What's even the point of money?


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His response
>I'm uhh uhh still w-waiting for that growth spurt
>Well good luck with that.


The guy lost the moment that he agreed to degrade himself by being on reality TV. The fact that he's on one of those super cuck shows where some average looking bitch gets to act like a queen while fawning idiot men vie for her attention just makes it that much worse.

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Just be yourself bro

Attached: gods.jpg (1024x576, 67K)

Attached: whenwilltheylearn.webm (460x258, 489K)

Stop being a pussy please

how can she slap?

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this is 100% scripted
look at the expression on the face of the bitch
if it was real she'd have waited till he babbled up 2 sentences and send him away after that


Damn, I'm glad I'm 5'7 so I don't need to deal with that manlet bullshit. Manlets should be put down

anyone else 5'7 actually has problem with girls?

1,86m here,

Attached: 1539221663562.jpg (537x707, 251K)

6'2 watching this video smug as fuck

Attached: 0522788851777b1b3aaa7ed913069bda.jpg (222x305, 44K)

My cousin looks identical to this guy and he has a qt wife and 2 kids

I give her credit for being honest

You'll need power, user.

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Imagine if a man said ''Nah, your tits are just too small''

wow this is a fucking show? jesus christ

This is fucking brutal.

reality tv bullshit isnt real user

Are you saying the chances of having either done in real life is equal. A valuable lesson was learnt from storage wars.

they need to make a Jow Forums version with a group job interview


So, at what point are you a manlet? 5'7?

do you even browse ?

"Not tall enough" that's not really the reason she rejected him. Although by he looks of her, I doubt she even understands her own reason for rejecting the guy.

I guess everyone is a manlet then. Ahah, fucking Jow Forumsacks.

If they had a second part to that where he takes off his pants to reveal a large dick.. i wonder how many of them change their choice (which they would be able to do)

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Well in fareness she is taller than him so it's justified.

I love how she smuggly puts him in his place
>Good luck with that.


5' 10" here

I am so confused, is this below or above the cutoff?

Manlets should get executed.
We don't need inferior genes.