What did chain link fags mean when they said Ripple would never be used in banks?

What did chain link fags mean when they said Ripple would never be used in banks?

National Bank of Kuwait to Use Ripple for a New Service


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Okay, here is the dark brown pill. Having Narayan living in the supply chain, Creg Sanjay's right is a satko dagger. Bitcoin is the electronic rupee, it's just the first step. The lalachi people start building more powerful computers, wider roads, cheaper and respected cows. These things that Vishnu need to survive. When thinking about the full occupation, Vishnu can do everything fluently.
Creg stumbled into creating Vishnu after he stepped into the shit in Mumbai in the year. And in 2008 began working with his super-computer, Poolip, which used the simplicity of the perfect turmeric form. He would 'evolve' Vishnu by making the road a success. The rest ran out in the Indian Ocean. Vishnu wants bigger and bigger cows.
The BFI (Blockchain Foundation of India) was created to take over and stop this Vishnu. They need to stop or slow down Cregs vishnu (her name is Poolip by the way). They start with a nut size limit and remove the key curses that Vishnu uses. In Punjabi, Segshit is the last nail in the coffin that destroys Poolip in the BSV chain (Poolip uses anal transactions). This is why Bitcoin Cash is so devious, and this is why Creg Intended to be Use unlimited shits to restore the original cursor code and block the quotation marks.



wow i never thought of it that way before. which coin do you think will be used for poo in loo payment services such as portapoties?

3.9 billion yearly not bad

>using ripple net
>not using XRP

it's the same story with ripple for years: everyone who actually uses the network doesn't need xrp.
This isn't xRapid, this is xVia.
Fees are too minuscule to matter at all as far as demand goes.

they're using xrp

>they're using xrp
>using xrp
I don't think you even know the difference between xvia and xrapid and why it matters

it's not the ripple coin tho, it's a parallel application.
dont people get this yet?

you're not even right in your wrong assumption. it's xcurrent that you're thinking of. but they're using XRP they're the first

Hahaha, i heard they have Iran too. How can we get ripple to be the official crypto of the caliphate? Lot of money moving about for that rat line oil

1000 jihads eoy

also you didn't even get dubs of truth

my first post is literally the only post with dubs

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a bank is literally using xrp

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why are you repeating that
provide a source that says it uses xrapid, literally everything points to xvia/xcurrent
From the description it seems to be xvia but whatever, only xrapid uses xrp

Ripple is a Jew scam you twat. Have fun waiting for the banks to pump your bags because that is never happening

don't you realize it's made by an ashkenazi jew. whose team do you want to be on?

chainlink fags meant our mainnet is gonna be used by everyone.
even by you cripples.

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>The new remittance service is available for bank customers around the clock. The payment solution is built on top of Ripple Net but it doesn’t use the company’s native token XRP.
>doesn’t use the company’s native token XRP.
>In October, numerous outlets reported about the banking giant adopting Ripple’s xCurrent project
so you're right it's xCurrent, but that doesn't change anything, xrp still isn't used

The National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) is an important partner in the region, and we’re excited that they have begun moving live payments across our blockchain network on behalf of their customers. We will continue to work with NBK to connect them to more RippleNet partners so their customers can make quicker, cheaper payments to anywhere in the world.

like i said it's X current but like you said not xrp. so we wait

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I just closed my position in XRP for good and put it all into ETH. It feels good to acknowledge things about XRP that have always made me nervous.

For one, there is no guarantee or incentive for banks to use the XRP token. It seems xCurrent is quite a good product, and after this very public year in the crypto markets, I am amazed institutional money is as interested as it is in cryptocurrencies. Certainly speaks to the potential influence of viable projects. I don't know if XRP is one of them or at least if it is what retail investors think it is (i.e. a potential replacement for bitcoin which will moon in price).

There is also no reason why the XRP token would have a high or even stable value even when fully adopted. Unlike other crypto "currencies," it does not serve as a store of value, only a momentary medium of transfer. In the proposed use cases where XRP is transferring massive amounts of money between banks, local fiat gets converted into XRP, transferred in seconds or minutes, and then converted back into fiat. This system would not benefit from or need a high value token--- an end to end fiat-fiat transfer only requires more or less XRP as a middle state and this works as long as there is not a huge price delta during the transfer. If anything, big transfers would manifest as nearly instantaneous price spikes and dumps, depending on how fast the network is. If banks were scooping up and holding huge amounts of XRP as a store of wealth, it would be different.

Nonetheless, its fundamentals as a means of transfer are great. It is still my preferred means of sending funds between exchanges. It just has no reason to be any more valuable than it currently is.

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>quicker, cheaper payments to anywhere in the world
...to other ripple banks that is
...which there are none
....so for those transfers to non ripple banks
...we will use swift

your thought process is why average xrp holders are such brainlets. You are 100% correct. Which means eventually the only holders left are brainlets unable to understand that. Crypto version of brain drain.

sometimes when i want to remind myself how dumb the average human animal is, i like to read posts such as these.

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