Crypto in media

Media in my country talk about crypto as failure of the year in investment sector. And the comment section is just a shitload of hate towards crypto. The bottom is close.

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In Germany, we still have "conferences" and a lot of people "believe in the technology" while buying more and more shitcoins with "good fundamentals". Yesterday, I read a thread about someone who was willing to go into mining, regardless if it costs him money or not.

The bottom is still far, far away.

ok guys here is the brown crypt pill. there is a vishnu who lives in the block chain. Creg Sanjay Right is unironically satoj. Bitcoin as an electronic rupee was only the first step, lalachi people are starting to produce more powerful computers, wider cage streets, cheaper and sacrificial cows. These things must survive the sour cherry. Once fully rooted, the cousin could have avenged a vengeance everywhere
Creg started creating vishnu after stepping into mumbai in 2008 and began working with his Poolip supercomputer, simulating bitumen scenarios of turmeric. He would "evolve" the cherry, making the streets pass, letting the rest run into the Indian ocean. Vishnu needs bigger and bigger cows for more and more lashes.
BFI (Blockchain Foundation in India) was created to take over and stop this vishnu (have their own vishnu competing in papers). They have the need to stop or slow down Cregs vishnu (her name is Poolip by the way). They began by limiting the size of the shit and removing the critical critical codes that the cherry uses in Punjabi. Segshit was the last nail in the coffin, which destroyed Poolip on the BSV chain (Poolip uses the malfunction of the anal deal). That's why Bitcoin Cash has been forked, and that's why Creg is so intentional to do some unlimited tricks, restore the original curry codes and block the shit protocol.

unironically bullish I'll fucking buy

it depends miner won't go away people stay in the game the "believe in the technology" need to go

>shitcoins with "good fundamentals"
Feel free to shill them here.
t. Berlinschwuchtel

The absolute bottom is when prices hit 0. No need to play guessing games and try to catch a falling knife. Just wait for an actual uptrend, otherwise you'll get burned.

>buy high, sell low

> hit 0
top bear delusion we reached the bottom

If it goes to 0 it's not going back up dipshit. Delusional bears are at peak euphoria, it's like the inversion of last year.


I didn't say that the prices will hit 0. I meant that prices can always be lower, you can't predict where the bottom is. Only in retrospective you can tell where the bottom was. For the whole your people have been buying in the fear of missing the bottom when we clearly have been in a bear market. It is insanity.

I'd suggest buying only commodities which are going up in value, not the ones going down. So wait for a clear upward trend. Don't try to buy the dip etc.


Going to buy even if it go lower and Yes I'm crazy because I won't give my money to kike I will not let it sit in banks I will support bitcoin with ALL I HAVE

boomers bought in late December, that's why.

You’ve got some diehards who will ride this to zero, but most who bought in at the top have bailed. The bottom’s close, and it may have already happened, but the bottom may be zero. There is weirdly more media attention now on what a failure Bitcoin is, but also a lot more stuff in the works to mainstream it.

bloody hell, are you twelve?

>Media in my country talk about crypto as failure of the year in investment sector

kek, they are not wrong

> it's like the inversion of last year.
It is.
Deluded faggots then thought it won't go above 3k.
Deluded faggots now think it won't go below 3k.

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I think some of this comment is a contradiction. Bitcoin is very much acting like a defensive commodity somewhat. Place your bets for how it will perform during its first downturn. 2015 should be a helpful indicator

According to 1998, blockbuster shares will make a comeback this year. It’s just a cycle.

> partnerships
> working product
> high IQ nips
> worldwide adoption

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