I lost my virgnity 2 weeks ago at 29 years old

Since all you guys seemed to be using tinder to get laid, I thought I might give it a try. I didn't use a condom because I used a fake name and went to her place over 60 miles away but I still pulled out.

about 5 days ago this thing started growing on my dick... Now it's big and the skin around it hurts. Did I get an STD? Why did I have to listen to you guys and go fuck a thot on tinder?

Attached: IMG_20181230_223412.jpg (4032x3024, 2.83M)

I have fucked 124 women and most of them raw. STI's are a total fucking myth.

sorry to say bit it looks like you're circumcised

Looks like aids


That's aids. Sorry OP.

yap, like guy above me said it
its aids

You need to go to the dr asap

Wtf dude you have some weird lesions and shit. You need medical attention

why do so many americans get circumcised?
here in bongland you only get cut if you're a jew or it's a medical problem that cant be solved otherwise

The herp included?

>That keratinization

i fucked 125

you're fine

Attached: misc3 (8).jpg (640x695, 165K)

Too late, there's no cure for aids.

Did you get a severe pain in your legs recently?

go to the doctor, take this as a lifelong lesson. dont mess with thots

oh no no no

Attached: file.png (387x116, 28K)


I actually have porokeratosis and I get this shit frozen off of all types of parts of my body. Face, Arms, thighs, ass, Gooch... This will be the 3rd one that's popped up on my dick.


I actually have also fucked >200 women about 10-20 percent of them raw. I lost my virginity at 14 to a 16 year old. STI's aren't a myth but I fuck mostly young white women so I'm not super worried.

America is jewed beyond belief user.

That's normal user, seriously its probably some kind of blister from jerking off. Congrats though.

Light weight

I was talking about your fucked up glans bro not the herpe.
>I actually have also fucked >200 women
Sure you have