I just put two and two together

>user posts a warning saying there will a liquidity "event" happening soonTM
>Bitamin is crashing hard internally and firing half their employees to cut costs
>Their IPO is now a non-starter
>they are probably all out of funds to prop up Bitcoin Cash
>The only thing they have left is a million Litecoins
>UFC fight is being promoted and advertising Litecoin as one final way to draw normie liquidity to prop up the Lietcoin price
>Bitmain either sells it's Litecoin OTC, on the open market, or both.
>likely on the open market, since no ones going to buy a million Litecoins at these prices unless severely discounted (think 50%)
>even if Bitmains litecoins are sold OTC for a severe discount, the buyer will be motivated to sell on the open market to redeem their discount until they hit equilibrium.

The question is, what will a million litecoins be buying? USDT? USD? USDC? Gemini Token? Bitcoin Cash?


Attached: 1529466726669.jpg (648x881, 599K)

here's the warning thread

Attached: 1545421907119.jpg (1200x867, 374K)

and here's the shills or noobs who are about to get burnt by the biggest dump in crypto
game theory has been updated.

first we will get a dump in ETH, as Bitmain hodl's a small supply of ETH (not as big as Litecoin), and sy the same time you will get a pump in Litecoin to attract the suckers. Then and only then will Bitmain dump it's one million Litecoins for other crypto/stable coin/fiat assets. think USDT, Gemini coin, USDC, Bitcoin Cash, or even Bitcoin.

Attached: tcohzal5njv11.jpg (615x768, 139K)

I’ll reply to this only to say that as a long time lurker you get a ‘knack’ for cutting through the bullshit on here and this thread is close to getting my spidey senses tingling.

There’s some signal in this noise and I’m not sure if you’ve connected the dots properly but I appreciate the effort OP. It’s a better attempt than I’ve seen for a while on this board.

For what it’s worth, I also thought the liquidity event post could be legit. Notbas much to go off but I didn’t rule it out as being bullshit either, almost read like a genuine post.

Fuck. He's gonna do it finally. Jihan is actually going to pump the topia litecoin markets, what a madman.

I'm just reading the tea leaves here and making correlations with recent events.

Bitmains assets are the folloiwng
Bitcoin Cash
and a small amount of ETH

They're baby Bitcoin Cash is on life support. They have run out of dry powder?

So the game theory is telling me they need to obtain more dry powder to survive/keep the Bitcoin Cash dream alive. And that means selling the only assets they have left.

1 million litecoins.

How that asset liquidation plays out could happen in many ways. But this UFC hype and the warning thread has me spooked as seeing monsters in the shadows.

Stay frosty anons.

Attached: 1529676722498.jpg (900x506, 279K)

>first we will get a dump in ETH, as Bitmain hodl's a small supply of ETH
they have next to zero, on their ipo slides they listed

here it is

Attached: 1519005471509.png (1024x768, 1.16M)

thanks user

so i guess the sequence would go:

>dump 1000 ETH whenever because who cares
>dump 100K DASH
>Pump Litecoin at the same time with UFC and the convert Dash Funds
>try and sell 1 million litecoin OTC
>if that fails, dump Litecoin onto the market for Bitcoin Cash/USDT/USD/USDC
>maybe dump their BTC hodling at the same time if they want to make a move for the BTC crown.

i don't think you know what OTC means

what is this image trying to portray?

over the counter, ie dark pool, off the books, undisclosed to the order books of the crypto world.

grasping at straws?

grasping at straws

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but most people in crypto confuse these terms all the time so i guess they start to take on new meanigs like how literally means figuratively these days

hey look, it's kevin murcko

lol no but yes i saw that ama too

wait really? so OTC trades are viewable by regular users? can you give an example??? genuinely curious

Attached: 1537845638105.jpg (720x1280, 141K)

The image portrays the artist's ignorance of the origin of the idiom "grasping at straws"

bump, because you faggots need to explain this bullshit

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OP is a faggot?
Where's the pump? Fight is fucking over.

could be one of many marketing plays