Volume is 40K

>Volume is 40K
>Price is at the all time low
>Developers have explicitly said they have no current use for the token
>Even the diehard shills have broken and sold
Only the delusional remain. I warned you that this would happen many times. Hell I even told you to sell when the listing happened as it was your last shot to get out with volume.

I hope you listened.

Attached: MUH LISTINGS.jpg (400x400, 8K)

I was a die hard. Average buy in at 30 cents...held all year. I sold as soon as I saw Yazan talking about proof of solvency not scaling and trying to brainstorm with TG about new uses for JNT. Win some lose some I guess. Holding JNT was my biggest crypto mistake thus far.

I wonder what is going through the minds of the people still holding. Aside from bullets I mean.

the team is very likable. they are legit. I'll continue to keep an eye on what they're up to, but won't buy in unless they give me a damn good reason.

It is something I will say about the project. Talal and Yazan are very personable.

Yazan is either honest to a fault or a master manipulator. They are just incompetent in a lot of ways. Not on the business side mind you as I do think the company will be very successful. But on any front that isn't business. Its also clear they know the token just gets in the way and have pretty much thrown it to the wayside and are trying to figure out ways to incorporate it that won't fuck everything up for them.

Talal is car salesman though. He spews out pure PR bullshit to try and make people happy and lies constantly. You really can't trust anything he says. Its such a unique way for a project to die. For the underlying company to start becoming successful while the token aspect of it just dies off.

I saw it coming months and months ago but people don't listen.

Ala legit started deleting any comment related to equity. If you don't believe me try it yourself.

So basically, now is the perfect time to buy

I have some BCC and CFD to sell you if that perks your interest.

you'd be gambling. the team doesn't even know what the future of this token is...until they figure it out...for what reason would anyone buy it?

Because you faggots just spam that shit all day long like it's going to make a fucking difference.

Talal and Yazan are the biggest bagholders of all. They will try to pump their bags at all costs, and have even hired people to do so. They have enough cash to dupe idiots into buying our bags. I don't have a lot of confidence that they'll ever make solvency work, but if they were savvy enough to trick me into buying I'm sure they can trick plebbit into buying at a higher price point.

because i'm an autisitc retard

You have bagholder delusion. They can't even handle a Twitter account and you're acting like they will pull a miracle sending this to $10 in 1 month. You are D E L U S I O N A L kekkkkkkkkkkk

They were able to trick you during the height of the crypo craze.

Jibrel bottom fudders

>thinks spamming the TG with 'give me equity' will actually cause the entity in question to give them equity
>calls me delusional

Why the fuck would you even want equity in the company unless you think they have some value propitiation?

no some pajeet here tricked me

the truth though is if they are able to successfully secure the corner of the market they are targeting, JNT as a gas token will still pump this coin. $1000 JNT is a dead meme, but $1 is reasonable enough.

How is it fudding to state the volume and reiterate what the team themselves said? If that is creating fear, uncertainty and doubt then maybe it just isn’t a good coin.

When is the question though. Two years from now? Three?

Because with equity they have to offer a buyback program to buy your JNT.

They're certainly not rushing. And releasing nothing but a wallet that's in no way unique is certainly doesn't instill confidence. Still, the business connnections are enough to keep me interested.

For the record, I sold what I had left the minute the Q and A came out. Then I fudded here and on the reddit and hit both my market buys, and then managed to 2x during the exchange pump and got back into tether. I'm convinced that they have the resources and smarts to pull a nano style pump based on their connections alone. Tokenomics don't mean shit to most of the fucking morons in this market.

Worthless equity is not any better than a worthless token. How will the compnay make money and why wouldn't be able to accomplish the same end through gas/coin burn?

It's all about the JNT buyback user. Nobody cares about the equity

This market is not the bull market Nano existed in. When was the last 20X your heard of?

Which is funny because why would they buy back at ICO prices? At best it would be the ETH equivalent and only for ICO buyers. I'm also pretty sure that makes it a security.

not any time soon. that's why I sold. I do think there's a good chance that JNT makes a place for itself in the future, but there's no reason to hold onto this coin right now.

So you're asking the people that scammed you to buy your shit back for a higher than market price when they already hold 30 million tokens between them? Why would they ever do this?

Yeah that is probably the craziest part of this.