Crypto is over

I just realized that crypto is over, its all fucking over, in this last pump nobody even fomo'd just some bears taking profits and getting liquidated, fuck, even this board is over, there are always the same threads in the board, fuck, i trought I was going to make it by buying some magic internet meme money but known what, im not, fuck you.

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I had life changing money and I didn’t sell. Now back to where I started. Fuck

thank you for playing :^)

buy low sell high never change

yes, it is over, now sell

You can still short the remainder of what little life crypto has left... $130b market cap has a long way to go before $0.

should have occured to you when katy perry tweeted her crypto nails, john oliver made 30 min long video all about crypto and television media started interviewing bitcoin millionaires. The fuck did u expect? You honestly thought the tech is worth that much? LOL. You and I we both know you just fomoed in for quick money (brainwashed by the media) and got burnet in a ponzi scheme transfer of wealth.

so that "biggest transfer of wealth of the world" was just us transferring money to whales?

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you guys are idiots if you don't believe that BTC will hit 20k in the next 24months.

i remember when biz died in summer 2016 with the first major influx of all the pajeets.

>the next 24 months

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The dream is over guys


96 months.

>I just realized something that was obvious years ago

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Get a real job that pays instead of trying to cosplay as a quant.

I don't have 24 months user. I need it to start the uptrend tonight.

yall are such pussies god damn

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Will you be serving me those fries with extra salt in 2 years? Of course you will because you will have changed your perspective 30times by then and lost all of your burger money due to mindlessly following the trend of this board like the degenerate sheep that you are.

crypto won't turn you into a millionaire, you missed the boat. It can however make you tens of thousands if you accumulate over time and sell in a year or two. Use that money then to start a business or some other lucrative shit. Don't reinvest it, bobo will fuck you.

Yes, indeed, thank you. I had a nice chunk of BTC that I had ignored for years until I heard about the huge drop a couple years back, surprised me because I had no fucking idea I was sitting on over $200k or I'd have dumped way before that. I held onto it and watched biz until I heard shit was starting to go bad again, ditched early and still made almost $100k off of a bunch of shit that was sitting on a hard drive I had planned to throw away in 2014. I never paid a dime for it. I mined some very early on with a group, got paid several btc for setting up a few basic websites for friends of friends, then forgot about it. Now I have three times what I make per year at my job sitting in my savings account. Feels good, man.


What if Bitcoin is the next Netscape or MySpace or Rotary Phone?

Who is to say a more efficient and sustainable protocol won’t take its place?

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It will. BTC is inefficient and slow for mass scale processing. I bought ETH just in time for it to tank from its stable 200~ price.

But I don't really mind because i'm a poorfag and i only invested $50!

Support real causes like privacy and liberty and you will at least have a reason to live

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btc is all that but its the only decentralized trustless pernissionless public ledger that is secure on the world

its the crypto

that's how capitalism works. the money always goes to the top while everyone at the bottom gets poorer and poorer.

Wait for $1K Bitcoin, then buy a few. Wait a couple years, and you'll probably be a happy man. Chill.

I disagree. We have one more bull run. The only question is, will you have the patience for it?