Who fell for the marriage meme?
Marriage meme anyone?
swore off women 10 years ago, it's been great
MGTOW is the way to go, anything else is just from blue pilled faggots
Females are repulsed by me so I'll never have to worry about that
I did but how else are you going to have kids fren? I'm not gonna impregnate someone and bail like a nignog
Utterly pathetic
cookie stop spamming the board.
Then don’t fucking bail. No need to sign a contract giving her half your shit, plus alimony for life whenever she decides to leave you.
I did, I fucking hate it. On Christmas she surprised me with the declaration that I was going to be spending my week off refinishing the floors in our house and sleeping on her parents’ floor while she sat around and went shopping. Then she threatened to accuse me abuse if I didn’t do it. Fuck this shit. Instead of marriage, you are unironically better off if you just kys..
>I did, I fucking hate it. On Christmas she surprised me with the declaration that I was going to be spending my week off refinishing the floors in our house and sleeping on her parents’ floor while she sat around and went shopping. Then she threatened to accuse me abuse if I didn’t do it. Fuck this shit. Instead of marriage, you are unironically better off if you just kys..
this happened.