TA user here. Buy GVT now at 11500 stats. Sell at 14500 stats

Attached: 1_zzoZGOPD-veMOqtpNxi9TQ.png (1920x1080, 1.78M)

No thanks

i'm good but thanks

>TA user
>No TA

How fucking stupid are you?

Eat shit TA user. You made some really shitty calls that fucked a lot of anons that were listening to you.

>no tripcode
>shilling pajeet token
fake and gay

>pajeet token

Nah, this was Slavs. It's actually a good project but they fucked themselves when they blocked Amerilards from participating.

>but they fucked themselves when they blocked Amerilards from participating
Nope that was a good thing!

What does gvt even do? You are better off buying x cash

Low mcap, low supply, good idea, actual working product.

Smells like a scam

i invested because low cap and working product

not sure what GVT does tho

It would take you about 5min of reading to figure that out.

Aint nobody gonna spoonfeed your lazy ass.

it doesn't really matter though what coin does

once bull run starts all coins will go up... GVT will be $200

I mean, probably.

I went all in at 0.0009075

>blocking the highest GDP nation on Earth
>a good thing

Explain yourself.

buy my erc20 token :D

i post on biz when i want to dump my bags

There is NO way the SEC can't consider this a security! Also the mutts just mess everything up!
fuck off Mutt, its ONLY b/c the USD is the world reserve currency! Once that falls apart so does the thread to the 1st world you guys are hanging on to for dear life!
Look up 'America's exorbitant privilege'

i dumped this piece of shit at a 10% loss

hey retard youve been posting this for 3 days in a row

and beeen wrong every time

kys faggot retard and die also

This is a larp, everyone knows its TAnon not "TA user"

TA user more like t. gay user

best thing i ever did was dump this shit... look at it dump... fucking scam piece of shit gook coin

>so does the thread to the 1st world you guys are hanging on to for dear life!

Jokes on you, that thread was severed 30 years ago!

Oh wait.

Attached: feelsbadman.jpg (238x250, 7K)