Damn, wtf has he been doing since the Rogan podcast?

Damn, wtf has he been doing since the Rogan podcast?

Attached: elon.png (624x615, 586K)

Is he trying to be like Sergey


Smoking weed and watching anime

stress does this to some


lol he has put on like 30 pounds wtf

he has less stress now though I thought after m3 ramp

Sergey... is that you?


More than you you neet fuck

triggering redditors about capitalism

Attached: Screen-Shot-2018-06-17-at-1.14.06-PM.png (992x430, 96K)

Some socialism (government services) isn't bad. We don't want an AnCap society, it would simply be aristocracy 2.0.
Socialism where the government goes out of control and grows like an amoeba employing people named Lafonda is evil.

They don't serve good food in prison.

Free market capitalism is a problem too.
Labelism in general is retarded.
The correct solution is to have smart people with good intentions making the best decisions possible. It's really that simple.

nigga got munchies.

he looks like barney gumble wtf happened to him

he is saying he believes in the kind of 'socialism' lefttards commonly perceive as capitalism, brainlet

it looks like hes been hanging out with Sergey

he's making it

Attached: 1525896974608.gif (200x197, 821K)


nice fake - watched thevideo - photoshop

Newfag. Sqats & Oatz

This, gained 20kg in a year fml

Fake and gay

government doing shit isn't socialism jesus christ. Workers owning means of production = socialism. It's not that complicated.