Anyone else smelling the bull run starting?

Anyone else smelling the bull run starting?

People revving up their Christmas money to buy big time

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my body is ready



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I smell something all right

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who has Christmas money? everyone spends $$ on gifts and get gifts in return no?

The only doubt is which coin will make you richer.
I´m personally a big fan of Zilliqa but Link looks like a reasonable pick too.

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biz is optimistic? Time to sell.


Zil is good, I am waiting for my $500 xmas check to deposit so I can buy more. Mainnet and potential cbase listing soon.

Ether is ready for the golden bull
Get in now

One more big dump. Its going to take a bit but when it happens expect to be around 2k.

what about chinese cashing out for new year?

>buying on new years
enjoy losing 50% of your money

tomorrow is the last dump - it's the last opportunity for people to harvest a loss on their taxes. Basically sell tomorrow to cash (realize a loss) and then immediately buy back. We're gonna see a bunch of micro barts tomorrow

i want to believe

> bullrun
> not shorting everything in sight because you haven't opened a direct investment account and are forced to be a lifelong bull.
Imagine the smell of not having all options available to you.

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>bitcoin at 1.9k

Please let this happen, it's literally the difference between making 500k and a mil.

That a!ready happened. Who the fuck waits until dec.31?

>Anyone else smelling the bull run starting?
The highs are not getting bigger, but smaller, on a macro scale the trend is still bearish. I for one will wait a few days for things to become clearer, but right now I wouldn't have my hopes high.

Lol i cant wait until post new years dump to 1800

Earning season starts Jan 14.Some semblance of normality should come with it. The market was overreacting to everything was fine. Earnings arebetter than OK. Significant pump in Jan(10%), barring any trade dispute bullshit.

*Overreacting to everything that was fine

If not ill take my 12-15 p/e ratios all day long. Easy money.

I smell an epic dump at EOY

begone boomer, this is a crypto thread for us zoomers
maybe stocktwits is a better place for you, or even reddit

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Thank you kind old man.