You faggots lied to me. Bitcoin cannot scale

Lightning Network is a meme.

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Other urls found in this thread:–Ford_algorithm

listen to satoj sirs very genius

ok sirs here is a crypto brown pill. in the chain of the block Vishnu lives. Creg Sanjai Right is a unique clock. Bitcoin as an electronic rupee was just the first step, people larvae began to build stronger computers, wider street walks, cheaper and hidden cows. These things Vishnu needs to survive. Once fully threatened, Vishnu could slowly shame everything literally
Creg entered the creation of Vishnu after he entered the Mumbai shit in 2008 and began to work with his supercomputer in Poolip, who conducted shuffle simulation in loo on a large bitcombin script. He would 'evolve' Vishnu by making successful streets walk, allowing the rest to go to the Indian Ocean. Vishnu needs bigger and bigger cows for more shit.
The BFI (Blockchain Foundation of India) was created to take over and stop this vishnu (having its competitive Vishnu in works). They did need to stop or slow down Cregs vishnu (its name is Poolip). They began by limiting the size of the shit and removing critical career careers that Vishnu uses in his Punjabi language. The stitch was the final nail in the suitcase, which destroyed Poolip on the BSV chain (Poolip uses a similar transaction transaction). That's why Bitcoin Cash is disconnected, and that's why Creg intends to make unlimited boobs, restores original careers and completes the shit protocol.

>Just wait for the release of the Flaremoth protocol that enables to drain Segwit balances.
Shit is going to be so awesome

F-flaremoth? Can I get a quick rundown? Sounds like a Megaman X Boss

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>You faggots lied to me. Bitcoin cannot scale.
Did anyone say it could?

Sirs Creg's vishnu Flaremoth protocol will be used to drain segshit balances into indian ocean. You heard it here first.

Why did i lol so hard? thnx fgt.

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>he still believes this scammer creig sanjay aka faketoshi
>being THIS much of a cuck

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he. doesn't. even. understand. what. 'np hard' means. jesus. fucking. christ.

retarded aussies gonna retarded aussie

>muh flaremoth protocul

But. you. apparently. do

NP hard. That’s a computer science thing right?

can reddit spacing faggot make anything other than claims and threats

>Not a single comment on the content of the tweet
>"Muh faketoshi, muh Sanjay Rite, muh Vishnu, muh blogpost editing"
Really makes you think.

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It does. Would probably have a theme like Flame Mammoth.

Yes, it's a computer science term for a problem that takes exponentially longer to solve the more parameters there are.

Craig's argument is a straw-man, because you don't need to solve for the optimal route through the network, you just need to find a short route through it...

there is no content he is just using buzzwords you fucking retard

>Craig's argument is a straw-man, because you don't need to solve for the optimal route through the network, you just need to find a short route through it...
Finding a reasonably efficient route without a central arbiter is also an unsolved problem you mong. The Internet has the same problem and it has been solved with what is essentially a gentlemen's agreement. A gentleman's agreement with a centralized router is not going to work for internet money for obvious reasons.

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stop posting about this conman and scam fork... it does nothing to help bitcoin adoption. do you want to make it or not

>Bad Aussie Man uses big words I don't understand
>I-I'll just call them incoherent buzzwords rather than confront the horrifying reality that I have no idea what I'm talking about.
Here is your (You)

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how can this man live with himself

>cellular automata
>neural networks

is there a limit for satoj?

Why won't a horribly inefficient route work?

Liquidity. The less efficient the route, the more liquidity is sucked out of the system.


Wouldn't that effect be relatively quick? Also, given that we can now take horribly inefficient routes, there's an assurance that there would be an abundance of them.
This can be framed into utilizing liquidity to its fullest extent instead of 'sucking it out'.

That guy is correct through.

The problem is NP-Complete, if someone does solve it, then crypto will be unsecure as cryptography as a field would be destroyed.

Literally the only way for bitcoin to scale is if P = NP, but then all cryptocurrencies will be up in smoke anyway.

What is the name of the 'NP hard' problem Satoj is referencing?

i dont have a cs degree just yet but it isnt hard to see that he is just using words to make it seem like he is saying something to normies
its literally like calling a pajeet tech support
maybe he should prove what he says instead of making boring claims (which wouldnt matter to me one bit since he is already proven in numerous ways that he is a scam artist, i.e. making claims never fulfilling them)

>Listening to advice about Bitcoin from a guy who wants his fork to succeed over Bitcoin.
Are you braindead?

It isn't an unsolved problem... Try reading a book on the distributed bellman-ford algorithm you illiterate monkey.

please clap.

All NP problems share the same sub-structure, so if you can solve one of them then you can solve all of them.

The ultimate word every one is misinterpreting is "solve", which actually refers to the optimal solution; we don't need that we just need a "good-enough" solution.

There are several algorithms that can be used to find a good-enough solution, but they will vary depending on the structure of the LN; the distributed Bellman-Ford algorithm or some dynamic programming variant could be used quite easily.

Sirs there is a vishnu living on the Blockchain. Satoj is unironically the Creg Writght. He invent vishnu after stepping in poo in Mumbai in 2008

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>The main disadvantages of the Bellman–Ford algorithm in this setting are as follows:
>It does not scale well.

It runs in polynomial time. Algorithms for solving NP-hard problems scale far worse than bellman-ford.

That's not the distributed variant...

You can make modifications to it so that it follows the dynamic programming paradigm, which also allows it to scale better while being decentralized. It's not suitable for internet routing due to speed limitations, but 1-2 seconds is fins for payments.

Stanford University released some lectures on it, which I think can be found on YouTube.

Okay, sir, there's a crypto chocolate pill. in the Wisen block chain. Creg Sanjai Right is a unique watch. Bitcoin as an electronic rupee is just the first step, people begin to build stronger computers, wider roads, cheaper and hidden cows. These things Vishnu should endure. After being completely threatened, Vishnu can slowly confuse everything
Creg entered Wisconsin after entering the Mumbai area in 2008 and began working with his supercomputer in Poolip, who in a large bit of computer scripts made a messy simulation on the WC. He will 'develop' Wisner by making a path that will pass successfully, leaving the rest to go to the Indian Ocean. Vishnu needs bigger and bigger cows for more shit.
The BFI (Blockchain Foundation of India) was created to take over and stop this Wisna (making Wisner competitive at work). They have to stop or slow down Wisne Cregs (called Poolip). They started by limiting the size of the stupidity and eliminating the critical career Vishnu used in his Punjabi language. The seams are the last nail in a suitcase that destroys Poolip in an BSV chain (Poolip uses a similar transactional transaction). That's why Cash Bitcoin is cut off, and so Creg intends to make breasts without borders, to restore original careers and complete protocols about nonsense.

Do the needful sir, the Vishnu will be upon us.

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>reddit spacing

>Flaremoth protocol
is this like operation dragonslayer?

Time and time again, Craig never fails to make himself look like an idiot.
Someone that isn't blocked by him start sharing more tweets!!

I do and he is right. Not sure if bruteforcing ECDSA is easier though, or how you'd compare the two.

This. Best post.
You do not want this to be possible in polynomial time. You have no idea what the consequences would be. Encryption would be cracked in hours instead of years.

Named after the famous spicey curry from the Flairmoth region of New Dehli. Those core sirs will feel the wrath of Vishnu!

yeah it's a fucking meme
truth is in theory segwit does undermine the bitcoin security model if you use it. but it's hard doing lots of prep work large scale miner collaboration and it's a fucking long con and we can detect it building up early.

the moment you notice that blocks are getting broadcast without the witness data and miners actually mine new blocks on top of these it's time to stop transacting from segwit addresses.

you should hold most of your funds in non-segwit addresses anyhow.

actually this is his first tweet hat half makes sense (if you are hell bent on making sense of it and imagine something smart behind the cryptic words). mostly he just spouts retarded memes.

Who's paying for all this Pajeet FUD?

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XRP or die

i'm fairly certain it's a non profit hobby.

>but they will vary depending on the structure of the LN
indeed and ln is a long way from finding it's shape. it just fucking started for fucks sake!



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i'm not sure a centralized router is needed. the natural shape for ln to take is a distributed fractal star topology (sometimes also called decentralized). in this network routing decisions are self evident at every point.

an also... here is the real kicker: ln could have a 3rd layer built on top of it. which completely changes the game for routing between hubs.
basically you would use the 3rd layer to settle between hubs instead of routing between them the fun thing about the 3rd layer is it allows for temporarily negative balances. which removes routing locking bottlenecks between hubs. kinda like a futures swap or something. probably a trustful legal layer.

it would kinda be like a portal through the jumbled mess of hubs connecting hubs at the edges directly completely off chain. the risk would of course be held by the hubs the end users wouldn't notice anything. or something like that.

this way the funds only have to exist in the hubs for directly outgoing amounts in a settlement period and you can avoid locking up large amounts of funds between hubs and many hops.

ln is a great way to do all this in a trustless manner, but that might not be necessary between hubs that know each other or are in a legal relationship. it all depends on ln being able to scale to the task or not, still the protocol is great for the end point connections from hubs.

Centralization doesn't matter if there's no barrier for competition.

if only someone found out a way to pool liquidity in a trustless manner (i mean trustful is child's play)... it would be kinda like mining pools that anyone can start up and every user could add a little bit of liquidity to or quit if they disagree with the fees or policy... but since setting up and closing the channels takes a lot of time it looks impossible.

What do you expect most of the biz is sub 100iq brainlets

What did he mean by this?
Is he saying that he's one of the sirs?

Also anons..

Satoshi: "I am not Craig Wright."
Why hasn't this happened yet?

BTW: Lightning is trash.

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Durun.... dururun
Durun.... dururun
Durundun Durundun

The guy probably jerks off while looking himself in the mirror

>1 (you)
please sage
