Arent you worried when you make it and get rich life will lose its magic?

arent you worried when you make it and get rich life will lose its magic?

Attached: Castlevania_-_Symphony_of_the_Night_(gamebox).jpg (2795x2802, 421K)

worrying about that is how you stay poor

I'll just buy more magic.

Only narrow minded faggots worry about that. Imagine all the different hobbies you'd have time to take up? Life would be more magical, because you'll have so many more options.

Life lost its magic a long time ago.

That is what normies and npcs without hobbies think.
I love music so if I were rich I would be buying synths and shit and partying all day

Yes I'd buy a sick drum set and play the drums all day even if I suck. And I'd work on building a nice library. If you are an uninteresting person without hobbies and friends it isn't because you're poor.

life lost its magic when i had to start working

If i get rich then i will stop browsing Jow Forums and Jow Forums..
Instead i will browse /lit/, /ck/ and Jow Forums.. perhaps also /o/.

What's more likely to happen is once I finally have money like I'm supposed to, people will stop worshipping people with money and commies will come take it all "for the greater good"

Life loses its magic when you end puberty user.

I'm pretty excite I'll be able afford FINALLY remove witch from toilet and stop shitting streets. Great success!

Betcha gonna do karate in your garage too, huh faggot?

I'm totally content with the possibility that I might end my life once I make it. The money chase is endless though so we'll see.

Life doesn’t have magic. When I make it and get rich I will do exactly what I do now, smoke weed and play video games all day. Except then I will be doing it while financially comfortable

Wageslaving is magic!

It's over already.
Moneymaking is just a cope.

this lol

Yeah shit man I wont be able to do the same shit I do right now anymore!!

>once I finally have money like I'm supposed to
>like I'm supposed to

Don't worry, you won't

You shouldn't get rich just to fulfill some fantasy or ideal about the high life. There is no magic out there waiting for you, no real life can live up to the ideal. The goal of life can't be eternal happiness, that's impossible, it's being content with your life. Don't accumulate money to make number go up. Get money to get what you need and want in life, good food, a nice home to share with your honey, a DVD collection of Mel Brooks films.

Our system may not be able to escape the endless drive towards accumulation, but you can.

I want to fell important, powerful, like i am better than other people.. what i want in life is a bank account and stock portfolio worth a really high number.

Then you'll always be miserable. Human beings, quite simply, aren't built to pursue accumulation above all else. As cheesy at it sounds we need love and friendship, including to maintain good health.

Numbers will always keep going up (assuming you can pull it off), but eventually, you'll need bigger and bigger numbers to get the same amount of satisfaction. There will be diminishing returns. And just when you've devoted your entire life to it, you will wonder what else you could possibly have done to be content or "happy".

..even if i become miserable, people will care, People i have never met or heard of will post threads about me, saying "see here is a really rich guy that is miserable".
They will wonder how a guy that has so much can be miserable.. It's like the daughter of that Goldman Sachs ceo, that went in to porn (did one movie for facialabuse, litterally the most degrading shit in the world). People post and talk about that, no one cares about some random black chick from Detroit that cries through an entire shoot while she is being sodomized.. who gives a shit, but we care about the rich.

If people gossip about the spectacle you create, it still won't take away your misery. Only real relationships with other people can do that.

The magic will finally begin, I will be able to actually do things instead of wagecuck.

I have no problems with misery.. you can enjoy all sorts of things, i enjoy watching horror movies, UFC fights, i like to watch "SJW rekt" videos where some smug asshole mock a SJW for his/hers belief.

I can enjoy other things as well, like a nice family dinner or a quite pleasant conversation about the weather etc.

I have no problem with a life of misery.. it's an emotion which you can enjoy, like all other emotions.

Well good luck with that then user. Be aware, however, that you're interests are broadly in conflict with the vast majority of people. The rest of us won't abide being trampled on in the name of accumulation and endless profit.

super metroid is the only game better

Attached: Castlevania-Symphony_of_the_Night_(PSX)_32.png (256x207, 25K)

>second half of the game is just the first half, but upside-down XD
Let's be honest, there are plenty of better Castlevanias than SotN, it was just the first of the best kind of them.