I'm slowly starving to death. I don't know how much longer I have. I'm down to my last loaf of bread

I'm slowly starving to death. I don't know how much longer I have. I'm down to my last loaf of bread.


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Other urls found in this thread:

food-stamps.org/snap-how-to-apply.html?utm_source=google&utm_campaign=All-US_Food-Stamps_US&utm_content=food-stamps&utm_term=How to apply for food stamps&gclid=CjwKCAiA9qHhBRB2EiwA7poaeLtfVDz6GeNUuwpiIP6N5HPtc8PEnpWBI9QnR2yldg_VvcZQhwd19BoCuNUQAvD_BwE

livestream it


I can't find a job. I already maxed out my credit card.

Go to Jow Forums for /fast/

Lol just go to Walmart and get some of those BBQ chicken cups and walk around bthe store eating it

Shit is cash

We had so much food on the table
this Christmas that we basically had to throw leftovers away.
And it’s my boomer partners that push this we have to have everything and we can’t feel in need of anything agenda all the time.
I’m so ashamed.
Good thing I moved away years ago.

Does anyone have this problem?

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I'll give you a job


doing what

>starving to death
>in America
you must be lower than a nigger

>lower than a nigger
The niggest?

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tell me how to not starve to death then cunt. it's very simple.

>run out of money
>can't buy food

having a job... duh

More white people are on food stamps than niggers

look at it proportional to demographic percentage you dumbass faggot. it's also mostly old white people who can't work.

If you're not handicap shoot yourself. Pathetic excuse of a man.

>apply for job
>get no response

wow user you're right, totally my fault!!

No it's everybody else's fault. Right faggot?

*eats pizza while reading the thread*

>passive aggressive indirect reply
>it's everybody else's fault. Right faggot?
Yes unironically, it's completely out of my control. I've done everything I can.

Download food sharing app, in UK we have Olio/TooGoodToGo. Find and american one

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>tell me how to not starve to death then cunt
its simple, eating food. Even hobos manage at that. You got your place, computer, internet, electricity and the time to shitpost on biz. Yet you somehow have nothing to eat? no one actually starving would be posting in this shithole, gtfo larper

food-stamps.org/snap-how-to-apply.html?utm_source=google&utm_campaign=All-US_Food-Stamps_US&utm_content=food-stamps&utm_term=How to apply for food stamps&gclid=CjwKCAiA9qHhBRB2EiwA7poaeLtfVDz6GeNUuwpiIP6N5HPtc8PEnpWBI9QnR2yldg_VvcZQhwd19BoCuNUQAvD_BwE

search for food banks for the homeless in your area, there's going to be something.
I don't know about your area, but in mine food banks regularly have to toss the food away because they have way more than people to feed.

I DONT HAVE ANY MONEY TO BUY FOOD. It's Sunday, every HR cunt is closed. Tomorrow is NYE. I have to wait until the 2nd to start looking again.

It takes weeks to get approved. You are only eligible for 3 months worth out of a 3 year period.

I can't waste my gas driving around to food banks for expired milk and canned peas.

>has car
>has gas
>has computer
>has internet connection
>has place, and electricity
>somehow nothing to eat
>completely out of my control
it IS your fault.. should've managed your money better brainlet

Sell your computer. Have money for food. Otherwise go to your nearest church. They will feed you. If you have a computer and internet access but no food then your priorities are fucked man.

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go to a church and ask for help. why have you waited this long to apply for benefits...

you can't just make dollars appear because you have a vehicle and a computer. fuck you're retarded

>choosing beggar
Hope you starve normie

oh they were dollars, which you chose to spend in things you couldnt afford, seeing you are now 'starving'.. let me guess you lost what you had left in shitcoins / margin trading? get fucked retard. If you're that desperate go sell your car now, someone's always willing to buy it cheap

well if I send you some bitcoin
will you spend it on food
or will you buy more chainlink
>buys more chainlink

dumpster dive your local store they throw away shit that's still good and wrapped

yeah brilliant idea, then after I sell my car I won't be able to go to an interview, or go to work if I get a job.

holy fuck you're an idiot, how unfair is this universe that retards like you are able to eat.

>dont have gas
>cant drive to interview
>cant drive to work

honestly its a wonder people don't starve to death like this more often

then starve to death little faggot and keep blaming everyone but yourself

i doubt it

This is now a foodporn thread.

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Dont tell me you are crippled and retarded. Why the hell cant you use public transit or walk

too far. no such thing as public transit unless you live in the city-city.

lol how fucking dumb do you have to be?
even literal goblin spics and sheboon niggers can figure out how to freeload, but YOU cant?


Where are you from?

you cant freeload in America. it only works for spics because they have 15 members under one roof and they all pool their gibs. you also need a baby to get the good gibs, that's why they make so many.

Florida man

Where in Florida?

outside Dade City

I ration these each crumb/Only 3 slices left/Slowly starving to death/Taking my final breath

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This crumb/This shrinking tum/One up the bum/No harm done

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might go to sleep soon, i dont have energy to do anything


>dont have food
>starve to death
>can drive to interview
>can drive to work

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dont ration your carbs, that will make you hungrier. fast and then eat.
feast and famine.

you obviously arent starving, just a hungry fatboy with no snacks

if not then rob a house, if you win you get food for free, if you lose you go to jail and get food for free

t. Faggot who never starved

Telling OP to sell his car is so unimaginably stupid. Whether he starves now or starves in 2 months after he eats through the money after he sells his shit box makes little difference

>starving to death right now is better than starving to death in 2 months

ill send you money. whats your cash app

Laaaaand of the freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

How can you not find any job?

>apply for jobs
>dont get jobs

This. Go to any donut or coffee shop and they throw away a ton of wrapped food. I don't think there are any laws against it, but idk where you live.

How the fuck are you starving in 'merica. Theres literally thousands of food banks and easy food stamps, like seriously kys

read the thread you lazy nigger

I feel bad for OP. America is 3rd world tier

Unfortunately this will be the reality of most of the middle class due to late stage capitalism

>calling other peple lazy nigger
>literally cant afford food

oh boy

Live stream yourself eating your last piece of bread. cry and humiliate yourself. and tell people to donate. now u have 4 dollars. Buy some more bread and do the same thing again but eat the whole bag to fuck with people.

Dude starving in the US is a meme. In California for example, there are food banks everywhere that are given food close to expiration from local stores. The amount of bread and other food that is goes uneaten even at these places is mind blowing. If your city doesn't have a good food bank, most churches will feed actual poor people, not degenerate druggy/alcoholics.

I just looked up "foodbank florida" and Jewish Community Services Kosher Food Bank popped up. Just pretend you're a kike and get some kosher food OP. Or starve like a dumb faggot.

OP shouldn't have to rely on others not to starve

>OP should just die

At my lowest point, I was sleeping in the streets and was still able to apply for food stamps and use food banks. Again Kys useless nigger

Apply at McDonald's, Walmart, KFC etc... it's shit but at least you'll have money.
Do not become homeless

walmart doesn't hire you unless you're on foodstamps I think because i already applied there

>can't find a job or make any money whatsoever in the most prosperous time humanity has ever experienced
The absolute state of brainlets

it's funny you faggots all talk shit but I know only a very small fraction of you actually do what you preach

tell me genius, how do i "just make money" in the most prosperous time in humanity with zero starting capital?

it's a called a job you fucking lazy ass brainlet.

I fucking love this thread my stomach is full of McDonalds rn god bless the usa i returned some bath and body works shit to feed myself aye

holy fuck maybe you should read the thread before you call others lazy this has already been addressed. fucking kys

Check craigslist, town hall boards, and local government websites. Go to selectman/mayoral weekly hearings. What do people need done? Do that. Milford, MA had terrible sidewalks in 2011 so I asked the selectman to request a grant for street cleaning and I'd do it. They said no so I got people to sign a petition that the streets were too dirty. I went in with a couple sheets of signatures and Idk if they got the State money for it or not but they caved and hired me to do it, with a 2k up front to get the equipment. The sidewalks are shit again since I moved but just do that shit.

>what do people need
>go offer to do it for money

it took me two minutes to look up an entry level car washing job that you could start tomorrow making $350-$500 per week. miami.craigslist.org/mdc/lab/d/miami-washer-detailer-for-car-wash/6769258456.html
lazy fucking faggot

Honest question here. What are you going to do? When you're down to that last slice what are you honestly going to do?

Millennials are so fucking lazy today it makes me sick to my stomach. Do you know what we used to do back in my day when we got hungry? We'd go out into the woods with a large shovel, find a wild boar, and make bacon. Try it some time, you might actually get some testosterone out of it.

One of the wonders of American society is the poorest people are also the fattest. It’s virtually impossible to starve if you are at least a marginally functioning human

Literally go I to publix, ask for a chicken dinner with 2 sides, and walk out of the door. If you look respectable and presentable they will assume you've paid.

And if you get caught, you'll go to jail for a few days and they will feed you there.

I don't live anywhere near Miami

I need money now not in 6 fucking months after I convince city hall to hire me to clean the sidewalk. Jesus christ

I'm applying for more jobs and going to the temp agency, which already told me they're slow.

Then I'm unironically going to sleep and starve to death.

Give me your PayPal I will send you 2 bucks so you can eat mcdonalds

‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’

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>I need money now not in 6 fucking months
That's what the craigslists ads are for. I'm convinced you're a troll, no actual man would ever be this weak. I gave you a lesson and instructions for how to make your own work and instead of putting in any effort you sit there and bitch. It's winter nigger offer to shovel sidewalks on snow days and deliver groceries for old people, go door to door offering 2-3 services and if someone needs something else done THEY WILL ASK YOU.

If you suck cock you can make money and get protein nutrients at the same time

here you go faggot, the only prerequisite is that you have to be able to lift 100lbs.


2 Thessalonians 3:10-12 King James Version (KJV)

10 "For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat."
starve OP, no one cares

So be it. Me starving to death will be my last fuck you to my family. It will make the news "local man starves to death in family's home". People will wonder why I was able to starve to death, the state might even pursue criminal charges.

craiglists is a meme you fucking boomer

I'm unironically going to starve to death. I will lay in my bed and I won't have energy to get up and I will sleep, and I will starve to death. I've slept 18+ hours the past 3 days.

Okay now I know you're trolling, no one gives a shit when a failure white man dies.

I'm not trolling at all

hey dumbass, you live in a house don't you? just get anything you have in the house and sell it on a pawn shop for below its price

Then die, you've made it clear you don't want to work.