Credit cards are more of a Baby Boomer thing

Can't imagine anyone but Baby Boomers really thinking that Credit Cards are good. Baby Boomers where never fully red pilled financially thanks to their degenerate rock music and drugs in the 60's so they where easily taken advantage of by the Jews' financial tricks.

>Be Baby Boomer (born 1950)
>Get Job at Factory
>Marry Nancy
>Need Big Screen projection TV in the 80's Use Discover Card
>Need Clothes for Work Use JC Penny Card
>Nancy needs a new dishwasher Use Sears Card
>Need Vacation : Use Visa Card
>Debt Mounts up and can not be payed
>Financial Fighting in the family
>Nancy starts giving blow jobs to Tyrone
>Bankruptcy (1994)
>Divorce (1995)

Attached: CreditCardsBoomers.jpg (2000x1501, 1.71M)

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OK, pregnant brown brass. Shutdown blocks live. Krug Sanjaya is united on the one hand. The first step was the BITCOOUN as the electronic currency. The people of Lalachi begin to start more cheaper computers, more extensive carriageways, begin to cheaper and more sacred cows. These things need Vishnu. Completely entirely exclusively Vishnu will be burdened with boldness
In 2008, at Mumbai, he clashed with Mashbah, and Cergh intervened to create Vishnu. He started working with his Poolip supercomputer. He will be successful in the street, Vashnu will fly, and the rest will flee to the Indian Ocean. Vishnu needs more and more sowing of large cattle.
The BFI (Blockchain Foundation of India) was created by Vishnu (it played their competitive silk). They wanted Krug Vishnu to stop or to slow down (it's her son-in-law). Vishnu removes the critical curtain rules used in Punjabi. Sinsin was the last nail in the grave that killed Poolip on BSG chains. This gives BITCOON a piece. So Craig's crown is to invent goods. So reset the original code.

I love my Mastercard. All of my purchases are insured, I can file a chargeback if I don’t receive my goods or a shitty service and I collect free points to spend at a departement store near to me.

All of this made possible by the stupid 90% of other Mastercard holders who don’t clear their statement and pay interest or make cash withdrawels and pay a 2% fee.

Really makes me think.

There's no way this is real.

>he doesn't know about the vishnu in the poochain

Attached: cet.png (510x515, 488K)

If you're going to spend money why not use a credit card and get rewards points/cash back. Just don't be the brainlet that doesn't pay it off every month

it pays for my Costco membership and every year I get a $200 check in the mail for using it instead of burlap sacks of gold specie

nothing wrong with a line of unsecured credit you can use at any time as long as you pay what you charged at the end of the month

I get 6% back on groceries, I have 4 kids so we spend a lot on food. Never paid a single late fee or cent in interest.

Falling for Jew points

Zoomers have contracted a fierce anti-debt mentality. This isn't the fiscally correct mentality, but it is an understandable one. I used to have it too. It stems from seeing everyone around you being an idiot with debt, and not having the personal knowledge that there are upsides.

Credit cards give you "cash back." It's a few percent of what you spend. But remember that you don't pay just to have a credit card (hopefully). You only pay money to the company if you carry a balance, and have to pay interest. If you pay off your balance then you don't pay interest, but you can still collect that cash back. So credit cards are actually the financially correct way to purchase goods, so long as it is done properly and responsibly. I understand that that is a lot to ask of some people, but you would be better off informing people of the importance of using credit cards correctly, rather than avoiding debt all-together. It would help a lot of people out if they started building credit early on in life. It can be rough to be mid to late 20's and looking for a house/car loan, but having difficulty getting one because no credit. A person who got their first credit card at 16, and has raised their credit rating since then, won't have this problem.

Get more debt goyim

More for me

Compelling argument you utter fucking brainlet

On second thought. You're probably the sort who should just steer clear of credit cards.

This. Never paid any interest, but get cash back and insurance on purchases.

>get 2-10% off on every purchase
>get extra year of extended warranty
>can issue chargeback if I get scammed
Feels good to be a boomer.

Are you joking? The 20 y/o student placement at my place is maxed out on 3 credit cards, and also £2000 down on his overdraft.

He still shops in expensive jewelry shops for his girlfriend, and sits vaping and drinking nothing but Monster all day (yes, really).

He LOVES his credit cards. The banks are "so nice!" to give him "free money", to top up the £15k a year he's being paid as a student placement (but really being used as a cheap full-time web developer).

He's also planning on marrying his GF next year, probably with another loan.

Meanwhile I ONLY use my 1 credit card for potentially untrustworthy purchases, and never buy anything I can't afford to pay back immediately.

I'm constantly hearing Milennial or younger people talking about how the banks are such nice people to give them so much free money, and how they use one credit card to pay off another etc.

These people will be debt ridden for life, the banks will be making back a lot of money on paper, but they'll never be able to pay it back. This house of cards will come tumbling down soon.

Credit cards can be a pretty useful tool to buy things if you dont use them to accumulate debt. I'm with the boomers on this one. Also dont forget cashback rewards some of them give you as well as points and shit. It's awesome if you know how to use them.

>This house of cards will come tumbling down soon
It's only going to stop when there are no more people to inherit the debt.
No wonder they're so keen on importing new blood when the locals stop reproducing

Oh no no no. There is most definitely a vishnu in the blockchain. Your village will be poor if you do not believe. All your poo streets will become sandy and the sand will blow up, so when you walk after poo'ing, you will a get terrible rash from the sand rubbing.

I thought this way too until I switched banks when moving cross-country and didn't change my auto-pay in time for my credit card. Suddenly every cash back dollar I had ever made was gone and I had accrued $800 in interest.

Credit cards can be used in a redpilled way. I never have a balance on my credit card I simply use it to build a credit score. I have never missed a payment. Not having a credit score now makes life harder than necessary so I use the card just to build the score. Using the card for video games/alcohol/vacation etc. is boomer shit.

Imagine being so financially illiterate you think credit cards are bad

I really don't blame people for thinking this way when you look at the typical boomer/woman I had an ex go thousands of dollars into debt for fucking beauty products credit is like a drug to some people I think if you're retarded and can't control your spending you might be better off without a card

Yeah this thread comes back every now and then. Some of them are probably trolling but some of them have genuinely not thought it through and they cling to their shitty opinions no matter what like braindead npcs

No it's made possible by fees charged to merchants that get passed on to you dumb fuck. Banks reap the interest.

I've been totally irresponsible with my credit cards and bills and I have a huge limit and a great credit score lol

Pays for my memberships, if you can't put 30$ on a credit card every month for simple things than YOU have a problem with money.

Of course. Banks LOVE people who load themselves with debt. They know they can pile on even MORE debt.

As long as they're making money on paper, they're not bothered. It's all about the recurring payments.

Meanwhile people who are "responsible" with their money, are not a good investment. What's the point of lending money to someone who will just pay it all back immediately and you make no interest from it?

It's why the banks are so "nice" to people like I mentioned in . They see him as a "lifetime customer". Like someone who's hooked into buying your products for life, rather than just popping in once or twice to make a single purchase and not coming back.

Everything, everywhere is not happy to just sell you "a product" anymore, they want recurring payments. That's why they pester you to take out "accident cover" for a fucking fridge, and insurance for everything.

Same reason software is all going "subscription" now.

Debit card with an LOC works just fine. Max out the limit if absolutely needed and pay like 1.50 in interest to the bank and not visa. Got the bachelors paid off and a little left on the car and I’ll be debt free.

Fuck boomers seriously the worst generation in human history

That's because they want you to fuck up and be indebted to them

>dont have a credit card
>no debt, no issues supporting myself, able to save money every month easily
>roommate has about $15k in credit card debt, maybe more Im not 100% sure
>constantly telling me how I need to get a credit card and how good they are to have
I get that they're good for some things, but why would I ever do shit like put $5k worth of personal electronics and my whole year's christmas gifts on a credit card? just seems idiotic

>whole year's christmas gifts
meant to say "whole family's christmas gifts"

So you're retarded and pay 10% more on every purchase on purpose?


If you pay with cash or debit card you are getting charged 2-10% more.

That makes no sense

Don't have those here. :(

Is a credit card a typical American thing?

Being an eurofag I only use a debit card.

You are just leaving money on the table by not having one. If you bought those things with a credit card, then immediately pay it off, you do not get hit with interest payments so you are exactly where you would be without one. BUT you usually get rewards if you don't have a shit card. Some are up to 6% back on things like groceries, but even if it is only 1% and you bought 5k worth of electronics and paid it off right away, they are literally paying you $50 dollars to use their card. There is no reason not to do this and it floors me that people don't understand that and will just reeeeee about the jews

I'm very surprised that Jow Forums would fall for these jewish tricks of Meh free points cash back and Meh Credit score. If you're debt free credit score means nothing.
However I do agree that CC purchases work for seedy gas pumps or online websites.
As long as you fags keep using your Goy credit points you're taking away from the normalization of block chain for online purchases.

Attached: DaveRamsey_ProTip.jpg (640x2842, 177K)

we dont get benefits anyway so we arent missing out on anything

>credit is bad
if you fell for this meme you're never going to make it


Retard alert.

t. wagie

I make $70,000 a year or more on credit card cash back alone and pay zero interest. Annual fee is a hundred bucks. You would have to be a literal retard to not take advantage of free money.

>Price of everything increases by 20% in order to cover the CC processing fees
>Here you go goy, have 3%

That explains why prices are so much higher in the U.S than in Europe.

I'm buying advertising, not blow up dolls. Cost is the same if you're paying cash retard.

Yes, because the stores increase their base price and profit from the premium that they sell on. Cashcucks are always cucked by literally any other institutions.

how does this work? whats the scam? they woukdnt just give you free money

They are subsidized by retards that use cash and debit cards.

>reddit spacing
Suck a dick

Attached: reddit.jpg (396x382, 41K)

>Free products they just GIVE me!
YOU are the product if you are given something for free.

I put everything on my credit card, and at the end of the month I pay it off full. I get rewards / cash back and I use it to buy stupid shit like video games.

If you are a retard, anything can be abused.

Don't project your retardation on someone else, you retard. Beer, cigarettes, food; it can all be abused and turn into a bad thing too.

Debt is a business.

It is only really beneficial when used for productive purposes, with the intention of paying it back. However most of the world is way beyond that point and has shown overall, that debt is generally accumulated far more than it is paid back to the detriment of those who hold it and are trapped in unproductive debt bondage and servitude.

If you want to promote sound money, freedom, and liberty then I implore you to watch this video

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