How do you deal with a rude or incompetent employee Jow Forums?

how do you deal with a rude or incompetent employee Jow Forums?

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Lol what is that video

impressive screeching

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less caffeine vaping for ginger

fake and gay

Why would he react this way.
This is awful


Kek. This is your average autistic biz NEET working his first job after crypto crashed.

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Well he is, but all he had to do was ignore the dude. As in, don't talk to him if you don't want to sell him stuff.

That dude has some deep-seated mental issues that have nothing to do with Trump. And no I'm not referring to his political views before you make some snide remark about "libtards"

KEK. Trump derangement syndrome strikes again. These people are insane and in a living hell.

He clearly has Trump Derangement Syndrome. There's absolutely zero evidence has another mental disorder beyond that. Occam's razor nigga.



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Back to plebbit my friend. Anyways this guy's problem is he was raised by a single mother, I guarantee it.

>biz would flip out over a trump shirt

nice cope, libtard

holy fugg. Those tards are becomming so deranged they can't even properly function in society anymore. Literally unable to serve a diverse customer base.

Remember lads, if you ever hire some soïboy, be sure that your clients all fit into a certain mold or your fucked basically. The absolute that of these libtards, jesus christ. What the actual fuck.

What company is this?

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Xhale City in Tucker, Georgia

He has no impulse control
Could even be tripolar disorder (separate phases of depression, mania, and rage).
He goes from 10% to 100% so quickly that I'm thinking that's what it is. It's different when you see this sort of person in an anti-Trump protest or something (i.e. in a group setting) vs at their day job - they tend to flip out less quickly. Not so with this lunatic.

Well Paul Ryan was too, and even received financial aid from the government. Seems like he went in the other direction. I don't see any correlation between that and a person's emotional control at adulthood. Having one or more abusive parents (sexually, physically, or verbally/psychologically), however, could absolutely lead to aggressive outbursts like this, along with mental disorders. And yeah, I greentexted your shitpost # on purpose

>The absolute that of these
your lisp is showing

Basedboy ginger is a fag but if they don’t want to sell something to you take your business somewhere else.

hahaha holy shit he was just missing the fedora

probably an atheist too

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retail wagie vs trumpfag vaper, honestly its hard to tell who is more of a cuck.

onions boi

that ginger phentype on males are very prone to psychotic and violent behaviors and can be easily provoked. Literally every ginger I've met in my life that has that phenotype are crazy in some way.



interestingly, the ginger gene originated in neanderthals

Remember this gem?

Maybe it's the constant fucking with they get on a daily basis and some of them just can't handle it

Funny that you mention this. I had a ginger friend back in high school... in general he was a rather nice guy and quite interesting to hang out with because of his ideas. But holy fuck could the dude explode into a storm of pure rage, i've witnessed it twice when he got into a traffic argument. From nothing to berserker barbarian within a split-second lol... so much so that it actually frightened me while i wasnt even the object of his agression.

Has there ever been done any serious research into that phenotype stuff?

>God bless america capitalism wins again


>ginger is an anagram for nigger

Knew a ginger chick who became salutatorian at my HS, and another who was a TA at my college. Both were vegan and mellow as fuck. Maybe it's just dudes then? I think ginger girls might get fucked with less because of their red hair but idk


Its because they get treated like sub humans

Since the ginger is obviously weak and not a good fighter the best thing you can do is just relentlessly make fun of him while recording for content.

So pretty much what the giant dude in the trump shirt did.


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bro.. my best friend used to be ginger when i was like 10-12yo and was usually super calm. but maybe three times i saw him go into like super fucking rage mode, like his face would turn red af and he would get animal eyes and just wreck everything around him in a violent flurry.


It's like a special Olympics wrestling match.

I like the uncomfortable nigger who is unironically the smartest guy un the room


Result of his single mother giving into his every whim.
You can basically see this guy REEEEEing through his entire life and his mom has gotten him whatever he fucking wanted.
Throw into the mix the imaginary hordes of nazis that the news and his friends have been warning against and you have yourself a properly fucked up individual.

Radical centrism and apathy wins again

I want to see the other two Chad vape photos.

>how do you deal with a rude or incompetent employee

well the store fired the libtard

One more tick for reason boyos.

Based Jow Forumstard vs ginger kissless basement neckbear virgin onions boy.

btw, i just noticed this dude isn't ginger. It's just his beard.

it's touch and go but i think you're right. looks like brown hair

Aren't you a little late to the thread, Chaim?

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>do my bidding
this guy is the embodiment of NEET shitposting

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This is why I stay inside.

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>nobody at all larps about politial views on an anonymous message board
Imagine being this retarded


cool story

that's a blast from the past

>Letting politics get in the way of business
>Feeding the troll
>Taking the bait

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Damn why are liberals so mental?

The ginger guy in our group calls his mother a whore and bitch regularly over the phone. One time she called him when she got in a wreck and he told her dont fucking bother him with this dumb shit.


He looks like jackspn palmers retarded brother or is it jackson the basedboy himself?

kek what a psycho piece of shit

I'm the rude employee


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what do you think ragie wagie will do now that he got fired from the vape shop?

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He'll probably join antifa and blame Trump for his misfortunes.

This is how terrorists are made
We did it reddit


>do my bidding
I fuckin choked.

female humor hysteria can get pretty impressive

pretty good, 7.8/10

>tripolar disorder (separate phases of depression, mania, and rage).
You mean like literally everyone?