TA thread

Good morning lads, I'm looking for a second opinion for my mid-term btc play. It is very tempting to play the inverse h&s forming beautifully, especially because of the violent retracement this morning.
I also like trx, it looks like its ready for a big move, maybe trend continuation? Idk, but Im scared of that bad-looking triangle on the 4h chart. If it breaks I might buy some... Anyways, share your opinions, charts or just call me a faggot it gives me the nice tingles.
Also TAanon, if you are reading this, thx for the gains man I literally doubled my stack in like a week bcs of your calls.

Attached: H&S.png (632x379, 56K)

Bumping with trx plan

Attached: TRX.png (943x465, 87K)

Lol, TAnon lost people money, you didn’t double anything. This is clearly TAnon astroturfing himself.

He made the right call on trx, I traded bcs he was obviously right and I made 1.3 btc. Its not much but I can start trading for real with it. Its not his fault if people cant handle risks. I like him hes a cool dude.

>1.3 btc
>i can start trading for real with it
your poor ass will lose it all "trading" while i bought 1.6 btc with what's left from my monthly paycheck today like every month

how do you account for humans buying and selling?

(you know, the drunk whale who decides to market sell or buy 1,000 BTC in the middle of the night? does he follow TA?)

who is following your TA?

who exactly? and on which exchange?

if there's an arbitrage opportunity, does your TA still matter?

i'm pretty sure TA is BS.

everyone can post future TA prediction charts but can anyone show me ONE chart that was ever 100% correct because of TA?


bots do act on TA to a point, but since bots are used mostly for wash trading it is moot


>TA is not 100% accurate so it is useless
how does a casino account for a drunken blackjack player?

Attached: cfc058e71d6ee595ccf9ad8e275a8da98e944ad14d515224acb1d0b5a6b0db67.jpg (645x729, 48K)

This only true if you go in blindly and all-in on random TAs. Bet appropriately and use your god damn brain to analyse accordingly. TAnon himself said he doesn't go more than 10% or so per punt.

That guy is a faggot retard who posts shit ta that doesn't even work. People like him post 100 trades, then take credit when it goes in the direction they think; aka a guess.

There has been mountains of literature review that have continually found TA to never out perform the market, no matter how good you are. Mods should ban all tripfags

>TA toddlers.

OP, i'm long TRX for similar reasons, would also recommend you take a look at Cardano. a 100btc sellwall at 1115 was eaten like butter and it is putting in a strong second attempt at holding above its 100dma on the daily

Attached: 7691da22f073b952ffb3c9c2fc847593.png (873x634, 86K)

Are you the same retard who didn't believe me in August when I said we were going to 3k? Are you still as retarded now as you were then?

>”support line”
That said, I have nothing else to contribute OP. I’m kind of staying out of these ranges, especially as shit’s gotten more bart-y lately. The H&S does look like there may be something to it though.

you're wrong. there are mountains of literature that specific methods (usually based on simple indicators) don't work. the line between TA und quant finance is blurry to say the least. there are definitely methods that work and methods that don't work.


there's also literature that some TA methods provide an edge by the way.

T.A works
but it's not memelines and patterns.
It's data analysis in the purest form, market depth ratios, cumulative orderbook data, heatmaps, orderflow, open interests.

Attached: 1545791199076.png (495x99, 59K)

Divergences work...
Not the RSI shit.
Divergences with other ..... they work but not gonna reveal the secret to money making.

Fuck's sake

Wanna know how to transform that into a system, i currently use TA plus heatmaps, you have some info on Open interest?, Whats everything i should know to trade btc/usd?

I prefer to toss chicken bones instead of TA. I live in Atlanta, and can easily find old chicken wing bones around the bus stops. I tossed some this morning the reading was to hold off a few months before jumping in.

If you're using heatmaps... search for bitmex-stats. Contains all the info you need for open-interests.
You can use longs vs short ratios but bitfinex data (tether) doesn't influence the bitmex index price. Bitfinex data is pretty worthless for xbt-futures.
If you want to have a edge in trading XBT future, you need to backtest your indicators.

Rejection at $3900 is high.
You wouldn't know this with patterns and memelines.