Coinbase's terms and conditions were updated and will go into effect January 31st, 2019...

Coinbase's terms and conditions were updated and will go into effect January 31st, 2019. Same day that BAKKT is launching.

Mega pump incoming 2019. Golden bull run. Everyone keeps saying "Bullrun won't happen until 2020" because they don't want you to buy now.

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Some shit is up for sure, but we don't know yet, OP.

This thread was slid to page 4 VERY fast. Look at all the unrelated topics like "penis size thread" on Jow Forums. This is happening.

Can we get this thread stickied?

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Agreed. There are a lot of indicators outside the news that are also showing that we are going to go full on bull.


Attached: 4a.webm (1280x720, 1.24M)

More slide threads already being made to try to hide this thread:

They know


i dont think its going to do much, we still need more lightning penetration and merchant adoption isn't going to ramp up just because of scaling tech either.

the only good that can come out of it is if it helps push the balance away from all of these alts back into bitcoin, maybe that would encourage larger buyers that the market isn't a complete irrational joke full of retail traders.

anything special in the terms and conditions?

Confused as to why bitcoin is the key, 10 min confirmations. lightening would require complicated infrastructure on top of infrastructure, whereas something like ripple makes a whole lot of sense and already works for remittance. bitcoin will die, but not crypto/coins - eth wont win either. Not shilling xrp, just saying it makes a fuckton more sense though.

because nobody actually uses xrp, and being centralized banks want nothing to do with it. it also has a completely broken distribution, which means long term it simply can't hold its value.

xrp is the kind of a coin that will survive in a zombie state for years precisely because one company holds the keys.

when do we price in?

you are idiots lmao, they are going to pump the price because you are going to fomo in and then they will short the top and dump to 2k

to clarify, banks want nothing to do with bitcoin either, but if it gets popular enough, they'll be forced to at least offer services relating to it, so they can continue skimming the top.

xrp just isn't capable of getting that user base because the selling point is only towards short term speculators, and ripple dont want to target those, but banks and institutions, which so far have unilaterally rejected xrp for obvious reasons.


This ?
What makes you think this is anything ?
What changed ?

Bakkt got delayed until march

while its interesting how quick it was slid on the page list please tell me you use catalog? Anyway the bull run could start early and just run right into the halving taking place in 2020, plus smart contracts taking off at the same time, etfs, more futures etc