Cardano pumping

wtf I love trannies now?

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Tranny got booted off so now the coin has value.

>Tranny got booted off so now the coin has value.
really? fuck brb checking if instagram is still actice to determine likelihood of suicide

sadly the tranny is well alive and well fucked in the head. rebecca valentine twitter for anyone curious

Attached: ADA.jpg (214x583, 18K)

Disgusting. Post-natal abortion should be legal in this case

She isn't hurting anyone by this. Why do biz autists get so worked up over a random person making arbitrary life decisions that don't affect them at all.

They are trying to subvert the natural order and are turning our society into a mockery of God and nature.

>he isn't already all in on Cardano

Is it gay to watch porn where the tranny fucks women?

Gotta blame someone for your lack of success in life.

Fucking neck yourself

>subvert the natural order
Natural order also involves you dying at 30 from cholera and your wife being stolen and made into a sex slave by an invading tribe

>mockery of God and nature
God doesn't exist and nature is an asshole, see above.

It's not pretty but if trannies want to ruin their bodies who gives a fuck, there's plenty of body mod / tattoo freaks ruining their bodies already that nobody gives a fuck about, not to mention millions of fatties and drug users ruining their bodies which we seem to give 1/100th as much of a fuck about as we do about trannies. At least after cutting your dick off you can still come to work and bang out some code, can't say the same for terminally obese and heroin addicts

it's as straight as it gets,if you want to watch intercourse

Any decent person thinks those people are degenerates too.

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> Xe took the bait

Attached: Screen Shot 2017-12-23 at 18.25.09.png (1052x930, 188K)

T kike

wow nice, its the defender of natural order
what a hero

of all bag holders, I believe ADA bag holders are the worst

Charles' dick is waiting..

havent you noticed everythings been pumping?

cardano has a terrible token distrubution that essentially ever prevents it from reaching bitcoin or even ethereum levels of growth. that and its tech doesn't actually give you anything you cant already get elsewhere.

As with all good things it just takes time. Honestly imagine Bitcoin 100k, where do you think ADA stands relative to Bitcoin in that scenario? I've done my research and this coin won't ever be number 1 but it'll always be top 10.