/NKN/ Marines

post your stacks

Attached: nknlol.png (1300x1500, 844K)

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let me start, 400k NKN + mining operation

So are you just gonna continue spamming all day everday?

gtfo cash grab sergey

Giga incel

I bought 800 at 40 cents

1.1 million, unironically

rip i bought 50,000 at 0.02c glad to see i'm an NKN marine now :D

u made it

Close to 200K. Could have 2 million but never gonna concentrate that much risk.

35k non

Mining an expected 36k testnet tokens before main net (at least 7k main net tokens if the actual exchange rate stays at 5:1).

46k LINK

what are you mining with? DO?

How many tokens/day?

need to know aswell

yes sir


how many

1 mil NKN
100k rupees

Thinking about getting 1 million

How many nodes u running, and would you go into technicals?

From my experience (I keep good records) and what I've read (I can read gud), the average node gets somewhere between 1.2 and 1.8 blocks per day. I'd say 1.4 is a good estimate. PER NODE.

Each block equals 15 testnet NKN. The exchange rate from testnet NKN to "real" NKN is unknown, but it was once announced at 5:1 (testnet:mainnet). There was an anticipated exchange a few weeks ago and the offered rate was better than 5:1*.

So 1.4*15/5 NKN per node per day is a reasonable and conservative number.
*If you want to make a more accurate (less conservative calculation) google "early redemption nkn test tokens" and use that article in order to come up with a factor other than 1/5.

there's a big sell wall on gate right now, go for it son!

only 10k, enough to make it? I will hold this stack till $300k

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buy more, a lot more, it's not like its expensive right now

Now is the time to be buying. YOu can double your stack with $250

I'm tempted, but I'm thinking it will drop again below 2 cents, thats where i double my stack

erc-20 swap created yesterday, the swap will probably happen right after new year's day and listing afterwards

nkn will never see 10c again after it gets listed


meh, holding out for half a cent drop when its already at 2.5 cents, has strong rumours of an erc20 swap and subsequent listings coming, probably isn't worth it

If it’s so great at this price how come 0 people are buying. Like there is literally 0 buy volume at gate.io

Attached: AC5F2AA9-58A7-4604-AB24-E89A683BB370.jpg (825x1698, 466K)

there has been plenty of accumulation going on on certain days, the big wallets have all increased as well as several new wallets with millions of NKN popping up on neotracker

but still it won't get real consistently high volume till a better exchange, americans/canadians/japan cant buy at all on gate and even people who can generally don't use gate

What’s your sell target for this once it goes main net and binance?

short term provided crypto doesn't continue getting completely fucked in 2019 and we bottom properly then I can see it getting to 10-20c with mainnet and binance

long term ie. peak of another bull run, I can easily see $3-5

Well I’m going to wait until bitcoin-fund-manager unloads his bags then I’ll come in again.

Attached: 09E3925C-8C39-4817-A895-16CAC0342602.png (567x622, 391K)

probably already did, was a huge dump from 2.6 to 2 cents in like 1 hour on the day he said he was selling his btc and alts

It also looks very shilly and pajeety having 10 threads at a time of nkn, rule of biz never buy when you see that.

probably just one person doing it with a vpn, doesnt change the quality of the project

That’s why we do it.

I'm literally in the process of getting $300 worth of this as we speak
By the end of the week I should have $200 more to throw into this
At the end of the month I'll have $200 from my poorfag paycheck to throw in, although I was originally gonna accumulate another crypto with that....hopefully the price is still the same
Bros.....is $500-$700 enough to make it? I'm hodling for at least 2 years, iron hands no matter what moons there may be during that time

theres little better risk/reward cryptos out there imo

For fucks sake don't meme this into the ground like LINK.

LINK unironically performed great this year. also NKN is already at ground floor

Just bought a few ETH's worth on gate.io....I'm officially in this thing (even if it's a small amount)
Don't let me down on this one, Jow Forums


tell us friend

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I’ll take your silence as there isn’t.


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Keep this thead live, comrades

Tfw only 75k :(

500k I took that sell wall down earlier.


i just cant believe we are able to fill our bags with this gem traded at below 10c

really, this is crazy!
i'm so thankful