>The average biz poster.
The average biz poster
Literally me, except I don't talk about it I just fantasize
angry "empowered" fat chick detected
>t. butthurt Stacey that's mad at betas and chads for not giving her all their attention
hello roastie
why not post something valuable? perhaps a womans perspective on a good financial investment?
Based and trappilled
i never liked asian girls but I moved to korea for work and ended up marrying one now my life is ruined
This one is on you. You could have gone to Japan, but you picked the most insufferable feminist kleptocracy on the planet. South Korea is far more fucked than any Western country. Remember the 8 Goddesses.
>the average biz poster wants to have a job
yea no
well of course. we wouldn't have it any other way, right bizbros?
I lived there for a few years, made friends with some married Korean guys. They had horror stories, no wonder they drink so much. Women wear the pants in Korea, as soon as you get married it's game fucking over.
not much to say. the cultural barriers are to big to overcome
i could not have gone to japan. this has nothing to do with feminsm or PGH. Even bringing that up is just fucking retarded.
korean guys will tell you that but i've never found the to be forthright with westerners when it comes to their women. basically every korean guy i've known goes out whoring all the time and treats their wife like a slave. the familail roles are well defined in confucianism and even when they break them, they don't break them. I
Pic related: logo of a prominent South Korean feminist organization/social media group.
>muh depressed and beta
>muh want azn cutie gf
>muh hate chinks and gooks
>t. the average Jow Forumscel
nobody prefers less attractive women over attractive ones though
I was stationed there during my active duty bullshit. I was curious of what it would be like but I only fucked the US female privates. There's just something about having sex with an Asian that's so off putting.
honestly user it's because you're a normalfag. Men of taste prefer asian women. No offense.
Almost had a long term relationship with a cute and very smart mainland Chinese gal who moved to the states, in part, due to me. Got her Master's here.
Alas, I chickened out after my prescription stimulants dried up, the weed increased and fucked it all up. Now the poor girl is stuck here working on a visa. She told me, "user, if I were to do it all again, I would never move here".
Sure did spend a pretty penny when we traveled in the US a bit.
Remove the last panel, then it's good.
that kid looks like such a nerd lol *dabs* i love twitter memes YEEEET
did she suck your dick though?
what am I reading? Why did you ruin that girls life and not just marry her?