
Today, we pay homage to the hundreds of unfortunate people who bought at the apex of Bitcoin and have lost thousands since.

Those of you who haven't killed yourself yet are a true testament to the persistence of human nature to survive. Feel free to tell your story here, how much you bought in for at the top, and the woes that have followed once Bitcoin fell from the heavens into the dirt.

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Such topics are here brown pills. There is a vishnu that lives on a banquet feast. Creg Sanjay Well is something wrong. Just as an electronic trailer was just the first step, the larvae began to make powerful computers, broadcasters, low-cost and other sacred cows. These things vishnu need to live. Once it was fully installed, vishnu would be able to slowly move everything
Creg was stunned by the construction of a vishnu after entering a home building in 2008 and started working with his poolip power machine, dealing with shit-in-the-the-way simulation turmeric-complete bitcoin script. He would 'change' vishnu by making the decayed slides, allowing some to flee to the Indian Ocean. Vishnu needs larger and larger cattle for many purposes.
The BFI (Blockchain Foundation of India) was created to replace and eliminate these vishnu (with their vishnu competition at work). They did what was needed to stop or reduce Cregs vishnu (his name is Poolip in the way). They began by diminishing shit-size and removing the simplicity of the curry that vishnu uses in its pojabi speech. Segshit was the last tree in the box, which damaged Poolip on the BSV bench That is why Bitcoin Cash was closed, and hence Creg is committed to making unlimited standards, restoring the systems front curry, and closing shit-shit-protocol.

I went all in @6,300$ and I'm still JUST'ed
Fuck you OP

Same nigerian.

>It dropped by over 65%, time to finally buy in
>Oh fuck

It's reasonable to believe it will return to that level...after a few years.

sirs, fortunately there is a way to fix your issues.
there's a vishnu living on the blockchain take a loan and do the needful - buy bitcoin sv sir i promise on the holy cow that you will not regret it sir


I still have money on the side, I sold @4,800$
but fuck
I was patient and all and im fucked


Had 3000 grand or more in crypto and it's worthless now. I'm a poverty line user with a crippling gambling addiction too so I'm 27 with

20 with 3k in crypto, invested 6k, got me 1.33 btc back then

Liquidated by omisego flashcrash few days before bullrun

I almost paid 4k for an S9 around that time, thank god that fell through.

>bought my first alt around last Christmas
>Still up 3x from my initial
Feels good man

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wanted to buy in back in October 17, but having exeperienced the 2013 bubble on Jow Forums I waited. I actually watched to capitulation wick on 1min candles back on Feb 4. Made my buy in right around $6k on that day. But I didn't know about Jewbase holds so it ended being at 8k. Then I went all in on altcoins being shilled here and got fucking justed expect for LINK.

i bought at the previous top, at 1k



What kind of gambling? Poker?

I read about people buying a couple of these for 6k on normiebook.

Stupid people are crazy...

>ETH $1.1k - bought $8k
>ETH $800 - bought $5k
>ETH $200 - bought $2k


Im pissed at myself for missing the boat between when I first heard about bitcoin and it moonshotting, then not taking that shot when I had the opportunity, but Im glad I didn't delude myself into buying in on the way down.

You will survive

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Bought 15 LTC at 250.
2 eth at 1k
0.2 btc at 20k
Also Nano at 18, 12, 6, 2.

I'm curious how many boats like this start in a lifetime. I can only think of a couple off of the top of my head (dot com bubble, cryptobubble)

I fomo’d NKN at 3 cents

Online poker was a really good boat for about 10 years

I bought some at 10k,
then some more at 8k,
then some more at 6k,
then some more at 4k
I've literally been juggling a set of falling knives, by the blades

>I'm curious how many boats like this start in a lifetime

Every day, mate.
The problem is not about how many start, but having the ability to find and board them.

>by the blades
Without realizing, that you bleed quite heavy.

Care to consult a doc for these cuts?
If you can afford it now, that is.

Bought sold lost 2/3, might kms if I don't break even

Yea, now it's overrun by bots and pros. I think live games can still be super profitable some days of the week.

This is a somewhat unique case, but there will always be something else. Things blow up on a smaller scale all the time. Sure you might not get 100000% gains, but there's always something on the horizon.

Bought some shitty altcoins near top or at the top, like neo, cnd and ethereum blue. Then I startetd buying the "Dips" all in all I invested 48k and the coins are now worth around 9k.
Should have bought me a nice Mercedes instead of this fucking garbage.

Had a whole lot of a shitcoin that if I had sold the top would have made me $120k. I was a fool, I thought "this is it, crypto is going mainstream" and hodled thinking i'm going to make it. I started seeing my BTC value dropping, and panicking I tried to put it into other alts promising launches and other crap and those kept dropping too, and before I knew it I was seeing 20% losses a day. Now I only have $1,700 or so left....

I agree. Look at, it absolutely exploded a few years ago and I believe it's still growing. Then there's Netflix, Tinder, etc.

So basically, get into something while it's young and hope it explodes years down the road.

My question is, are there any anons here who bought above 10k and are still holding because they "believe in the technology"?

Bought 1 BTC @ 19K.
Watched it fall and fall.
i got sad. but i still own that 1 BTC.
I realized that BTC will go to another ATH.
Wage cucking sucks. Took a small loan to pay rent but now I'm in debt roughly 32k. But i believe none of this matters. I needed these hard moments in my life , so that at the end of the day , i will be able to grow stronger from this experience. I see BTC going higher than 100k next year. All that matters is that i will HODL until Bitcoin will release me from the wage cuckery , when i cash out into traditional fiat to 5x my investment. I'll see you all at 100k Q4 2019 user. Wishing you a happy new year and a prosperous 2019 to all of you.


Probably very few.

I have put in $21k since Dec 2017, now worth about 16k.. was much worse but managed to trade some back.

Of course. We're the ones who will proceed to dump our bags on the newfags after the next bubble is ready to pop.

100k in a year is just delusion my friend, crypto is now a household name and the hype is not there. Tons of people have lost thousands and a bad taste lingers in their mouths.

For crypto to fly to $100k, there would have to be a severe meltdown of fiat or a completely dominant reason for crypto to replace fiat and it's just not there yet.

Don't worry. We will see financial markets get hit hard with hacks next year. Censorship will push the agenda to 100k. We will see 100k next year.
>Screencap this.

I'm up $1100 after starting my 100% LINK DCA in January. 28k LINK this year at an average of $.26 per LINK.

>experiences a timeline where bitcoin goes to $100k
>converts it into fiat

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>went all in
there is your problem. Would it have hurt so much to space out the buy ins over 12 months (yes TWELVE MONTHS)

If it had pumped at one of those months you would have stopped buying early

expensive lesson... but it's a lesson.
I'm still young..

Bitcoin is dropping because people are selling and selling. But someone is buying all those coins. I doubt its normies buying. Maybe a few, but the vast majority is coming from somewhere else.

>ethereum blue
I went like 8x on this shitcoin. the funny thing is the team is still working on it and claiming it's going to be revolutionary. The ERC20 wallet they released was a joke.

at least you picked a good price, i would have bought some at that range too if i had some tether left on some exchange.

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Hermit life and isolation leads to mental health. Make sure to go out every now and then and get enough sunlight frens. Talk to people. Your network is not resilient or strong if you are the only node in your network.

I bought Iota at $1.40 and sold it above $4. I bought Raiblocks at $0.70 and sold it above $20.
>Holy shit, this crypto space is going nuts, I need to put more money in.
Bought all kinds of shitcoins, thinking to go lucky again. Hodl all the way down.
Had over 250k at the top. Luckily I moved a lot into Chainlink, which didn't get justed as bad.
Still have $65k left, maybe going to make it with my 120k Links. (Also holding Eth, Amb, Icx, Xcm in that order).

Bought the literal ETH top

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FOMOd the entire 2017 pump, bough in 2018, sold low
Made my money back on btc cash cashed out at the right time, thank god

Now Im out. Idgaf anymore. Im done. If crypto starts rising again ill buy back in. Just dont have a pound of flesh to spare anymore.

You better buy now, I don't see it going much lower for a while.

BTC will only go up from here, but to where no one knows, all these experts are saying anywhere between 15k and 1mil by 2020 so there is no guarantee of wealth.
But from what we can see, BTC was worth 1/2 of what it is now when it started climbing to 20k. It is the superior coin, and you can buy in now with a decent logic that it will hit somewhere around 7k or something by the end of 2019. However one thing I think we've learned is that crypto on the up and up is not a buy/hold. you sell at high stagnant points, watch and hold onto your money and if it keeps climbing then buy in again, and when it starts to drop, just stay away from it with the money you earned and invest in something else .

Or, it will sink to $2k when all the big money leaves (a lot of the big money/smart money HAS already left. The winklevoss twins are contemplating suicide as we speak)


I only invested in BTC to buy some fucking drugs and now I have only 50 dollar in my wallet. Fuck this life.

We're falling to under $1K and might recover in 2022. Screencap this.

Not only lost 99.5% on shitcoins, but also half of my "account" that I filled in Nov to buy some stuff.

JUSTED everywhere.

I agree.

Who cares. Literally everyone who bought the top of any of the previous bull runs is fucking rich now. Just be fucking patient you retards.

Bitcoin isn't even the same thing as the dot com bubble or any of these businesses you guys are mentioning. There was only one opportunity to get rich with Bitcoin (buying a large quantity years ago and holding until Dec 2017), whereas people who got in early on things like Ebay, Netflix, Twitch etc. are still growing wealthier to this day. Crypto is fun to follow and all, but the real money is in innovative new companies/business models, so if you look at it that way there are tons of new "boats" every year.