>outside of US law enforcement jurisdiction >online gambling casino >most used online gambling casino >has perfect information about order books and wallets >uses this perfect information to liquidate retards with his tens of millions of dollars >does this repeatedly
Why do you keep using such a scam to which you have no recourse? You literally cannot punish this person, even if he took everything you deposited.
It's actually the best one, I have almost 250k in that plattaform
Ethan Gonzalez
But sometimes you beat the house. When he takes your x5 bet, you come back with twice as much x25.
Brody Richardson
Hahaha, moron of the year award here guys. If you like throwing money away the least you could do is donate a bit to a real charity.
Angel Ortiz
>outside of US law enforcement jurisdiction OY VEY
Aiden Smith
>online gambling casino All crypto online casino lol
Henry Collins
>outside of US law enforcement jurisdiction
This is an important point. This is why he bans US IPs, because he knows the illegal shit he is doing and doesn't want to be taken away by a black helicopter. By removing the US from the situation, no other country has the power or gives a fuck to do anything about it.
He uses his perfect information to profit off of you.
Jordan Brooks
>implying US can do other shit except stealing your money or restricting access for you Member mtGox? Member Crytpsy? People got their money back r-right?
Nathan Brown
Maybe we should stop warning people. This is Crypto Darwinism. People who survive and have strong hands get to reproduce, bottom shorters like Tone and Richard will become modern age eunuchs.
Ayden Moore
>liquidate retards don't be a retard then
Gavin Perry
Here’s the thing though: Tone and Richard are the only thing between your hodled crypto coins and a plunge in prices back to before the pump. What do you think happens when they leave?
Lincoln Long
There is a large lawsuit with Mt Gox and there is baby-easy ways for you to file, provided you can prove you had funds there, dumb fuck
Brayden Harris
Sorry for calling you a dumb fuck, its a habit :)
Austin King
Oh, so shorters gambling the prife goes down keeps the bitcoin price up, okay. /s
William Davis
It’s literally rigged to liquidate you, they can at any point pump and dump huge amounts of coins and fuck your shut up. Also by using this site you’re unironically supporting Mexican drug cartel.
Ryan Roberts
>outside of US law enforcement jurisdiction kid just discovered the US is not the center of the universe nor the most relevatn country. Pro tip: it's china, and India soon enough. >online gambling casino >most used online gambling casino only if you are a complete brainlet >has perfect information about order books and wallets nothing wrong with this >uses this perfect information to liquidate retards with his tens of millions of dollars >does this repeatedly nice conspiracy theory
Benjamin Baker
>he US is not the center of the universe it actually is dumb fuck
>has perfect information about order books and wallets nothing wrong with this
Yea, nothing wrong with this. What would you do if you had perfect information about everyone in a market place you control? Certainly you wouldn't use it to make any money, no, of course not.
The absolute state of brainlets (or a kike, cant tell - yet)
Isaac Robinson
Anyone can see the net total of all open positions at any given time on BitMEX and then open/close positions accordingly as they see fit. Blame whales if you want to blame someone, not the guy running the whale playground.
David Jackson
Unironically yes. They are betting that it will fall, against market movers who take the opposite side of that bet. If the market movers let it fall, they will be ripped apart by the shorters. So the price is kept sideways and barted to flush out the 100x shorts.
John Sanders
this. Fucking spic niggers
Lincoln Brown
I cant track, in real time, the coins going in and out of his casino. If there are whales playing there, he can whale watch very intimately, while we cannot.
The point is, the guy is making these predictions about price and he just so happens to have tens of millions of dollars and probably thousands of bitcoins, of which he gets more and more for free every day, and can throw weight around like its nothing anymore. He can use this weight look at his order books and leverage and nuke them to take all their coins.