Cardano is DOA

Cardano is DOA.
Look at this shit: this is the code required to do one equality comparison between numbers in a smart contract. I'm not shitting you.
People who are going to be able to code smart contracts for cardano are limited to intersection between Haskell programmers and people interested in smart contracts.
Probably less than 100 in the whole world.
Nobody is going to do anything on cardano.

Attached: 1538495203806.png (980x722, 32K)

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Isn't haskell a total fucking meme? what the hell

jesus fucking christ... i would unironically rather use Dero's BASIC (lmao) rather than that abomination...

it's main use is as a playground for type theorists

Here's the smart contract playground
let's require knowledge of monads to write basic contracts. what could go wrong?

Disappointing, it gives the feel of an academic project, not something that's actually meant to be widely adopted.

Programming is just rediscovering C and LISP over and over again

and functional fags brag about this bullshit

you guys should tell >>Jow Forumsdpt

i told a friend who's a coder about cardano a couple months ago (he knows v. little about crypto stuff, but knows abt smart contracts), and when i mentioned haskell he just laughed. he thought i was shitting him. sold my stack right after that.

Have fun to audit that shit.

ITT people that think fizzbuzzing in python qualifies them as a programmer

Lmao at people whose IQ is too low for pure functional programming. It's literally perfect for smart contracts

t. haskellet

Can't lose money if you only trade with free money given to you by exchanges for signing up.
The new exchange gives you $25 for signing up and me $25 for referring you using the link below:

functional programming does not require haskell's anal obsession with types

Programming is about to give commands to computer, not about jerking off on the most beautiful fizzbuzz implementation.

what the fuck is this fucking spam?

haskell doesn't even have dependent types, you would need agda or idris for that.
I actually know haskell and using it for smart contracts, in this way, is nothing but mental masturbation. It provides no actual security advantages over solidity. Literally all smart contract bugs so far were either logic errors or compiler errors. Haskell type system doesn't protect you against not protecting against reentrancy, and compiler errors are not related to the syntax itself.

look into Michelson and Liquidity on Tezos. you get a lot out of a statically typed HLL targeting a statically typed VM language, plus they’ve chosen to completely eliminate reentrancy, all ints are arbitrary precision etc, all the totally sane things you would expect.

>plus they’ve chosen to completely eliminate reentrancy
which is absolutely horrible because it means complex smart contract interaction chains are going to unpredictably break.
Absolute morons.
You're not supposed to prevent reentrancy, you're supposed to prevent reentrancy _bugs_.

Holy cringe this thread

All that unnecessary "functional" programming when you could do it in Python with 3/4ths the clutter and have it more secure.


it's really terrible. But never underestimate the power of fomoing into really shitty shitcoins. ADA is one of the few NOT listed on coinbase yet that's been rumored for the last year

Vaporware shitcoin, the sec needs to toss Charles in prison.

>import qualified

Did the Haskell creators purposefully made the language convoluted and tedious just for the hell of it?

Attached: 2014%2F03%2F07%2Fac%2FAP407286670.05998.png (950x534, 737K)

this fat autist should have spent the time coding a personal fuckbot instead of jerking off on so many poor unsuspecting investors. F

>Implying functional programming is a good choice outside of theoretical computer science

ETH and EOS are the only usable sc blockchains. The rest are garbage.

It's a possible scam exchange and something several of us will need to report if you want the mods to do something about it.

I got u buddy

Don't mock Haskell that is God-tier language.

It's the kind of shit you use for mission critical no bugs allowed use cases.

Attached: Screenshot 2018-12-17 at 21.39.33.png (1506x1486, 622K)

haskell is also a dead language, its niche and is a completely inappropriate language to pick for a smart contract environment.

blockchains literally need new languages built for them, like ethereum did.

TRX and NEO do have functional dapps as far as I know. But ETH and EOS at the top 2 for sure.

tezos is also never going anywhere because of their choice of language too. nobody actually likes solidity, just like nobody likes javascript, but its easy to understand and with a few tweaks can be easy to reason about.

nobody uses haskell for mission critical anything. look at any write-once code out there, it'll be written in C or C++ in a very specific style with hard limitations on the logical structures you can use.

nobody fucks about writing important things in academic languages like haskell.

>using functional programming outside some meme CS courses

I would prefer my smart contracts that handle large amount of money to be based on functional programming languages than a JavaScript-esque programming language anyone can tweak.

It is not about being easy to understand, it is about robustness and no bugs. Even if a few handful of programmers can code it then so be it.

you can always drop a functional language on top of the EVM if you want, but forcing it from the get-go would have made ethereum's developer mindshare a fraction of what it is today.

and dont buy into the function = no bugs meme, most of the really important bugs are logical. we've had static analysis for years now that picks up on everything else ambiguous.

Jow Forums is laughing at you guys right now, just thought I'd drop in

>Jow Forums script kiddies

Nothing in the catalog, what's the post?

To be fair, you need a very high IQ to write smart contracts. I don't want my millions in crypto wealth getting processed by shit Solidity code written by a pajeet.

>shit Solidity code written by a pajeet.
It's fine, ethereum is the best bug bounty for smart contracts in the world. Just wait for others to provide the initial bounty first and wait if anyone wins it.
It was bad in the beginning, but now there are bots that automatically fuzz every new contract to steal eth or tokens.

just knowing haskell proves you're autistic

new spam

imagine being a CS retard with years of programming under your belt and vouching for Cardano while having developed 0 smart contracts

meanwhile i'm a javascript monkey with 3 DApps under my belt, 4000 ETH volume between them and 0 losses from bugs

imagine being so misinformed about the most important technological revolution IN YOUR OWN FIELD you fall for a meme shitcoin designed by a guy fired out of ETH for being too greedy who ran to japan to presale said shitcoin to gullible Japanese pensioners in ponzi-style seminars then hyped during the 2017 bullrun as academic to fool dunning-kruger 110iq westerners


Absolutely based and redpilled

How do you get your smart contracts vetted? Do you run a bug bounty? Just out of curiosity.

trannies btfo


>It's the kind of shit you use for mission critical no bugs allowed use cases.
Wouldn't that be Ada? And, hell, the damn token's name is ADA. I don't know what they were thinking.

banks use it dumbfuck

i pretend i get them audited and don't actually do anything save for having a couple people look at it before release

smart contracts are not meant to be 10k+ lines of spaghetti code, but few hundred lines of simple logic

thousands of dollars for the win if you can find a flaw on mainnet, that's the real bug bounty

weak FUD thread. before ypu and ypur lubed up ETH-head fuckboys get too excited you should inform yourself to rhe fact that you will be able to write smart contracts on Cardano in:
>(insert popular languageS here)
You see, misinformed mongloid-tierbrainlets like you are ADVISED AGAINST TOUCHING HASKELL.
>CARDANO does not want you to write in haskell AT ALL... unless YOU ABSOLUTELY WANT TO.
That is why it is being designed to allow smart contract creation using mostcommon programming languages
>Including SOLIDITY
how are ETH cocksuckers so fucking stupid???

Attached: B21AA941-E465-4098-83E6-38CB39828AB5.gif (322x178, 2.56M)

not surprising since you don't understand what Haskell is being used for in Cardano, and thus neither did your 'friend who is a coder'

I think it’s obvious that the supposed “m-eth” heads have struck your nerve.... sad to see people like you still dismissing eth as if it’s first mover advantage will be nonexistent

Maybe next time don’t invest with your emotions and don’t invest in knock off projects


look at this user who cannot deal with facts. facts are this thread is typical eth-head ignorance. i don't know if it is deliberate or just head-in-the-ass stupidity. address the facts fuckboy:
cardano smart congracts are to be:
>written in SOLIDITY
>written in handfulls of other popular languages
now scroll up and look at the ignorant retards in masturbatory celebration over a 'problem' that exists ONLY in their own heads.
>top KEK

not an argument

aaaannnnddddd... now in order to FUD Cardano smart contracts, ETH shills have to FUD Solidity.

Attached: mlfw5560-132544482957.gif (400x375, 225K)

Smart-contracts will use Rust in the future.
Haskell, Ocami and co are all autism while Solidity is just garbage. Go could do the job eventually too.

>Ethereum can only do 30 transactions/a second and is falling apart. A coin in Haskell would be 0.3 transactions a second, lol

>Haskell has a lot of problems. I knew one of the leading haskell community people who built and ran the websites all the haskell people used; and he was sorting array and it took 60 GB of ram and he could not even predict how much ram a simple operation would take; and somehing that took 1 ms in C woudl take minutes in haskell and it took like 1 meg of ram in C and in haskell, it took gigabytes of ram and was crashing the server.

>I lost all interest in haskell, once I learned that the top haskell people did not even understand haskell or how it did garbage collectoin or how much memory an operation would take, or even what the program was doing.

>Basicly, all of the perl programmers who wrote shit code, lost their jobs to PHP and then Python developers; then the worse perl programmers who could not use a sane language, moved from Perl into Haskell.

>Haskell is a language you can study for decades and still not understand or be able to describe what its doing.


Attached: 0 lf9Wu5oJCjDPhWJh.jpg (624x469, 70K)

Pretty accurate, in my (limited) experience

LMAO here come the megaretards to show all you part-time tards how it's done

so should I go balls fucking deep in Ethereum now that ICOs have sold all of their funds? I'm not a programmer so I don't know, but can you honestly say that Ethereum has the devs versus EOS and the likes? I'd like to follow where the devs go and not the speculators as they will build the programs that attract others.

Why did you use ETH over say EOS or Tron or something? Is it because of Solidity?

Based and redpilled.

Must've been a community of shit programmers! Loads of company's use it, including Facebook and banks.

a colleague of mine showed this book to me the other day and boy it was pretty good stuff. Really surprised me to learn that a rather humble crypto project was able to develop a programming language that is quite far superior to Ethereum's Solidity. Good job skycoin team.

What functional dApps are on EOS? Qtum has more going on than EOS.

So this is what the Cardanocucks full damage-control mode looks like when their shittoken is next up on the chopping block.

All these millions of dollars and there isnt even a GUI?

I was about to say bs on the 100, but when I sit down and think about it you're probably right. Wtf is wromg with these people.


Damn, if I was a masochist I would for sure be a Cardano smart contract developer.

>(insert popular languageS here)
It's criminally irresponsible to design a system where the vast majority of smartcontracts are basically guaranteed to have critical bugs. Is this really their plan, to get away with collecting on all these bug bounties perpetually funded by random investors? How do you expect that such an economy will grow?

It's not even close. Eos has no devs, it's just Chinese copypasting casinos while botters spam the chain. Tron is more of the same, it clones everything Ethereum does but in a clunky way (reimplementing everything in java and breaking things in the process. wtf. The China way!)

I'm not telling you ETH is a good investment. I don't know that. But I can tell you ETH is where anyone serious about building decentralized applications is. Eos, Tron, Rootstock, Cardano... It's all vaporware, memes, inferior tech, and dubious consensus models.

Again... I have no loyalty for ETH. It's simply the only rational option at the moment. No other chains seem credible as an alternative. It's hard to see any new chain popping up and replacing Ethereum in a 5 years horizon. Serious developers don't settle for flawed first-layer consensus models, they either use sidechains on ETH or design for minimal onchain use.

'copypasting casinos'

I don't think you realize EOS is the only chain in which you can open up a casino and actually have a good user experience with it.

I don't think you understand they have $4 billion in the bank.

I don't think you understand there platform is pretty much complete.

I don't think you understand how many billion dollar companies are building serious financial applications on EOS.

I think you are retarded.

'copypasting casinos'

I don't think you realize EOS is the only chain in which you can open up a casino and actually have a good user experience with it.

I don't think you understand they have $4 billion in the bank.

I don't think you understand there platform is pretty much complete.

I don't think you understand how many billion dollar companies are building serious financial applications on EOS.

I think you are retarded.

forgot to reply

Kys shitcoin shill

The problem with ETH is that, although they recognized that they needed to develop solidity for security concerns(because random devs will absolutely fuck up everything that can possibly be fucked up), they basically ended up with a lobotomized scripting language. Skycoin is achieving security by basing CX on affordances, which in combination with strict typing and deterministic compilation, allows the full functionality needed to move beyond smartcontracts and create complete information systems on the blockchain.

Attached: Skywheel.png (1000x1337, 777K)

I don't think you understand that with $4 billion in the bank, they have more incentive to run away than to actually build something

Got it thanks user

>it gives the feel of an academic project, not something that's actually meant to be widely adopted.

perfect summation of the entire 'blockchain industry' apart from about 10 coins/projects at a push

It's actually so retarded. FP really need to fuck off with that crap, it's insane.

I agree, functional programming doesn't really allow you to change the state of code, which is perfect for smart contracts. Haskell is still a shit language though.

fucking rofl

To be fair Facebook was used Haskell to write a Bayesian filter for spam. But they did change it eventually. Pretty sure they only used it for the lambda's though, which they could have used a lot of other shit too, desu senpai. Hence why they changed it...

spot on

>muh thinkpad

99% of Jow Forums couldn't code themselves out of a paper bag.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-12-24 at 9.38.49 AM.png (2044x1146, 457K)

>I read the cardano FAQ and now I'm a programmer
you're not a programmer, you're a bagholder

2:37 - 2:55

>spaghetti code

no user, that is not how it will work. higher level languages will pass through a universal translator IELE.

>IELE will serve as a uniform, lower-level platform FOR TRANSLATING and executing smart contracts from higher-level languages, , which can also interact with each other by means of actual function calls. IELE will be a register-based machine, like LLVM. It has an unbounded number of registers and supports unbounded integers.
>The virtual machine will provide a uniform gas model, across all languages. The general design philosophy of gas calculation in IELE is “there are no limitations, and you pay for what you consume”.
>IELE will make it easier to write secure smart contracts. This includes writing requirements specifications that smart contracts must obey, as well as making it easier to develop automated techniques that mathematically verify and prove smart contracts correct with respect to such specifications.
>The design of IELE is done in a semantics-based style, using K. Together with a fast (LLVM-based) execution backend for K, it is expected that the interpreter obtained automatically from the semantics of IELE will be sufficiently efficient to serve as a reference implementation of IELE. To validate IELE and especially its gas model, translators/compilers from Solidity and Plutus Core to IELE will also be developed as soon as possible.

>so this is what ETH bagholder damage-control mode looks like