Daily reminder that 1 percent of men fuck 99 percent of women

Last night, I was hanging out with a chick and it being Friday night both my tinder and bumble were popping off.

This one hottie messaged me and told me to ditch my current date for her, and I told her no. We continued chatting and I tried an honest approach. Pic related

We are gonna hang out tonight.

This is what life is like being a Chad. I'm not even Chad looking. I'm just not a slob, don't give a fuck what anyone thinks and am brutally honest.

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>normie fucks 2 nights in a row
>brags to a bunch of incels, fatties, autists and tech nerds

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it’s literally the other way around
99% of people have sex

we are the 1%. now fuck off normaltrash

> scoring on tinder
Wow what a great flex, we're all so impressed. Can you pretty please give us some game tips? I can't believe I'm lucky enough to be in this thread.

Everyone has advice on how to be a chad. But can anyone give advice on how to get rich? I would rather be too 1% wealth than top 1% attractiveness

As soon as I gave up on women when I realize how they think (because I just don't have it in me to be a douchebag to anyone in-person), that's when they started hitting on me on a regular basis.
And now I can't return their affections. The more I try to ignore them, the more they bother me

She’s gonna cut off your dick or at least circumcise you in your sleep

Nice try. Chad only fucks hot chicks not 99% of women. shoo shoo normie

Pro tip: Chad doesn't hang out on Jow Forums bragging to autists about fucking 6s on tinder. Even using tinder in 2018/19 is cringe. There is nothing but bottom of the barrel stragglers on there at this point. You're a loser.

On an indonesian basket weaving forum, no less.

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I see the numbers.. they speak to me.

What do you put on your profile & what pics do you use? Never used the apps before but figure it could be worth if you could get a sloot every other weekend that's attractive

My profile literally only says "let's keep it simple".

I post shirtless pictures and pictures of me skydiving, swimming in front of waterfalls, etc.

being this jelly

Chads dont try to brag on biz let alone know wtf this board is


Sounds legit, thanks. How long have you used these for? Do you normally get like 1 a week or is your post the average week lol

I usually keep about 5 girls on rotation. Stop seeing one when she gets either annoying in person or lazy in bed or someone else excites me more.

Get about 30 matches in an average week and maybe 3-5 that I actually want to pursue. I get a lot more if I right swipe on everyone but then you have to filter through a lot more trash to get to the good ones.

I don't even live in a large city. When I travel for work and go somewhere like Atlanta I easily get 100-200 matches over a weekend.

do you think this is extra ordinary?
tinder is the same for everyone
cheap and easy sluts

Cool, I definitely need to try this. I'm assuming you stay fit and the pics imply you got your shit together.

Last question would be your age then, I'm assuming later 20s early 30s.

I'd really love moving to Japan just in order to fit in with the supposed ~50% of millennial virgins (both men and women). How long until the west ends up in a similar state?

>do you think this is extra ordinary?
>tinder is the same for everyone
not when you are an autistic shut-in

user are you me?

Looking for women is to much effort.
dream women are better, breaking womens hearts is bad karma


My face is too ugly/unchadly (im working on my body though) to get very many matches. my game is better in person for this reason

yeah good for you OP but what if you want a faithful wife to settle down with? all these whores are out of control and we are basically living in pussy communism, you have to share your bitch with everybody. good luck trying to find a wife thats not gonna cheat on you, even Chad gets cucked.

How do these encounters work? Do you bring her to your place and hang out for a while, feel the situation out and then initiate, or do you just dive right in and start ravishing her?

Maybe you are simply the wrong kind of nice? In that you are what some call a "beta orbiter," playing the rule of an actual submissive butler. Rather than being dominantly "nice." When it's perfectly rational, that to every negative thing (rape tears turning males on), there is also a positive counter-part (tears of bliss turning males on), that are merely the result of your upbringing or your interpretation. When both can be dominant. And then it's perfectly rational to assume for women to think the same way... (of course dumb tinder sluts with shitty parental or cultural upbringing, who then maybe also watch rape porn, won't understand the latter)

OP here. I genuinely met a girl with a rape fantasy once. She asked me to go sit in my car and wait 15 minutes until she was laying in bed (pretending to be asleep). The back door and the bedroom door would both be unlocked. She wanted me to break in and sneak into her room and hold her down while she actively fought against me. She wanted me to hit her and hold her down as she struggled with all her might to get free.

I was about twice her size so it was perfect.

Honestly, it was one of the hottest things I've ever done and I'm literally getting hard right now thinking about it. She loved it and was so wet the entire time.

What is it with girls and rape fantasies?

its not like that for me

It's literally in their DNA to submit

It varies, honestly. Some girls dive Right in. I met a new one 3 weeks ago and we had our tongues down each other's throats within about 60 seconds of meeting. Others I sometimes take out to drinks first. It all depends on what the girl is most comfortable with.

I travel for work and I've had multiple tinder and bumble girls show up to my hotel room and we go right to business. Something about showing up to a stranger's hotel room must be extremely exciting for these girls, because I honestly have had more women willing to show up to my hotel than to my actual residence. Usually they want to get coffee or drinks before going to my actual home.

That girl sounds pathetic. I'm short on this relationship

JFC women are retarded
I bet they fell for the rich traveller bullshit, or whatever. perhaps they just love the risk.

I don't think he cares

>She wanted me to break in and sneak into her room and hold her down while she actively fought against me. She wanted me to hit her and hold her down as she struggled with all her might to get free.
why wouldn't you be scared of her recording all of that and sending you to prison for rape? how would you make sure that something like that wouldn't happen?

also, what's your job?

>What is it with girls and rape fantasies?
shitty/cowardly father/no father imho
they never experienced a strong, manly, alfa man father that is strict, but also regularly able to kneel down to a ~7yo daughter, raising her up in his strong hairy arms to tell her she is his little princess and the prittiest little girl in the whole world. If a woman will not experience this in her childhood, her self-image is forever damaged, she will histerically demand to be worshipped as queen in adulthood to catch up on something she cannot express in words, while in fact, deep down feeling like ugly subhuman trash unworthy of love, because she received none from who she expected the most - her own father.

That's not what millenial women think they're about. She's after dick to feel desired.

This made me laugh

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The text messages and conversations that I recorded with her explaining exactly what she wanted to have happen (pretty much minute by minute) would be more than enough to protect me.

Also I'm an engineer, in a mangement position. That helps a little, I guess but I get laid just as much as I was in college. Maybe the women are a bit hotter and smarter.

>having sex with strangers is cool and exciting

in reality it is actually extremely stressful and awkward unless you're drunk. not to mention the STD issue because using a condom sucks

t. someone who was chad for a brief part of his life

This is shallow, narcissistic behavior. Women are stupidly easy to manipulate. There's no glory in doing so.

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Very good OP,
this behaviour of mixing sexual fluids with many women leads to the genetic destruction of society as microchimerism takes hold and women become a literal genetic blender of low quality mishmash DNA syrup.
Then mix this with the resentment that the 99% feel as they learn about your behaviour, and yes, indeed we have a societal upheaval on our hands.

Say it ain't so.

All deviants will be excommunicated.

this, Chads wont feel so smug on the Day of the rope anymore

These types of men don't care about society or communal well-being.

They're hollow.

I another chainlink holder, I presume? We marines like to live a flamboyant life yes.

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The hollow within must be defeated, and the hollow without must be destroyed.

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Think about it, a rape fantasy is an experience of overwhelming sexual power that the woman controls... its a fantasy!

Real rape on the other hand, she has no control over, that’s why it’s terrible.

this whole thread especially op's larp is so fucking cringe

Its fucking disgusting.
This is how aids and stds spread.

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OP's results assuming not a LARP are extremely unusual, though maybe he makes it sound easier than it actually is. Case in point, the catfish experiments demonstrate the thirst and desperation of the average male on Tinder.

If they're unusual why do they happen to me on a weekly basis?

Never because we have niggers (more and more of them) and they fuck like rabbit and when they don't we just import more of them.
If you look closely at the medias you will notice that hypersexualization is mostly a non-white thing, Nicki Minaj, Beyonce, Kardashian, male rappers, etc...

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>fucking caked beaners and negroes
Literally nothing to brag about.

I regret not having a bigger social media presence or taking a lot of pictures. Cant get shit on tinder without those.

I dont get the point in dating women anymore
its not really that im mad about them having lots of sex. Its the fact that they have sex with uninteresting douchebags like these people have not accokpolished anything worthwhile at all, not fun to be around, yet women let their bodies to be tainted by them.

i dont know. if all women have been tainted by douches like OP, I dont see the point in pursuing.

I've had success despite having zero social media and almost no pics. Luckily I'm fit and decent looking. However, it's a major grind.

Pretty sad all these women have sex with strange men on tonder instead of saving themselves for marriage. And then they complain that men dont marry anymore, like bitch whos ganna want to marry the town bike?

OP here again.

Here's another trick I use.

Try to get these girls Snapchat ASAP. Find the ones who really want to hang out and tell them you're too busy. Post pictures on your Snapchat story at the beach and post pictures of your food with someone clearly sitting opposite of you, but to where you can't tell if it's a guy or a girl.

This really gets them wet. You're too busy for them because you're out having fun.

Then one night at 9pm text them that you're lonely and Bam, they'll come right over and fuck you and then you can choose whether or not you want to continue hanging out with the girl or ghost her.

Remember, the thing that makes a woman the most wet is her own imagination. If she knows other girls want to fuck you and that you're in high demand, she will consistently put out.

What city is this

Getting into the top 1% of wealth requires just as much luck as top 1% of looks.
Basically, you're either born with it or not.

>Business and Finance

you really are a smart guy.
thanks for the advice.

Having ones balls drained regularly at acceptable quality is essential for growing wealth

dont do it. its like squeezing blood from a rock

larp city

Unironically, it's not lol

fucking 5-7s on tinder is easy as long as you're not fat, are capable of talking to females, not fat and have 3 OK pictures.
Everything else can be learned in a couple days by reading basic PUA text-game bullshit.

Letting succubus thots steal your essence will lower your drive to succeed.

Pretty much, and I'm kind of fat but muscular

This, I haven't left my house in months, except for food. I haven't spoken out loud in days perhaps weeks.

And I still think OP is more pathetic for trying to impress me of all people.

But what if she was in talks with another dude, then, that night, lured him there and told him that she was fearing for her life because some dude on the internet said he was going to rape her. Then, once he was in her room, asked him if he could lay in bed with her so she feels safer.
A few minutes later, you "break in" through the back door.

You could've lost your life and at that point who cares who goes to jail or whatever - you'd be dead

Yup. I did a turbe-tinder phase. Now its kind of boring. Keeping a constant rotation of 5 is too time consuming.
2 decent FWB satisfy all my sexual needs.

Finding a reproduction worthy gf is the actual hard part. Propaganda tricked neets into thinking the banging part was hard.

Something's wrong with my pics, I fucking never match

>acts like nun around you
>acts like this around the top 2%

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are i kidding user?

i wouldnt fuck any of that

and that you dont understand this simple concept buffles me, but hey whatever gets you off.

OP lets see a screencap or i am calling larp

Why don't you get married instead of fucking all these different girls? You may be Chad but you're mentally and morally frail.

normies like to fuck

simple as that

Usually if you aren't good looking, you are at least smart. It's rare to be both ugly and dumb in white societies.

Got nice white girls too :)

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The chainlink lifestyle

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am i doin it rite?

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Fucking niggers gtfo this board with your Tinder bullshit

Why should i use tinder instead of just girls at the local grocery store?

Aw bby can’t get a match :*(

To get laid not banned from local store

> el atrocidad

I make it clear in my profile that I want to tie up and slap girls, so my matches are pre-filtered. Harder to do in a grocery store


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Who cares my dude I would be honored to die fighting. Besides, your scenario makes no sense cuz the roastie has no motive to do that.

they are attracted to men who fuck a lot of women. so thats what they do, fuck those men. they think they can get chad to commit by fucking him good enough but dont realize it wont work. they try again and again until they fail and get knocked up by chad and get a cuck boyfriend. they also think because they like promiscuous men then men must like promiscuous women