He doesn't know why this amazing coin is #2 and ethereum isn't anymore

>he doesn't know why this amazing coin is #2 and ethereum isn't anymore
>thinks he knows anything about this market

Attached: xrp.jpg (216x228, 7K)

Other urls found in this thread:


XRP is a centralized shitcoin. Might as well use USDC or Tether. It doesnt grant the holder any special access to anything. Why own it?

Why do you think XRP should be priced at more than 15 billion dollars? Do you have any understanding of how to price currencies? Do you understand just how insanely high the demand for XRP would have to be to even just justify the current price if transactions will be as fast as Ripple claim?

>The banks always win!

Attached: laugh.jpg (634x650, 45K)

quality thread OP, you fucking faggot

Xrp = vile jew sorcery

>still parroting the same 2013 bs fud

>Do you understand just how insanely high the demand for XRP would have to be to even just justify the current price
just as high as they are now
otherwise the price would just plummet instantly!

I'm talking about the non-speculative demand, i.e. the demand for settlements. Most people who hold XRP right now are brainlets who have no idea how to price a settlement network. But feel free to prove me wrong: how did you go about pricing/valuing XRP?

Ripple isn't even a crypto currency. KYS, OP.

Says the uppity bitch who bleaches her asshole at home using Crest Whitening Strips and puts ketchup on her Filet Mignon. Ohh, this is too rich!

while true it's the one that the most normies seem to know about behind bitcoin. it's going to pump again whether that's good or bad

what makes you think the price would go down with current speculative demand + future settlements demand
it is a sum, why would more adoption equal to lower price?

Attached: pepexrp.jpg (600x600, 66K)


>cryptocurrency (or crypto currency) is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange that uses strong cryptography to secure financial transactions, control the creation of additional units, and verify the transfer of assets.

yep, xrp looks like a crypto to me
why do you think it isn't?
is it always easier not to have your own opinion?

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>arguing over who is #2

2nd place is just the first loser, user.

>he actually got tricked by ripple's market cap manilpulation

XRP is a token, not even crypto. LMFAO

XRP is banker coin, you want to keep propagating a system that oppresses you?

sigh, Monero is the money of the people


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what people meant is the fact that it is not decentralised defeating the purpose of crypto. Why recreate fiat when we already have fiat?

Ripple has no pow so it's much easier to pump.
Valued at the total supply it was first two times, did you know that?

it looks quite decentralized to me, pic related
what makes you think it isn't?
>Valued at the total supply it was first two times
i don't think that valuation was right
>it's much easier to pump.
that is fucking awesome, xrp pumps like an absolute shitcoin even with such high market cap

Attached: xrp topology.jpg (1591x765, 182K)

Because it's a high velocity token genius.


XRPtards are the absolute dumbest mother fuckers on earth.
>b-but it's locked up in smart contract

But who put it there? Fucking idiots.


>muh centrawleyesayyshun
Came here looking for this low-IQ response. Was not disappointed. Never change, retards. It’s hilarious. Your posts will not age well.

FIAT is controlled by 1% of the population, go fuck yourself cunt

XRP is king. BTC and ETH faggot be gone.

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>Imagine comparing real money to XRP.


Imagine to want to replace money soooo bad but then this other coin pops up and steas your only usecase lmaoooooo

Suicides q2 2019

Lmao lmao lmao

Chink scam gonna die hard

>he still hasn't realized that XRP is a Jew scam
>he unironically thinks banks are going to pump his bags for him
This market can continue shitting itself for quite some time. 7/10 of the top coins are actual scams. The absolute state of crypto.


so this

Attached: 1477017854649.jpg (228x221, 9K)

Hesrd of Jed McCaleb's XRP wallet? Such an amazing coin you can get your XRP frozen anytime the central committee chooses to. Worthless piece of shit disguising as crypto

I have to agree with you, crypto seems to be full of low-iq retards that parrot popular talking points about centralization, forks, etc. Half of these people have never even signed a transaction or sent crypto off an exchange yet they feel entitled to an opinion.

>xrp is so fast it gets lost in a transaction

>xrp is so cold when it hears about jeffmccaleb it gets frozen because of the temperature

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The volume says all you need to know. No one actually uses xrp. Eth and btc are like 5x the volume of xrp. I think someone even posted once that xrp has 5000 daily active wallets. It's literally just a coin with massive supply shilled by Twitter users to hold.

>retard doesn't realize XRP was number 2 for most of the time so it's nothing new.