot THOT that can sing (if she can drum even better), and you guys go off to a rural house, with rented gear, to record the album.

Otherwise, find a good young DJ. Make your album. Have your lawyer draw up a contract, pay the DJ 50k over two years, to tour with you.

Also. If you're actually going to do this. Go wank off into a cup. Save your sperm at a bank and get your balls cut. Don't get trapped.


There will be a stipulated number of shows you must perform in order to hold up your end, the shows will need to be the ones they choose, and you will be barred from choosing not to perform shows they require you to.

The kicker will be that if they decide at any point in time you're not worth it they can just stop scheduling shows for you. This will force you to breach your end of the contract even though its their intention (can't perform X number of shows if they aren't giving you the work), at which case you'll probably have to return a time-depreciated sum of money to them.

They don't lose money. Never.

This, it'll be even more soulsucking than a life of wageslavery or being a heroin addict rent boy, hope you're prepared for what you're getting yourself into"

put one million in link and then the other million in what this jew is saying:

this and more dont forget this viel spaß

Im a producer aswell so i dont need any band or anything like that. But i will be working with some of their engineers and booked studio time is stipulated in the contract. I dont have to pay for anything. I just have to perform and record music for 2 years + do interviews

Then put all your money into the Ally account. It's a 730 day game. I don't know you, but I know the writing world (publishers, editors, agents, etc) and the same problems between artist and company exist.

If you can keep your ego in check. Take advice. Take criticism. Work hard on the craft. Show up every day early and be the last person to leave. Always say yes, be nice to fans and interviewers, have a good social media game (youtube, instagram), and be easy to work with you'll get 2M as your reward.

If you think your hot shit. You spend the money. You let things go to your head, you're going to get fucked. Be smart. Get a goddam lawyer and play the fucking game. And for the love of god don't get someone preggers. Snip the guys right fucking now.

ok mate thank you for the advice

Also, think of your career. If you are good to work with then you can leverage this forward for the rest of your life. Network with people while you are out there. It's not fun and games. It's work, regardless if they pull the money in the end or not. It's two years of hard work, and then whatever you want.

fuck i want to go on welfare with her

don't get on their bad side,
don't get set up,
don't tweet weird shit,
don't make weird friends,
concentrate on your stuff until you have em by the balls, remember you're a liability

>I was thinking about putting 1 million straight into crypto for fun
You'll spend the rest of your life repaying 1 million.

>I was thinking about putting 1 million straight into crypto for fun

what are you planning on doing with that other 1 mill? I think your plan will fuck up somehow. The more you get paid the more your lifestyle will change and if you are this brash about making a decision with your money then maybe you will find something else to invest in and just fuck everything up because you touched it too much

this user has a sensible smart option for you. Crypto is fine and the market timing for you couldnt be much better rn honestly but i dont think you understand the risks that you are taking. You could lose everything there is no need to just dump your future retirement into one asset

tldr; buy crypto gold bonds whatever get a FA to help you set up a portfolio so you dont have to worry about it and then just enjoy the next two years visiting faraway places and banging instagram thotties, take care man

Who is the girl?

>I was thinking about putting 1 million straight into crypto for fun
don't even get involved, you won't ever see a penny from those cunts, they are talking about loaning you for use of their studios, use of their people, use of their gear
stay away or you will lose equity

>keep the money as a contract-breaker
they won't ever cut him a check, it's 2 mil worth of credit at the company store and he will be filling out forms to get money for expenses so often he'll just start selling drugs

you wont ever pay the 2 million back within 2 years. you wont sell enough tickets and there is a clause in the event you dont. you will have to give then at least 1 million back from that if not 1.5 million. dont waste it on crypto unless you want to sit there and watch it while its invested and when you get ready to leave the computer sell everything

Did you have a lawyer familiar with the music industry look over it for you?
If you have not, DO THAT FIRST.
Make sure it's a lawyer who has done it before and who doesn't work for the record company.

Also just google "what to look for when signing a record deal"
Stuff like this comes up

You know, some record companies will fuck you by taking $ out of your royalties when you do stuff like ask for drinks in the recording studio, or stay at hotels. You're saying it's covered, but really go see a lawyer and get their opinion

Here's some advice:
larp harder

Email me. If you're going to throw it at crypto for fun anyway, then I have something you might be interested enough: [email protected]


Dont be a fucking moron and throw it away, or let it go to your head. The best advice is to not come to Jow Forums and seek advice. Go to a financial advisor and set yourself up so you never have to work ever again. Like other anons have said you have two years to focus on GROWING not on anything else. That money IS NOT YOURS. Put it the fuck away and keep it completely locked up except maybe 100k of fun money for two years. This can be for buying EXPERIENCES nothing else.

If this isn't a LARP then you have just become free of the economic system senpai which is what everyone wants. You could live the best life possible if you're not a retard about it. You have to treat that money with total respect. The graveyard of hasbeen pop stars is very big. You don't want to be chasing your couple of hits the rest of your life and wind up on some sad ass talk show desperately talking about your revival album while you eat worms for joe rogan junior in a desperate attempt to get back where you were because you blew all your money on materialism.

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if you can't sell 2 mil in songs/tickets over 2 years then they sue you anyway

>The kicker will be that if they decide at any point in time you're not worth it they can just stop scheduling shows for you. This will force you to breach your end of the contract even though its their intention (can't perform X number of shows if they aren't giving you the work), at which case you'll probably have to return a time-depreciated sum of money to them.
absolutely devilish

1 million dollars to record an album...
am I missing something?
interest freee loan sounds good, assuming your properly compensated for your work.
Sounds like a great way to leverage your time op

A good contract should fix this.
"user will perform x number of shows over a two year span, if "insert record company" is unable to schedule the necessary amount of shows within the given time frame, X will not be required to preform any additional shows.

OP are they paying royalties from the album sales ?
Or is the 2mill "payment" for your records?

Your gonna get jewed dumbass


You'll be in debt for the rest of your life to that (((industry))) when they add "expenses" over and over again.

Mark my words.


Even the concept of an album is dying.

Is there anything better that black pussy lips around a firm White cock?

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good luck getting out of slave ass contract

Ex professional musician here. Never heard of a label "just paying for everything".

Typically they're going to bill you for everything and add that to the total.

They're going to own all the rights to your music. They're going to take a piece of your merchandise as well.

Music industry "loans" are recoupable, not refundable.

most important part: lawyer up. spend the $5k for legal counsel on a $2m contract, it'll be worth it.

Hope you have a good lawyer

What if you dont pay back the 2 million.

Welcome to slavery