How stupid do you have to be to NOT be accumulating monero at these prices?

How stupid do you have to be to NOT be accumulating monero at these prices?

Attached: 8F17F2FE-D6BC-44EF-9D77-6BCB71A27AB0.png (500x500, 32K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>shitcoin for terrorists
no thanks

how is this below IOTA, cardano and tron lmfao.
monerofags on suicide watch

>m-muh fundamentals

How much XMR to make it? I have 26 atm.

seeing fattie lug around his rolls with some gay ass $300k watch convinced me to never ever buy monero
most bitcoin early adopters are truly the worst people. can hardly think of anyone in that space who turned out to be a good person, except money skeleton

Xcash is a better deal

unironically this too.
i think most of the "good" people are anonymous tho. if you think about it only the real assholes and narcissists would have revealed their identiry

>t. street shitters

Correction; 800k watch

1000+, realistically

How's that insane price justified?

100 will do

but think 2022

>t. holds 100 XMR

180 actually

It isn't.
All "high end" watches are fucking consumerist memes.

Much like lambo's: many cars outperform these overprices pieces of shit in every single way imaginable but at a 100/200k discount. Doesn't mean that people won't buy lambo's because "muh lambo".

And most of the anons are in Monero. For example Smooth is a legend.

As far as crypto personalities go fattypony is easily one of the best. He holds reasonable positions and articulates them well. He isn't a total autist, can be pretty funny and doesn't block everyone who disagrees with him.

Watches like that can be dense portable stores of wealth. Outside of crypto there aren't many ways to strap a million dollars to your wrist and get through customs. And it's a pretty stable asset to diversify into compared to holding mostly crypto.

So like crypto those watches are grotesquely overpriced memes?

Same with gold, diamonds, lots of things. For some reason it is useful to have overpriced memes.

He actually makes a good point. There is a single useful case for watches like the ones we're talking about.
The million dollars on your wrist for customs is a 10/10 solution. Who the fuck is going to recognise it. Can't think of a better way to smuggle 800k across a border other than crypto.


Because it's an outdated shitcoin that isn't private or even used in large scale.

Wow hope you didnt invest too much in crypto as you obviously dont know wtf you’re doing lel

just tested out the newest wallet.
if you set up a remote node to sync el blockchain its a pretty fast sync.

I like it a lot, one of the better wallets i've used

Attached: monerowallet.png (961x765, 165K)

no no no no you are deluded, monero is expensive to transact, bloated, slow and has no gui

what a clumsy attempt at fudding

I would if I had more money no point if you can only afford 50

In addition to XMR, I would also buy some low cap cryptonote coins like Masari and Ryo.

i guess i missed the /s

not a bad point. it's unfortunate this has left a vacuum for dregs of humanity to be the face of crypto


Another 99% dump incoming for this shitcoin. It's not even accepted in drug markets, only BTC and BCH at the ones I've 'seen'.

I'm not a drug using degenerate but you may be right....this thing seems to be having real problems. On the surface this seemed like a no brainer, but it just isn't going anywhere but down.

Monero threads used to be the best, now they're just full of brainlets.

because monero is already obsolete, not by any other "privacy" alt, but by the way the tech is moving. bitcoin and ethereum will eventually get privacy in the form of what is effectively monero only 1:1 backed by the underlying currency. at that point who's going to care about monero when without having to hit an exchange you can convert your 1:1 private btc or private eth back to btc or eth.

fuck along back to plebbit now please

>implying that will be as private as monero

BTC will implement optional privacy later down the line.
Inherent privacy will prevent adoption widely beyond the black market community. It’s s dead coin in the long term picture.

why wouldn't it? when the tech is there to support 1:1 layers/swaps/pegs, call it what you want, you can build anything and have its value be known and secure instead of a float like monero.

with ethereum that means you can have 1:1 private dollars via dai or some other stablecoin like tether/trueusd/etc

‘Good enough’ privacy is all that is needed unless for illegal activities. Which again, will prevent XMRs cap being limitless as BTC

it'll be better than "good enough", its only a question of liquidity, and theres no reason to think that a btc/eth private token would have less liquidity than a niche altcoin's.


I won't accumulate Monero until it goes below 0.0118 again.

>t.bagholder cope
There is at least 1 thread a week saying the same thing you're saying. So obvious you guys want to dump but there is no liquidity. Just shows the state the market is in rn. Even Monero is getting cucked so badly and is considered a shitcoin. Nobody pays attention to it, nobody wants to accumulate it

Bitcoin can't even agree on a block size increase. They aren't implementing optional privacy any time soon. If you could trustlessly implement a truly fungible coin like Monero through a dApp on ETH then you might have something worthwhile, but you still have the issue of people actually wanting to use it on top of the technical limitations of getting it to work. Right now, not enough people seem to care.

What also shouldn't be ignored is the fact that Monero wants to create its own scalable ecosystem through Tari.

>what is tail emission
>what is ring CT
>what is random js

Dead you say?

Short answer, you should buy more.
Long answer, you should also look at some of its forks. There is some heavy development happening.

>they think BTC will implement a complex privacy feature
>can't even fork to increase a simple block size

Attached: 1518816967942.jpg (400x311, 19K)

>what is opportunity cost

>optional privacy
>no asic resistance
Just stop posting. This will make zcash obsolete but monero is king

Because the rest of the market is doing so great right now, right? Better off actually looking at fundamentals at this point.

normies will market buy my zcash bags @ 10-20x

they won't buy your dark web pedo terrorist coin, user

Attached: 69f.jpg (354x286, 15K)

Monero isn't even used on the darkweb anymore. Dream Market quit using it a few months ago. Its main use case isn't using it. It doesn't have good swings against BTC, maybe a 3x is possible if you snipe the bottom. Assuming all alts are scams, and we're only trading to accumulate more BTC, then there's literally zero reason for my to buy any Monero. Good luck with your bags.

>Has multiple GUI wallets, even has one on mobile with hardware wallet support
>Quick transactions
>Low fees
FUD harder brainlet

LOL. exactly, and i mean exactly, what the sentiment was on btc early days.
newsflash: value attracts criminals, criminals didn't build monero.
they use it because it works.
>t. bought monero at $9
>stay poor

>wow! someone is successful and bought something nice with their wealth! unbelievable!
shut the fuck up you sissies, you know you'd ball out too (if you could, boo hoo)
PS he was interested in fine timepieces long before monero fame; he's just true to himself REEEEEEEEEEEEE

The fact that all you fags are arguing over this coin vs btc means it’s bullish as fuck. Thanks for confirming my suspicions. Stay poor no monero’s

This is an argument for why Zcash is doomed to fail, not Monero. I’d say inherent privacy for all txs is Monero’s competitive edge if anything.

Alright now consider the following:

We know monero is untracable if used properly.
Dream market suddenly stops using it citing some bullshit reason.
>market A is practically exclusively used for "illegal" transactions
>market A suddenly stops accepting the one and only payment method currently offering full anonimity

Does this not jog the cogs of every single person wanting to use this shit? Doesn't smell like a motherfucking honeypot to you?
Wouldn't this necessarily be one of the first steps needed for full proper and succesful honeypotting?


i'd say XMR is an investment if you are anticipating a financial collapse soon. or if youre redpilled and know
BTC is NSA eyeballs spying on you that works too.

the best trustless coin :)

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>lead dev a literal bronyfag
nigga, no


Nothing to do with bronies, just a nickname a couple of girls gave him since he's a chad and they wanted his attention.

Thank you, Varashnu.
500 rupees have been transferred to your account

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Why would you accumulate this shit coin? The only reason to do so was privacy but LITERALLY every single exchange and even the ones without account like Changelly will HOLD your funds and lock your account until you verify/proof yourself

literally a worthless BTC

proof: just go to the top pages of Jow ForumsChangelly, all posts about "changelly stole my XMR" are about ppl who get FORCED verification (or no funds back)

theres no reason for anyone to use this trash

You are traveling through parts of a country with a medium to high violent crime rate. You need to use some of your Bitcoin to pay for something. If every person you transact with knows exactly how much money you have, this is a threat to your personal physical safety.

You are a business that receives a payment from a supplier. That supplier will be able to see how much money your business has, and therefore can guess at how price sensitive you are in future negotiations. They can see every single other payment you’ve ever received to that Bitcoin address, and therefore determine what other suppliers you are dealing with and how much you are paying those suppliers. They may be able to roughly determine how many customers you have and how much you charge your customers. This is commercially sensitive information that damages your negotiating position enough to cause you relative financial loss.

You are a private citizen paying for online goods and services. You are aware that it is common practice for companies to attempt to use ‘price discrimination’ algorithms to attempt to determine the highest prices they can offer future services to you at, and you would prefer they do not have the information advantage of knowing how much you spend and where you spend it.

You sell cupcakes and receive Bitcoin as payment. It turns out that someone who owned that Bitcoin before you was involved in criminal activity. Now you are worried that you have become a suspect in a criminal case, because the movement of funds to you is a matter of public record. You are also worried that certain Bitcoins that you thought you owned will be considered ‘tainted’ and that others will refuse to accept them as payment.


i agree

what kind of business would inironically use crypto, your trash is worthless, face it

Why would a privacy coin ever see widespread adoption? The average person has no need to make private transactions, let alone private cryptocurrency transactions.

Oh I can think of bigger projects where the figure heads can't even do the work fluffy does. You know some of them claim they're Satoshi and can't even program a fizz buzz

FP is an agent working under cover. Just watch what else he shills and a lot of what he says


Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-30_23-39-49.png (1620x836, 271K)

>privacy is worthless

Attached: 1544449446889.png (1050x930, 33K)

Friendly reminder that anyone unironically FUDding Monero is some kind of paid operative.

>I would if I had more money no point if you can only afford 50
this is why biz will always be poor

>No charge backs is worthless

>I would buy those interesting Bitcoins for $10 each, but it's pointless to buy only 100 of them with my $1,000.

Monero is a coin with a decentralized (effective cpu) mining idea, secure transactions, and decently fast transactions.

I can see this being a $2k coin.

Zcash is better

>10% dev fee
>optional privacy
>trusted setup

Yeah, way better...

Attached: 1518816967943.jpg (362x259, 19K)

Regardless of all that, zkSNARKs is so much better than all that monero bullshit, which only adds up to plausible deniability instead of actual hidden private transactions.

If a company doesn't want to have the ability to track its customers payments and be liable for customers shitflinging government shit fits.

Infact as long as the company isn't offering an illegal product or service I can see many reasons how marketable a privacy based Amazon concept could be to those disillusioned with inflation and purchasing power reduction.

Just picture what wuould happen if a Amazon type of of company started only accepting cryptocurrency.

The banker Jews would shit themselves and ban crypto to Fiat. Because of the Jew crypto ban, people can buy insured gold or silver that can be exchanged for monero and then be spent on other coins.

Attached: 1545250697050.gif (160x120, 260K)

No, it requires a trusted setup. GTFO with your shitcoin.

>CorporateCoin™ by CoinCorp®

Attached: 1545050263820.jpg (1520x1080, 164K)

Trusted setup is only an issue if every single fucking person colludes as bad actors. And monero has been shown to be traceable if you do a little blockchain analysis. Because it's not really hidden transactions in the same sense as zkSNARKs, it's more like bundling it in a group for plausible deniability. Which can be beaten if you analyze enough transactions (even monero devs admit it). So fuck you.

>Regardless of all that, zkSNARKs is so much better than all that monero bullshit
but monero literally already works

>He actually believes this

Face it dude ricky digs furries enough to fuck them.

Which wallet is this?

I can hear the weight of your bags through the anger of your words. xmr will make you more money than zec this year due to the inflations. get into zec closer to its first halving

Monero can literally be traced with a sufficient number of transactions are analyzed (blockchain analysis). Look up An Empirical Analysis of Traceability in the Monero Blockchain. Zcash is NOT TRACEABLE. Monero is for cucks

We are not talking about which coin is more profitable. We are talking about which of the two is a better privacy coin. And the clear winner is ZCASH

>research paper that was btfo years before it was even released
>optional privacy
>not asic resistant
Just stop

Monero has been shown to have a vulnerable setup, and may be exploited in the future. Fuck the whole mixing approach that monero uses. Zcash zkSNARKs are literally not exploitable and much safer. Stop trying to shill a weaker privacy coin.. monero is garbage compared to zcash.

Can you point us to a few articles that are backed by research? If not then it’s all opinion either way

Please, read again

Here is an introduction on the strengths of zkSNARKs but I suggest you do more in depth reading on the topic so you can see why it's so much more powerful as a privacy feature than monero's features. And earlier in this thread I posted a well known study on how monero transactions were traceable before RingCT. The fact is that the underlying appoach to privary that monero takes has potential vulnerabilites but zcash's approach are much more likely to not be broken.