Family is threatening me to stop giving me money

20yo in college, lives in parents house,family gives me around 500$ dollars each month , I started investing in February mostly in altcoins and I have lost most of the money family knows and they have told me if I invest anymore in crypto they will stop giving me money ,what sould I do?

I cant invest in secret since they give me the money in bills and keep control in what I use them for

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Stop investing in crypto
You lost enough money already

just say fuck it and start doing heroin

keep buying lambo soon it's basically a sure thing

Shut up dad

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you faggot, sesrch for a 50hour work / 4weeks - earn >3k$ and buy the fuckin Dip.. Invest anything you have.

You can laugh about it one Day.

No seriously, you're being retarded. If your past investments failed why would you think your future ones will succeed? You need to actually have skills or the same shit will happen again.

D-dont tell me...Who the fuck are you?Are you part of my family because you are starting to scare me

>goes on Jow Forums
>a business board
>expects people to know how to conduct business


*breathes in*


The best part is the things people post that will actually make anons money get flamed to shit.

lie or something. Dont be dumb, we are close the bottom. 2019 can change your life if you are smart

It's just common sense user, I'm telling you this because I love you. Also, I visit this site for the anime girls.

Stop investing in wrong things and get some income DURRR

oh god thanks, my father actually said something very similar a few weeks ago

I mean not that comment He said something similar to this kek

Call their bluff. Ask for a raise.

How does Matingale work?
A loss is not taken untill you sell.
Explain to earth dad that you are not following a sunk costs fallacy throwing good money after bad. You are throwing bad money at good money, at an advantageous parity, for your willingness to be patient. The baubles and shit women buy like cosmetics are literally poisonous. If you want to live frugally and save how you would like.
If you wiped yourself out trading and hold nothing get fucked.

listen to your family you retard and stop buying shitcoins
if you want to gamble earn your own money

Get a job, you fucking leech.

>Is *gifted* 500/month.
>Brags about being a leech.
Fuck off op. Go get off your fat ass and get your own money to invest.

>All this free money
>"threatened" to live a normal life
Work bro

Buy consumable items for personal use; something with high liquidity. Make an ebay account and sell said items and dump the funds into a paypal balance. Transfer the funds to an account/debit linked to coinbase and buy your crypto.

Stop investing in crypto if that's the house rule. Get a job; that will be your own money, and you can invest it if you wish.

Oh my god this is it!! Thank you fren and Thank you everybody for helping

You're a piece of shit

You really are an idiot. Your young so rather try saving or do something else with the money
$500 is alot of lucky money to just be given for just existing. Listen to them you tool and invest your own money. Not theirs

Invest in real shit, stop being a dummy.

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spend less on candles

>Oh my god this is it!! Thank you fren and Thank you everybody for helping