What's the next step?

I make 90k a year. I have infinite vacation days, although our team has quarterly goals. I work from home. My boss is encouraging our team to take side gigs or flip property since we've automated so much shit on our team, and we get about half the bugs as everyone else.

What should I be doing with my time and money? I have my savings in an online bank yielding 2% interest. I only have a few grand but it's increasing. My rent is pretty cheap. My car is paid off. I have about 2 grand left in 8.0% student loans, but then what? Pay off the $35k loan at 3.5% as fast as possible? Or look into investing?

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Damn man. What kind of work are you in?


You want to move your wealth out of fiat money. We're at the cusp of a deflationary period as old people are dying off before the baby boomers start selling their houses to pay for their old age. Then when prices drop, people will start spending. Everyone will. At once. All those quantitative easings will suddenly be poured out over the market. Everything will go up in price. Indefinitely.

Invest in things that hold their value over time, such as precious metals, crypto and essentials that last a long time.

Fuck off you normie faggot

I hate normans like yourself

programming you say? what kind?

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But I don't want things to keep their value, I want things to increase their value. I don't want to hoard stuff like Santa Claus. What businesses should I be looking into? Where should I be buying real estate?

Fuck off, I was a virgin and unemployed in my mom's basement on meds until I was in my mid twenties, then I cleaned my shit up, got a degree, and got the career, apartment and the sex life I wanted. It's possible.

Linux web platform. I don't want to get too specific in case one of my coworkers is on here. It isn't Python but it's a similar high level language and MVC framework.

Coding fag, in fiv years your job will be obsolete thanks to AI. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Just do something conservative like mutual funds.

This is like telling a tire salesman in 1955 that all cars will be flying by 1975

I really want to get into programming and possibly game design. should I take a programming boot camp or maybe enroll in comp sci for college next year? Please give me some tips man.

Yea, but it’s not. Denial is fine.

you should probably pay off the loan first. unless you think there's an investment that will consistently beat 3.5% in the next few years

Good goyim keep sustaining our system

Go through tutorials like water until you find one that you like, and actually can follow for programming. Seriously. I skip 5-10 tutorials, articles in medium and StackOverflow responses until I find something worth following in a concept. A lot of programmers make shit tutorials.

Game design is a tough field to get into. Do you want to be a designer or a developer? They really are two different things. Designers hang out with designers, they delegate work to engineers. They have their own culture. They are into synthetic and not analytical construction. Sometimes engineer-driven shops delegate to designers to "make it pretty," but not really with game design. You should be looking into how to structure and develop you game design ideas and learn programming as an afterthought, only as much as you need to in order to prototype. Making your own graphics engine in C or hand-programming a side scroller in Electron feels ballsy now but it's a waste of time in the long run. Designers usually make terribly engineered prototypes, but that's ok because the point is to achieve the look and feel in order to communicate the idea. If you can, use tools that require as little learning as possible to produce your ideas.


If you want to do development regardless of game design/engineering, right now the easiest way to get a job is learning C# and going into a corporate dev job. I did that for a little over a year before I made the jump to something more to my liking. You could try to skip a step and learn Python well enough to jump into fintech--this is especially nice if you want to move to a big city and play grownup with a six figure income. I'm not in a rush to do so. I'm trying to learn as much as possible at my own comfortable pace.

Don't underestimate contacts with hookups. Probably the best advice I've ever gotten about design, development, animation and business is by dating or fucking women in all those careers. They give you a "between the lines" perspective that is useful in understanding how the community is structured.

Sorry why haven't you just gone all in on link yet?

Not him but literally any kind lol
There will always be a need for people to maintain and upgrade the AI

I know the faults of A.I.

I know where it's limited.

Really, I was seeing someone who tried to start her own A.I. business. I've seen statisticians and actuaries use it to a really limited degree. If you think that passing shit through a neural network of weights or using your machine learning that shorts stocks is going to fundamentally replace the workforce, you're mistaken. There's still many, many years. It's like the 1960s or 1970s right now, where artificial intelligence was vastly overestimated and any shmuck could get DARPA funding by writing something in Lisp.

>buy 3 bedroom apartment
>buy 3 beds
>buy some hoe furniture
>buy laptops
>buy good webcams
>look for hoes to do the work
>whore them out on camwhore sites
>sign them for a year on a hourly late
>tell them that not every hoe is making dolla
>with your help, they will grow faster, you offer stability and can renegotiate if they got popular
>get lawyer to make a deal that for 12 months,they need to camwhore for you exclusively,no competition clause, image clause

literally be a camwhore pimp on the side.

>hourly rate*

Stop doing that shit immediately. Get a condo, a cheap condo. Live in it a few years till you get the hang of real estate and flip it or rent it out. Two residential properties and a primary residence is about as much as you want to leverage yourself into real estate without doing it full time.

Second thing is to start stuffing money into a brokerage account so you can buy boomer dividend stocks. Yes dividend stocks. You want growth, get a 401k, you are trying to capitalize on the fact that you have high earnings and low expenses to build a usable income stream and to hedge your real estate venture.

Third you need to incorporate yourself and stop paying taxes like a dumb normie. Basically you compartmentalize your life such that you can expense/capitalize everything.

This is how Buffet did it, this is how the majority of US millionaires did it, don’t listen to these crypto retards that are high on hopium gambling away their lunch money for le epig 10000x gains.

Where can I get more information for anything you've said? I've already been looking at affordable condos. How does incorporation work if I'm a W-2 employee? I've been thinking of going the contractor route but I've only been in my field 2 years (although most people would say I have the equivalent of 5 years experience). I am very business-immature in terms of money.

I don't know about any of the other replies but I can say this: it makes zero sense that you're putting money in a 2% savings account while you have student loans at 8% interest.

Every dollar you use to pay down your loan is a guaranteed 8% return. Choosing to put that money into a 2% APY savings account makes no sense.

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Because living paycheck to paycheck sucks. My company is still a startup, nothing is guaranteed. Once my savings hits $10k I'm going to stop depositing into it.

thanks for the tips. Hopefully I follow through and make an excellent indie game that takes off or something.

why do you have a 35k loan?

Pay of high interest debt first, don't invest a penny before you've become rid of debt. Finding an investment with a consistent 10% return on investment for the rest of your life would be a gift from God. Getting rid of debt with 10% interest is (almost) the same as investing in something with 10% interest.

Google “S type corporation” and “income splitting”. If you want a formal treatment on incorporating I’d suggest talking with a small business accountant. If you want to learn about stocks and real estate just download Robinhood and Zillow and play around. You can upgrade to big boy tools later.

Yeah, gotta get that buffer saved up, otherwise when life happens you get FUCKED.


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Pay off the loans while you still can.

This may be as good as it gets. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Or when life happens you can’t DO the fucking. Build a capital ball, don’t sweat that loan too much. All the jelly handed cucks in this thread telling you to pay off that measely $35k probably only have one mortgage and no leverage on their portfolio.

Why can't you get more specific? Is your company the only one using that language?

>precious metals, crypto and essentials that last a long time.
Yup, your a fool.

kek ur still a wagecuck, hence a beta male

Invest regularly to internationally diversified stock portfolio. You can't predict the market - just hold and buy more.
I would avoid crazy high valuation indexes like S&P500 - look for something that is not in a clear bubble.

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Pay off high interest debt first.

Yes. Start with buying a duplex. Browse that bigger pockets forums for a place to start. Buy a duplex. Stop paying rent.

Also this.