What will you accomplish in 2019?

I’m drifting through life without much meaning. I don’t know what to do, so I’d like to hear what you guys are planning.

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$1000 u s dollars

40k saved at EOY

My goal is to be moved out by spring but finding a job seems difficult so far

hopefully i will finish my Ma, and get a job.

avoiding suicide for another year, if that counts

Who's this semen demon.

make more than 40k/yr, somehow. Feels bad to be 28 with only 13k in the bank.

Nothing. Zaero. There is nothing from the last decade of my life that I am proud of. Not a single relationship, achievement or experience.

My only goal is to catch the bottom. I dont give a shit about anything else

That girl is kind of a mess.

>What will you accomplish in 2019
Kicking the shit out of a bunch of you incels from Jow Forums.

got a job before finishing my ma, so basically finishing my ma in the next two months

does your ma taste good or are you holding your nose while eating her?

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1. Become a med intern.
2. Buy crypto at the bottom.

Learn the skills that can put me at 60-75k per year. Invest as much as I can in link. 2019 is the accumulation year. Try to be the best that i can working in the smart contract space. Learn how to live with deaths in my family. Learn the sax and become better at jiu jitsu.

Thinking of learning a language, cooking or going to night school and taking CS classes.

maybe i should just become a janny...

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definetely buy an apartment. renting is absurdly expensive so I moved in with my parents to save enough money for deposit. i am 27 so shit is urgent.

its lovely to think that I already more than enough money for deposit before the fucking crypto crash. good ol' greed lesson.

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Start my own religion

sauce now

that girls body is fucking insane. i refuse to believe proportions like this actually exist

I'll tell you my secrets. But you have to decode :)

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I hope to have impregnated 3 more asian women. I would also like to bleach a nigger that looks like that if I can get away with it, but they are usually too full of themselves. I will settle for a bareback creampie.

I found her on twitter can’t remember what her name is though

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Brandi sheri

found her ig, just use google image search. theres even an integrated feature here, click the triangle at the top of a post.

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I write a log every 1st of january. On my current situation and goals. 2018 Was pretty good to be honest. Just read last years log. Gained 2kg though. So i hope to lose a bit next year. About 15kg would be nice

thanks dad

Everyday try to build good habits. Improve my mental state. Drop 40 lbs. And keep buying crypto every week.

Too many things mate, choose 2 and excell at them

>Brandi sheri
the hero we all need

Going to study for the GMAT and hopefully get a perfect score to make up for my abysmal grades in undergrad.


Holy hell

I'm done with school. I've gotten a great-paying job, traveled domestically/internationally, and banged a bunch of hookers to help boost my confidence. I want 2019 to be the year that I put all that experience together to get a girlfriend.

Increasing Freedom and Liberty worldwide

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fucking ugly what the fuck

Wherr can I get a black queen if I'm a wyte boi

Black gf

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>finish turning my third duplex into a fourplex
>Sell at least one of my cars
>Stop eating out every day

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Is it weird that I find black men to be disgusting looking vile creatures but I fucking love black women? They're so incredibly sexy, most have amazing bodies

Become a professional shitposter. The United States is going to need to contract an army of shitposting NEETs in the future to take part in their cyber wars. I consider my time here the equivalent of training to be a seal.

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I really want to colonise her.

Ask a Jew, they often have one for sale.

Damn shes super fucking hot for a black chick good lord

You don't love African women, you like dark skin and a more robust body on a largely white facial structure with Slavic sized tits. Basically you want a big titty Blasian, because by some divine miracle that's how some of them come out.