I'm trying to start my own bookkeeping business

I'm trying to start my own bookkeeping business.
Jow Forums convinced me to buy a ThinkPad last year (for no real reason), but now I'm going to turn it into my business laptop.

Anyway I know there is some laws about the different usage for regular home software vs business software, so I need some advice.

I'm sure I need other software, but right now I know I need:
>$250 MS Office Home and Business 2019
>$200 Quickbooks 2019
>$300 Acrobat 2017 $300 (to edit PDF's / 2017 is the last desktop version before subscription).

I have a Windows 10 Pro license from eBay, which means I'll probably need an official key for another $150.

Anyway you can see that this is quickly adding up to almost a thousand dollars!
Keep in mind this is financial information, so using pirated software is a no, but I see nothing wrong with cheap software keys, short of getting busted if I get an inspection.

Any advice?

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Learn how to Google search.

Install gento.

probably better off asking on Jow Forums, Jow Forums only knows meme coins

For some strange reason I'm only IP range banned on Jow Forums.

>Mod literally hates you so much he bans you only from the board he mods, so that other mods have to deal with your shit instead

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>Jow Forums convinced me to buy a ThinkPad
either Jow Forums pulled on over on you or they're just fucking retarded.

>Anyway I know there is some laws about the different usage for regular home software vs business software
they're just tax laws as far as I know. just use freeware until you get your business off the ground.

>just use freeware until you get your business off the ground.

Ummm, that won't work. I need the minimum of the software I listed.

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based and manualpilled

>I need the minimum of the software I listed.
or else what? you think Adobe is the only company allowed to edit PDFs?

>or else what? you think Adobe is the only company allowed to edit PDFs?

Okay I'll give you that one. I'll find alternative software for that purpose. Thank you.

For the rest I'll just buy a copy of Office business and Quickbooks. If I ever get inspected I'll just play dumb with the windows license saying the thinkpad was bought used and it already had Pro on it....blah blah blah.

Pirate that shit you fucking retard, I work at a decent company but in the lab. I swear we most have at least 100 computers and all of them pop up "this is not a genuine product" or whatever when you turn them on. No one cares.

>If I ever get inspected
you give yourself too much credit. the tax man doesn't give a shit about tiny one man shops that are probably going to flop anyways.

This. I literally do work for M$ on directly on pirated versions of their shit and they do not give a fuck. It is only when you reach a certain size that you have to worry about actually buying software licensees, lol.

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I just want to do everything I can on the up and up, but I guess I'm already boned with an eBay Windows license.

Just all I see are costs now. I'l probably never find any clients making this business a bust anyway. Fuck.

wtf are you doing? you're supposed to find your clients before you spend money on them.

I want to incorporate and get insurance first. Though I won't get offices until I get clients.

For the clientele I need they basically require this stuff before you can get work.

1. Pirate everything, cause why the fuck not.
2. If you pirate everything, you can't trust shit.
3. Windows Key from Ebay is fine.
4. Thinkpad is chinese shit.

who the fuck buys home and business, you get a 365 sub for $5 from ebay

>365 sub
I don't want 365. It is just me. No need for cloud junk.

>I want to incorporate and get insurance first
you talking about book keeping right? why would you need either of these?
>Though I won't get offices until I get clients.
you definitely don't need an office, ever.


then stay poor brainlet

I got to go to bed, but I'll answer your question.

Basically companies usually won't hire any outside help without knowing they are insured. You have to provide certificates of insurance. Furthermore being a corporation just makes things easier. I mean do you want to give your social security number to every place you have a client? There are other major benefits of being a corporation like with 401k contributions and other stuff I don't have time to go into it.

Look at it this way with the office. Would you hire sole propertier Joe that has no insurance and works from home or Joe who is incorporated, has an office and is fully insured?

>getting memed by Jow Forums to get a memepad
>get a chiclet one, not an actual keyboard one
t. T420

You can get freeware doing all of that.

CPA here

Everything about this thread is hilarious

>autistic thinkpad
>rangebanned from Jow Forums
>bookkeeper with "please activate this software" and "free trial expired" pop ups all over his shitpad

>I have a Windows 10 Pro license from eBay, which means I'll probably need an official key for another $150.
Why's that?
an OEM key is fine (cdkeys or kinguin etc)
your ebay license might as well be one of those
they should be 20$
note that they do come without support, that's why they're so cheap

>thinkpad is Chinese shit

Ok so what do you use mr hacker?

Is that the best thinkpad?

Thunkpads are great. Quickbooks is eh, Ive been seeing Xero used and imo its the best for small businesses. Pirating Acrobat might be a good idea, 300 usd for it is a ripoff.

t. Cpa from audit, and has a gf with a bookeeping/consulting company

Oh yeah, it is ex gf..

Fresh install Windows. If ThinkPad already had Win7 Pro and above then download the windows 10 media creation tool and install that shit - basically considered a free upgrade. This is legit and I've used it on 2nd hand business computers often. If you have home edition of Windows 10, then upgrade is about 99 dollars using their upgrader. Or find the cheaper sealed key online and fresh install.

Often times "traveling CPAs" will work with small\medium sized businesses using their Quickbooks.

Approach small businesses around town to see if there is even a market for your skill set.

Look into a second monitor that can rotate from horizontal to vertical. CPAs love that feature for long tax forms.

Thinkpad really needs 8 GB of RAM. Not sure on generation of CPU you have. I5 should be fine. Acrobat and QB 2019 are real hogs anyway and take forever to load. SSD would be a very worthy upgrade.

Your "cheap software keys" are usually illegitimate. They may activate once then never work again. Careful where you buy.

Source: IT consultant for lots of CPAs big and small.

Depends on the market you're in. I'm in a small shithole town in podunk Kentucky. I can't throw a mouse without hitting a computer with QB installed on it. They all fell for the QB meme.

Larger CPAs around town have Ultratax, every version of Quickbooks, etc. Hated managing their shit Small Business Servers with all this damn software installed - was a pain.

The move to cloud services has it's drawbacks, but it's been an interesting move. There is always some yokel that needs help so job security is good.