There are wagecucks that post on this board

>there are wagecucks that post on this board

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Wagecuck here

Have to take care of my old mom. Life isn't fair

blow me

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You really dont

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>letting your old mom end up on the street
1st world America

>there are NEETS that post on this board

Neets are scum

wagie here. getting ready to go back to work on jan 2nd.
what you gonna do about it you neet fags

I wageslaved this Saturday and Sunday. Come at me NEET's

I'm a NEET, but I don't think it's a good thing. I have no monies

Probably laugh at you for slaving your youth away


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Just got my first wagie job in years, start in 2 weeks. I couldn't take it any more, I needed money & Link didn't moon. Wish me luck bros.

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I'm quitting my job today

Kitchen helper in a small restaurant here, 8 to 9 hours a day, 6 days a week.
Worktime is so hetic the first 6 hours i dont even think about how grueling it is...

Will quit soon to sell shit shit on the street till i can find a better job, then save up and set a small store.


Cheers motherfucker

I've been a wagie for 2 years now.
I'm having a mental breakdown.
20 days left and I will be able to take my unemployment buck and leave Europe for 2 years.
Wagecucking was the worst experience of my life.
I lost 20,000 euros because I went all in @6400$
2018 was the worst year of my life
I'm going to SEAsia for 2 years I want to forget all this shit
Fuck NPCs FUCK jannies Fuck BOSS
Working is a fucking nightmare, what's the point of living if you have to wake up early do things you don't want to do
what you want God, you give me life to suffer?

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wagies are absolutely disgusting
but who are the worst, wagies or nocoiners?
imagine being a wagie nocoiner... jesus

i like my job though

We weren't meant to be wagie. We were meant to hunt, forage, fuck, sleep, shit and pick. Maybe bang on some rocks to make music, but we were not meant to wage. That shit is detrimental to our psyche.

Wagecucking allowed me to understand one thing: making it is not about having a 200k salary.

Its about waking up when you want, dont have to deal with npcs (im a salesman) dont have to go where you dont want to go fucking early using subway full of shitskin in order to make money just so you can wagecuck more the next month

this is unfair
and no one is waking up
no one is rioting against this fucking society

>there are people on this board

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Based & checked.
Word of advice NEETfags: get into sales.
>Continually evolving “Red Queen” arms race of sales ensures the field is filled with only the smartest & most Chad-like aryans.
>Winning deals with popular companies means you have that logo on your resume forever
>Sexy to females
>Most CEOs come from sales because closing is the most important thing in business. Period.
>Harden soft skills like relationship building & public speaking into the hard skills of negotiation & contract formulation

Work your way up to enterprise sales of high tech software or contracts. Your “technical prowess” from navigating Jow Forums will help you there.

Entry to sales is easy, sales depts are always hiring & you can make heaps as an entry level car salesman.

I know user. Unless someone was born to be a true wage slave(cuck), most people work just to aspire to retire and do exactly what you describe. Do you see gorillas or apes deal with a lot of stress? (Besides baboons, which we unironically resemble the most in societal structure).

I can't tell whether or not you're being serious

wagecucking is just working so you can survive to go to work the next day

it's not the 70s anymore where you went to work to invest, have a savings, have a home. you wagecuck today to facilitate your existence so you can go wagecuck again tomorrow. nothing more.

even the fags who brag about their 150k salary, the best they can do is work years straight, save up money, and quit, but then only be able to afford themselves a fraction of the years that they had spent wagecucking before they eat through their savings and have to return to the wage grind.

Dude I'm in my 20s and have grey hairs. No one else in my family greyed prematurely like this. I'm not the only young guy I know with grey hairs. This shit isn't natural and society today is more stressful than ever before.

Yeah, we give up our prime years so that we may die more comfortably. Wtf are you gonna do at 65? You are tired, your interests change, you are old and less ambitious than you were in your teens/early 20's. Even jeff bezos wage cucked most of his life like the rest of us, you think his life was easy? That motherfucker stresses like the rest of us, the only benefit is that he is up in the chain of command.

Dead serious. Just closed a software deal with a popular high tech company. The amount of learning I went through in a week for this particular difficult deal was equivalent to about a year of university classes.

All stuff that’s pretty unique to Aryans at the level they are required for these big deals. I felt like the fucking West Indies tea company. Western business is badass cuz whities are badass salesmen. You can do it too.

Is there a reason that you think I’m not serious?

You are going to end up like an apple eating farang. An apple a day, keeps doctor away!

are you me

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>There are parasitic neets on this board larping as success stories

Because most NEETs end up as NEETs for a reason. I can barely handle eating enough food to survive. How could I possibly manage being in sales?

He chooses to wagecuck at this point, he could have quit the game ages ago.

Aryans are autistic, we're good creators and thinkers. Terrible sales people.

Sales is for obnoxious fast talker Italian types

only valid excuse

30 yo boomer here, already had grey hairs at 20

>and no one is waking up
>no one is rioting against this fucking society
Because it largely works to provide us with other stuff. You want to go back to your hunter-gatherer shit, join the Sentinelese niggers, be my guest; there's plenty of people around the world who live like that, even in the middle of civilized countries.
It means giving up on internet, conventient stores / possibility of mail ordering everywhere, air conditioning in summer, chopping wood before winter, tasty, cheap and ready to go food hyperloaded with carbs and fats, easy access to medical care...
This unbearable suffering is the price we pay to stay away from a more rudimentary life, that we are not really prepared to go back to.