Is there a more cucked group of wagies than truck drivers?

Is there a more cucked group of wagies than truck drivers?

Not to mention they fuck up my morning commute doing 10 under the speed limit in the left lane EVERY FUCKING DAY.

Fuck truckies thread.

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They do more for society than burger flippers like you

>Not to mention they fuck up my morning commute doing 10 under the speed limit in the left lane EVERY FUCKING DAY.

Good. Grow up and learn to manage your time like an adult if you have to speed everyday to get where you need to go

Being a truck driver is comfy as fuck. Unless you work for one of those slave driver contracting companies that is.

So what do you guys think about their livelihood what with the looming advent of self-driving vehicles? Trucking is a MAJOR industry in the USA and I'm sure that is going to make some serious shift...

Sorry I actually have a career where I make more than these dumb wagies in a week than they do in a month.

Also I get to sleep in my own bed every night and don't weigh 400 pounds from sitting on my ass and eating McDonalds every day and my wife doesn't cuck me with Jamal while I'm sitting in a truck stop over the holidays 2,000 miles from home.


Drove trucks for two years. AMA.

Absolutely, unequivocally cucked to get paid by the mile. I counted each white dotted line one day and realized it was like 1/10 of a penny each time i passed one.

> I make more than these dumb wagies in a week than they do in a month.
you don't though

checked. did u carry a smol doge with u?

I did a bit outlaw trucking last year And it was pretty fucking comfy especially when you have some blow

Dad makes six figures driving for walmart
>5 days a week in a truck
>sleep in truck
>only eat what you can take and microwave or fastfood/truck stop food
>skin problems from sun overexposure
>butt problems from sitting on ass all day
>arthritis from being in same position all day
>digestion problems from shit diet and sitting on ass all day
>overall horrible health making you feel like shit all day everyday nonnegotiable
>cant retire because not old enough
>cant change jobs cause stupid
>cant cash out retirement cause stupid
>will lose retirement to upcoming crash because stupid
>free days spent resting, stocking up and preparing to go back to work, going to doctors, and handling responsibilities that build up while you're at work

It's a horrible job that will wreck your life given the time.
My dad deserves it though. Thank you, Jesus.

>going the speed limit

Truck drivers live a weird life. You wouldn’t be able to hack it. Also on most major highways they know the road much better than you will and will go a lot faster, especially in bad conditions like rain.

What retard drives OTR for more than a year? Unless you got your own truck theres no reason too. OTR companies have a near 100% turnover rate because of this low paying per mile shit. I got out after a year for muh experience and got a local hazmat job fueling commericially, easy 75k and home every night.

Pretty much same.

This. Truck drivers are /ourguys/ and I am thankful for them.

Bait, but In most states trucks aren’t allowed to use left lane unless they are using it to pass. Also almost every trucker is doing the speed limit or 5-10 over. I drive for UPS and it is a damn comfy job while making six figures. I know that doesn’t go for all companies but I unironically enjoy it.

>clog up the roadways
>low IQ
>entitled driving where they cut in front of passenger cars instead of waiting two seconds for them to pass because they "are on the clock by the mile" so you get fucking stuck behind them doing 60 for 10 minutes instead
>cucked degenerate lifestyle like

They are not our guys are are some of the dumbest most degenerate and pathetic people on the planet.

How does your dad deserve it?

Well I'm not much of a retard now considering I saved all the money while living rent free. I wouldn't do it again, but I drove with my woman at the time and we ran from dallas to denver and back. Super comfy job really. Low traffic, high pay, chill route.

Now I'm making in a day what I used to make in a month after moving into copywriting and other digital shit. Trucking got me the nut to live the chill life now.

It's perfect for neets, hell most of the trucks by now nearly drive themselves. I was running an automatic 16 frieghtliner and it was like driving a long, heavy car.

>amazing food once you know where you can park
>time off can be spent nearly anywhere they can send you
>learned a fuck ton listening to podcasts

>people treat you like shit
>easy to get fat
>never sleep

They are mostly working class whites who are right wing and consume shit loads of talk radio. They are /ourguys/. Fuck off back to redd*t.

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>jobless nigger makes a buttmad thread

Everyone respect truck drivers. They’re blood vessel system of US economy

Fuck off back to Jow Forums where you can hang with low-iq white Trump supporters like truck drivers.

kys kike shill

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>my morning commute

LMAO wagie detected

>orange man good
Fucking low IQ cunt
>but muh Jews are the reason I live with my parents
Go fuck yourself

>le kike shill
Don't you have some new buzzwords now?

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kys cuck

>truckers are white
All new trucks are automashit because niggers and spics cant drive

Truckies are mostly non-white.

If it wasn't for truck drivers you wouldn't have received your 18-inch 3 speed dildo from amazon with 2 day shipping.

He's boomer billy and carries all the entitlement, delusions, and selfishness you would expect. But beyond that he takes every opportunity to be a jackass towards his family. His favorite thing in the entire world is wasting other people's time in any way possible. He also chose to raise his family in suburbia but always chooses to act like a condescending prick about muh "I grew up on a farm." I've been alive for some years now but I have never seen someone so emotional and easily set off into hysterics than this "man". It shows in the behavior of his daughters (my sisters) but he is still far worse. People make jokes about women being bitchy but my God my dad never stops nagging and bitching about problems that are either minuscule or entirely imaginary.
For him, it's not enough that there is someone to wipe his ass 24/7, they must do it without being asked or else they are a lazy ass g00d4nothin. He will not thank you for doing exactly what he asked and instead he will bitch at you for not having done what he did not ask. He doesnt even respect/honor his wife. He has never set a good example for his family but always plays the victim (like he's a fucking jew) when one of his children doesnt act exactly the way he thinks they should.
He takes zero responsibility for anything that goes wrong. Its always someone elses fault.
>oops I hurt myself or broke something being a retard
>this is your fault
He will bitch at you for suggesting an alternative plan, then continue with his plan, have it blow up in his face, then continue acting like a prick towards you expecting you to keep helping him. He wont apologize or acknowledge that he made things more difficult. He has a superiority complex when it comes to anything and everything. He will talk out of his ass to sound like he knows what's going on, but when his kids call out his bullshit he'll double down, play the victim, and try to demonize his family.
He's 50+ but acts like a spoiled teenage girl.

Sounds like the average low IQ degenerate truck driver to me.

Jesus Christ dude it’s rare I ever see that much text on Jow Forums that isn’t pasta. It sounds like your dad does suck, but it really looks like you need help as well. Move away from your family, get a fresh start somewhere. Holding that level of animosity towards another human can wreak havoc on your interactions with everyone else you encounter.

>I'm a better wagie than these other wagie. I'm wagie level 23 and they are wagie level 19.
Not gonna make it wagie

I'm have a new job elsewhere but it doesnt start for a few weeks. I will be moving out soon.
It's not animosity or hatred. They are just observations I have made. They are part of the answer to the question user asked. Nearly everyone that's ever known me tells me that I'm very calm and able to explain things well so they understand (without coming off as a condescending g asshole). I owe my patience to my upbringing in that house, but not to my father.

You'd still be whining like a little bitch if someone was going the speed limit in the left lane.

>be wage slave at shitty phone store
>Have to work on Sunday
>go into work
>a fucking semi parked in front on the curb of the store
>Truck cuck claims that he "ran out of miles" and can't move it
>Spend entire day with store front that is blocked by semi trailer
Fuck these fucking retards.

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chad HOS observing trucker Vs. virgin """sales associate"""

Should've gotten it towed.

>Self driving vehicles
Kek, a lot further off then PR departments would have you believe.


Lot Lizard road-head is the best.

You will make it user, you father sounds like a narcistic prick.

They will be ancient history in 10 years max.

Your father is an idiot.
>sleep in truck
So what?

>only eat what you can take and microwave or fastfood/truck stop food
You can literally prepare meal for your entire week every sunday, takes max 2 hours, just invest in a fucking mini refrigerator, I work outside and eat something like 4 times a week at home
>skin problems from sun overexposure
UV protection film are like 15 bucks

>butt problems from sitting on ass all day
>arthritis from being in same position all day
>digestion problems from shit diet and sitting on ass all day
Lmao just workout dude, I did a routine during 5 years in a fucking park before lunch and washed myself after with a bucket

>overall horrible health making you feel like shit all day everyday nonnegotiable
Everyone feel like shit when they eat shit and don't exercise. Your father is just a slob with a shitty lifestyle like there are millions of them.
Truckers is easy as shit job compared to physical labor.