I have a treasure hunt for Jow Forums to work on

quick back story (simplified)

> old guy I work for did shady shit in the past
> 1970 him a crew of guys "acquired" 30 oil drums worth of silver ore concentrate
> concentrate stolen from a nearby gold mine (now abandoned)
> the drums were moved at night in three batches to three locations
> the location the old guy knew is somewhere on Red Bluff RD in Quesnel BC Canada
> this is 1970, silver was a $1.90 an ounce and was almost not worth moving the drums at that time
> fast forward to today, each drum was three quarters full of concentrate at 85% purity for silver (lead and zinc were the remaining %)
> issue is things have changed a lot in that time, everyone else involved in the events are dead.
> old guy doesnt remember exactly where the drums were stashed

I know the silver would be worth a fuck load today
I know hes telling the truth because he swiped several buckets worth after everyone else left and used them to test the purity. One bucket still exists.

I ve spent the last two years looking for this on and off. Maybe you guys can find them and get rich.

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It's hard, but i guess a metal detector would help a lot.

Maybe he should have written it down in his diary so that he didn't have to remember.

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Semi-professional treasure hunter checking in. I assisted with the recovery of the Guadalupe off of Barbados in ‘98 among other major discoveries. You have my interest. What more can you tell us?

I am pretty sure he actually did write down all the info at one point. But its been almost 60 years since, hes moved around a lot and lost a lot of things to a house fire. If the info exists its probably buried somewhere in any number of note pads in his basement.

oh wow no way. I found these a couple of months ago and moved them to my basement. I had no idea that the offspring of the rightful owner would show up. I estimate the haul to be worth around $10million. I will gladly send them to you but shipping is quite expensive and I am broke so I will need some upfront capital.

Please send 20,000 LINK to 0x98c63b7b319dfbdf3d811530f2ab9dfe4983af9d and I'll ship em off.

The silver concentrates came from a mine which later became Mosquito Creek near Wells BC.

The concentrates were stolen in the early 40s or 50s were not sure. The guy doing it was skimming 1 barrel off each shipment to a storage yard in Wells once every week.

The number of drums was somewhere between 25 and 30.

They were stashed at a camp located near Keithley Creek main forest service road where they were discovered decades later by my boss and his friends while stealing an excavator or bulldozer.

They were moved as the property was in limbo and they didnt want the silver being discovered again.

The other two locations are unknown, the haul was split 3 ways between them.

Thats basically all I know.

actually to add to that, the drums were stacked on their side next to a nearly collapsed barn on the edge of a large field.

Why aren't you going all out to find it? Just get a metal detector, and scan the locations, it can't be that expensive/time consuming. If it's a lot you can hear it immediatly, so you only have to do a quick scan

well according due to google maps, red bluff road is pretty short. looks like a small number of developed properties on the road currently.

logically, you would find aerial photos of the area from that time where this operation took place. burial would occur within some proximity of a natural or man made landmark that would be assumed to have a high certainty of permanence in the landscape.

given that information, the barrels would be reasonably easy to find. in fact someone may have bulldozed the barn already and just dumped the "junk" drums full of "heavy shit we don't want to deal with".

I have!

I spent every weekend last summer hunting around, asking around to different homesteads and ranches on that road but no one remembers it or isnt talking. I ve searched around every abandoned ruin and shack in the area, I ve even looked at aerial photos going back that far but nothing shows up. I am worried they might have been bulldozed or destroyed.


Red bluff RD isnt a long stretch.

Three things could have happened
1. the drums were sold off in the last decades
2. they were destroyed or buried by people not knowing what they were
3. they have sunk into the ground / collapsed since that time

based and nigerianpilled

the forests around there have changed a lot too because of fires and a bunch of properties getting abandoned

As a treasure hunter, the first consideration is a T-shirt sizing of the opportunity. We’re talking about a third of 25-30 oil drums of 85% silver. On a refined basis that’s roughly $5M USD. So we are certainly in the 7 figure range. This puts us at about $50k of capital that could be justified from an investor’s perspective to put behind the hunt. Can this old man be wrung for any more information to solidify the claim or to point to the other two stashes potentially expanding to a $15M opportunity?

honestly sounds unlikely you'll ever find the barrels.

the shit should have been buried not above soil.

when you adjust for inflation thats worth about the same today as it was then

I ve wrung basically all I can out of him.

They moved the drums in a hurry, to an abandoned property which another guy they knew could keep an eye on.

He moved away to a job in Alberta than the arctic circle (he was gone for probably 15 years) and only ever visited the place once after the original move when he grabbed the samples to test. He didnt go back because, for one at the time he didnt think they were really worth anything and he had no idea how to get it refined.

The other two stashes were completely unknown to him. He was present for the last move. I could put names out but I am almost sure everyone else is dead. It was a "we dont speak of this ever" kind of situation as well. They were worried law enforcement could get involved.

I could post photos of the bucket but its buried in snow in the old guys back yard.

I will say though, so far as I am aware, none of them ever cashed any of the barrels ever. There were no strange sudden big purchases or piles of money that showed up.

The two guys involved other than my boss (who remained unnamed for now cuz his names easy to find) were Harald and "Rocky" McGowan. Both have been dead for a few years and no nearby relatives. Those involved with them had no info to give on the topic.

Have you looked here: 52°57'13"N 122°28'32"W ; edge of a field. Ground clearing suggests a barn could have been there. Right off the road for easy access yet obscured from view by original tree growth.

that was one of the first places I looked. I told the owners I lost a drone in the field and they let me look around a few different times. No sign of anything like I am after, though again it could just be buried out of sight. I wonder how much a magnetometer scan of the area would cost? That much silvers got to stick out on that kind of scan.

>discovered decades later by my boss and his friends while stealing an excavator or bulldozer

This is some trailer park boys shit, fucking Canadians

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