The average biz poster

>The average biz poster.

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Literally me, except I don't talk about it I just fantasize

Attached: 1541886243700.jpg (1046x1910, 240K)

angry "empowered" fat chick detected

>t. butthurt Stacey that's mad at betas and chads for not giving her all their attention

hello roastie
why not post something valuable? perhaps a womans perspective on a good financial investment?

Based and trappilled

i never liked asian girls but I moved to korea for work and ended up marrying one now my life is ruined


This one is on you. You could have gone to Japan, but you picked the most insufferable feminist kleptocracy on the planet. South Korea is far more fucked than any Western country. Remember the 8 Goddesses.

>the average biz poster wants to have a job
yea no