Guys what does shorting mean

guys what does shorting mean.

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Essentially a black man dancing on bitcoins grave.

its when a group of men whip out their penises to see who has the smallest
the smallest one has for buy lunch

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Shorting = Short Term Profit

you basically buy the little “dips” while it’s on a decline sell every time it goes up a little bit, and repeat.

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I LONG for that lunch!

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its when you grab the first manlet you see and turn him upside down and shake him until everything in his pockets fall out

no one knows, it's like magic

It's when a bear comes out of the woods and instead of killing you he brings you gold

Shorting = "Borrowing" an asset from someone else and selling them immediately, promising them to pay it back later.

If the price goes down, you can buy the assets back for lesser than the amount you paid for borrowing the assets and give them back the assets and pocket the difference.

If the price goes up, you now have to spend more than what you initially used to buy back the same assets to repay the dude you borrowed from.

Shorting in crypto is essentially gambling but go look at bitmex and try the testnet if you really wanna.

The opposite of this concept is "Longing"

Shorting is the only way to make money in Crypto now. Shorting literally is the new paradigm of crypto. I’m going to spread this on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Reddit everything everywhere. Everywhere and everyone, Short short short short short short!!!!! Short to -$0 !!! Until not even 1 penny is left and then the BTC ceo will owe me money :) Did you not hear that everyone is shorting now? Omg like shorting is brilliant! BTC will ofc go down forever. You didn’t think that it would stop going down did you? Didn’t you hear? $3k by end of minute, $2k by end of hour, $1k end of day, and triple digits back to sub $100 end of week!! Shorting is the best way to success!! I’m writing a book on shorting. Shorters, bears and bitmex foreverrrrrr and everrrrre!!!


It's how people start pink wojaking about wanting to kill themselves because they're now in debt because of multiple bad investments in the wrong coin or token.

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Oh yeah and something else that makes shorting/longing potentially lucrative is the ability to do so on margin. So for example you can borrow 10 bitcoin for the price of 1 and then your potential profits are really high. But the higher your leverage, the higher your risk and on bitmex your liquidation price will be very close to your buy-in price.

That's not shorting mate. Shorting is "borrowing" stocks/cryto, then selling them. Then you hope that the price goes down so you can buy the stock/crypto at a lower price than which you "borrowed" them at, then you make profit on the difference. You are betting that the price will go down. If the price goes up, you lose money because you have to provide your own capital to cover the difference when rebuying the stock.

It's gambling no matter what you're shorting. Shorted stocks/crypto count as liability, not equity, and it's all based on short term movements, which are based off trading volume, which in turn is volatile af.

DESU if you're in cryto rn, you probably have some sort of gambling addiction. It's all speculative since even now, everything is overvalued af

Why tf does my phone auto correct desu to desu?

goddamn newfag

Just one thing to add to this; short selling can be expensive. In order to enter a short position, you also have to pay a fee to the brokerage you're borrowing from. Sometimes this is a nominal amount, sometimes it's significant. Availability of shares for short selling also work on a supply and demand basis. If the downwards trend is really strong, you will often find the fee to be pretty high, or sometimes there aren't any shares available at any price. The latter happened to me back in February of this year when I was shorting the dude weed sector. Everybody and their mother wanted to short back then as it was very obvious they were going to retrace 40% or more of their peaks. Which they did.

That's for stocks, mind you. I don't know how the fees work on Bitmex for crypto.

Looking back, shorting BTC when this pasta was still fresh could have been a good idea.

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Jesus christ man, seriously..... This must be why I don’t come to biz anymore.

I barely have 0.1 BTC in my deribit account and I still cringe at this type of shit. I opened the thread expecting some major fail sauce, yet I find myself disappointed regardless.

I’m seriously genuinely curious - which part made all you guys give up, I mean you really couldn’t just type “how to trade bitmex” on youtube and sit through a 10 minute video? Honestly asking. I think I want to try creating a vid or two of my own and make it actually make sense, and not bore you out of your skull so you can actually see the trick to how this shit works.

I’ll tell you all about the fees and everything else that’s different but first I need to figure out the sticking point that everyone gets snagged on. Trading on bitmex should be a second-nature skill for any self-respecting coiner tard.

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it's the opposite of longing, not kidding

huge buy signal

found the clueless newfag. crypto is UNDERVALUED.


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>You borrow funds from a lender (or the exchange) and promise to pay them back with interest.

>Then you sell assets to normie fag that doesn't know the price is gonna drop.

>You buy what you owe at a lower price (the system keeps track of everything automatically) and keep the profit.

More important there is a level where the exchange stops you and takes your collateral when the price goes up too high. Its a scam. Thats why Bitmex gives you high leverage.

>Its a scam.

It's merely a rope. You may hang yourself with it if you wish to do so.

When someone asks if they should buy crypto you say "shor-ting".