Is anyone else slowly accepting they are going to have to get a job

Is anyone else slowly accepting they are going to have to get a job

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i'm quiting my job next month

yes iam ready

I lost everything.
I'm getting a job and I'm a communist now.

I already did and already DCAing my way into the next crypto boom! AMA

yes :(

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i'd rather be a fiverr pajeet than wagecuck from 9-5

I work in crypto and am currently looking at the very real prospect of getting a job in the real world.
Sucks ass to be honest

It's not about getting a job, it's staying there for life.

1.5 year NEET here. The realization is slowly creeping up on me.

1.5 year neet as well. i hate it. :(

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What skills do you all have to leverage for your job hunt?
And where are you looking at working?

same idk what to do. i have a youtube channel which if i actually bothered to make vids on i'd make lots of money easily but im so depressed i dont even feel like doing the vids, vicious cycle that idk how to break out of

you mean you've never worked before? Jesus Christ. Kys you no good, non contributing literal piece of human waste.

thats exactly what a pajeet would say.

I have but I was on the verge of early retirement last year

want some advice? literally kys. youre contributing nothing to society, so this is the responsible thing to do.

I could've made it in 2017 but I missed the chance.

its a long road. easy come easy go


2 month mcwageslave here, it ain't as bad as you think it is.

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This. Jobs are a come and plenty and you can quit anytime so there is literally no downside.

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come back after 2 years :)

I'll see you fine gents at McDonald's for my morning coffee. Been working for years now honing my craft. I like my coffee black and bitter, just like my cucked heart.

quit neetdom and got a job in march so I could save and DCA. going to be rolling next bullrun

I wonder if getting started now on learning the skills of homelessness would be a better investment for my future than some shit-ass wagie job.

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