Literally most based guy in crypto

Attached: Screenshot 2018-12-30 at 17.20.39.png (526x446, 350K)

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Sir he is a white devil he does not do the submitful to Satoji's holy vision

late adopters HATE him. even ethereum holders had tantrums about him until he announced he was writing a book about ethereum.

I'm late adopter and I love bitcoin and andreas I'm reading mastering bitcoin and the more I read it the more I fall in love it's fucking amazing to have something like this I'm all in bitcoin


because ethereum holders are a bunch of liberal sjw keynesian retards with vitalik as their frontman and they hate bitcoin even more than they love their own shitcoin.
fuck all of them, can't wait to see ethereum crash and burn in flames

this they deserve to get flipped by ETC

He's a snake. Fuck that pompous cunt.

> shitcoin holder

so much this, ethereum has always been a scam shitcoin

Attached: tcohzal5njv11.jpg (615x768, 139K)

this they even deluded retards into thinking that PoS will make it decentralized and it's completely the opposite

i sound like a faggot but it's more important to solidarise with people around you instead of sucking the divide et impera goym dick

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He didn't even hold any bitcoin what kind of bullshit is that. Faggot cunt just found a community that he could exploit for prestige by telling them what they want to hear.

vitalik is literally seething when talking about his POS pipedream,
>huurrr durrr POW BAD
a bunch of fucking commie eco terrorist retards
vitalik hates the idea of SOUND MONEY, he would steal all yours and give to some poor nigger in africa if he only could.

I can side with monero supporters for example but not with retarded keynesian communists from the shithereum community

Attached: vitalikretard.jpg (961x421, 48K)

I have 2 BTC dumbass and I bought one of them at 3100$ and the second I sold my shitcoins that I bought in march 2017

this I can side with monero because they useful for some people but ETH is just plain scam

sure. it's much less oligarchic to own your own money printing press.

I was talking about antonoplous you dumb cunt. His money is literally not where his mouth is. Until some fags and a whore gave him a million dollars worth last year, he had less than you.

if you think andreas is a moron, then you are a moron

He doesn't just hold he use bitcoin dumbass from 2013 -2014 go watch his old video he have done to crypto more than any retard on Jow Forums

because he's what late adopters would call a bitcoin "maximalist", in other words, he treats cryptocurrency like money, instead of like companies in the .com bubble

He single handedly explain how this shit work to anyone and help me as dev to develop and understand the protocol not like your shitty ass or like conebase trying to dump bags of shitcoin for new buyer Bitcoin and PoW is the innovation whether you like it or not and without these two element you can't have true sound money

If he believed what he says about bitcoin, he would put some of speaking fees into it to hold. If he believed what he says about privacy and fungibility he would TALK about Monero. He did a video on bulletproofs without even mentioning the only coin that has actually implemented it.

when roger ver found out that Andreas wasn't a bitcoin millionaire he made him one. And you know what Andreas did? He sold all the btc around 17k .....whilst you cuck's are still hodling.

because like most early adopters and believers in bitcoin = money, he's not interested in feature coins or alternative payment tokens. the end goal is for all of those features to rest on the base or secondary layers of bitcoin or ethereum, rather than having a bunch of separate boxed-in networks for each feature you like.

Jesus drink more cool aid holy shit. Without the element of bitcoin you can't have sound money? Holy shit you are a spaz. A few years ago Antanopolous even used to say something could replace bitcoin but I guess that stopped being what people wanted to hear because there was no logical reason for that opinion to change between now and then.

roger just had a tantrum because nobody with experience in crypto likes his chink shitcoin. he didn't give him any money, his crying just attracted a lot of people that wanted to donate money to andreas for some reason.

> shitposting without source
kek fuck off shitcoin holder sell your shit that you bought ATH to bitcoin otherwise you won't make it

believing bitcoin can be replaced and crypto can continue on being a store of value (and by extension medium of exchange) is just a late adopter fantasy, though.

And gave some away to women and niggers. Wow what a noble guy. Imagine constantly shilling something that you refuse to even hold for free.

> think that shitcoin can replace bitcoin
there's no logical reason to replace bitcoin and you can't have the same amount of decentralization (hash power & full node) that bitcoin have now dickhead

bro, calm down and look it up. Roger ver made him a crypto millionaire. Anyways, you'd have to be a complete retard not to sell ....look at btc now, barely hanging above 4k...heading to 1k

Anyone got the screencap of him saying censorship is good? But only if it targets the right people

fucking this I'm late adopter and I know that bitcoin is already the reserve currency for every exchange Ethereum holder are delusional smart contract is great but it's not innovative if it's just another centralised coin we can already use centralised smart contract PoS won't work

> retard to sell the only currency that matter
> believing that we are heading to 1K
yeah if 1K is where we are heading I'll take a loan and buy a bunch

>Bitcoin = money
>I'm an early adopter
Lol no. Bitcoin was an experiment until at some point it became digital gold even though it has almost none of the properties of gold. And no one even wants to make it like digital gold, they actually just want a meme to pump their ponzi. Monero actually has an ideal to create digital cash. It improves over time, implementing changes that take it closer to that ideal.

>decentralization comes from concentrated Chinese hash power
>I'm a late adopter
Really? Who'd have guessed the clueless guy who repeats total bullshit trying to fit in is a late adopter?

go buy nano or some verions of the beecash with gigabyte block size yu keynesian retard
if btc is so bad why arent all the "faster and better" forks overtaking it huh? why don't I see normies buying shit in stores with their fast shitcoins?
>inb4 hurrr durrr da bitcone be keeping us shitcones down

It's possible to acknowledge Andreas' genius and still love your shitcoins.

I don't think those two stances are mutually exclusive.

Attached: all gonna make it.jpg (1280x720, 44K)

yes, crypto as a whole is an experiment. what's that got to do with the fact that the illusion of value is only perpetuated as long as bitcoin survives?

monero is just another alt, it has no long term value proposition as its existence is dependant on bitcoin never getting any form of privacy whatsoever, which is a fantasy. there's quite literally nothing special about monero in that regard, definitely nothing special enough to keep it going when the concept of store of value is gone.

>nano or some verions of the beecash
Guess you didn't even read my post.
>keynesian retard
You don't even know what you're saying.

> concentrated Chinese hash power
and where's the concentrated full nodes dickhead ? In Bitcoin protocol full nodes are more importante than miner because they verify everything that miner give them

I know exactly what I'm saying
you and all the retards thought that
>hurr durr bitcone global currency let's buy groeceries with it!!!1111111
then 1 week of mania in dec 2017 showed that it will take time to scale and it has to happen on second layers all the newfags started their stupid fud
>he he bitcoiners now switched the narrative to digital gold/store of value, because their dinosaur coin doesn't work he he look how smug I am
when in fact every bitcoiner with half a brain knew since a long time that it has to start as a store of value and slowly transition to MoE and then UoA

Attached: moneyevolution.jpg (995x1612, 325K)

No, crypto currencies are fundamentally useful and therefore valuable. Bitcoin does not have too big to fail network effects anymore than MySpace did. People didn't notice FB overtake MySpace and say 'nope no way I'm investing my time to create another profile if this is going to keep on happening'.

If crypto as a whole is still an experiment then it stands to reason that we still don't know what the eventual dominated crypto (if any) will be.

>privacy is coming
Bitcoin has proven that it can't make big changes. Then consider the fact that many bitcoiners actually think the transparency is a feature.

Hey newfags pay attention, you see all the FUD against ETH in this thread? That means you buy ETH now.

>unless it runs on $30 hardware it's not decentralized
I don't think you comprehend just how tiny 1mb/10 minutes will look in the future. Tell me what sense it makes to have the cost of running a node so low when it will cost thousands of dollars to make an on chain tx?

> on chain tx
Not everyone single tiny tx need to be on chain dumbass

The 30$ full node is what make bitcoin hard and sound money because you can’t change easily the protocol not like Ethereum

Want to open a lightning channel? Need to close one? Good luck with that I hope you have lots of btc because only a few people can do that each second and there are a lot of people in the world.

If you want easy money that can be changed and upgradable you have FIAT have fun with them you don’t need crypto

First the a stable software then UI and UX come later dickhead this how good software are made

Just a tip, Saifedean is a fucking moron.
Obviously you're to dumb to realise that though holy shit Remember, as much as you regurgitate the talking points of the 'early adopters' you are still new as fuck and you probably won't actually grasp the issues for yourself for quite a while.

This faggot is pretty much a car salesman for cryptos. The best shiller in the business.

>Just a tip, Saifedean is a fucking moron.
says the increasingly nervous filthy keynesian for the 45th time this year


Shitcoin bag holder

Hayek said Keynes was the smartest guy he knew. What do you think about Hayek? Would you have preferred communism to Keynesian economics after WWII? The guy wasn't all that bad but even so, you have labeled me something that doesn't apply to me.

he's an absolute retard who actually think BTC will deliver with lightning network

fake oldfag larpers love him

>Hayek said Keynes was the smartest guy he knew.
probably some BS taken out of context and even if not that doesn't prove anything, no one says that jews are stupid either.

>What do you think about Hayek?
I care about ideas, not individuals

>Would you have preferred communism to Keynesian economics after WWII?
I prefer sound, hard money that cannot be printed out of ass thus devaluing people's life savings and funding stupid wars and other degeneracy

if you think that printing money and causing inflation is good then you are either a fucking retard or simply maliciously dishonest, end of story

>I prefer sound, hard money that cannot be printed out of ass
You prefer Saifedean Ammous' sound, hard dick up your ass.

Look at my posts, I'm shilling Monero, a disinflationary currency who's supply can't be manipulated by Jews. Why would you possibly think I think what you say I think?

> t. shitcoin bag holder

Yes Keynes was smart because he convinced retards that he's model would work it's not working we need gold standard back again KIKE

Holy fuck the state of the late adopter bitcoin maximalists. I think we have ran out of greater fools.

>You prefer Saifedean Ammous' sound, hard dick up your ass.
keep your faggot desires to yourself

Privacy is a double edged sword and so far monero is mostly used to wash btc, people prefer to store their wealth in btc once it's clean than monero.
utility =/ valuable, that's what utility shitcoiner and ethereum retards can't understand


Ver didn't donate shit. he made fun andreas because he didn't hold any BTC (he actually lived off it) and then supporters donated to andreas.