What does this feel like, Jow Forums?

What does this feel like, Jow Forums?

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me on the right

Fucking great if you just met her. Confusing and boring after you’ve married her and she got fat.

Probably like your mom ohhhhhhhh snap

Honestly I'm circumsiced and I can't feel a thing when I get head


I'm intact and though it feels good I can't come from it. Rarely jack off and never watch porn. I don't get all the hype about blowies

I'm uncircumcised and I still can't feel a thing when I get head

never had a good bj. faggots

>Confusing and boring after you’ve married her and she got fat.
Damn, this is a good point.

Nobody likes BJ's. Bj's are there to get you hard.

You have a vitamin deficiency.


Care to elaborate?

i have a difficult time cumming from penetrative sex (with the exception of anal, where i find it very easy to finish). normally after we've had sex my gf gives me a blowjob to finish me off and swallows as i cum in her mouth, it's such an amazing feeling and she's so cute when she does it. i truly love my girlfriend

You guys are weird. I'm intact and have cum in girls mouths from BJ's a million times

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Sex is hugely mental. You need to stop giving shit about how she feels, if you are doing it right, if you will be abel to keep it hard for 30 min, if you are too ugly. You need to be more agressive, less selfcouncius, and more selfish. The selfish part is important.

I also tell girls that have problems with cumming with guys that they have to be selfish in bed. Thats when the best sex is happening. WHen both of you are selfish.

user u crazy. sex is great, it just takes me a long ass time to finish, so my gf and i have adapted and she's more than happy to let me finish in her mouth. what's the issue with that>

>can cum from anal fast
>cant cum from vaginal
your gf has an airplane hangar down there from fucking tyrone before you
sorry to tell you

I get too ticklish with blowjobs desu

>You need to stop giving shit about how she feels

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I used to be like you until I started making real money. All of my investments were on point, got my car, a nice condo and basically everything I wanted. Once you have financial security you start doing degenerate shit, it's just a fact of life. I was a prudish guy, and I never thought in my wildest dreams I would fly to Thailand every year but it is what it is.

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> BTC falls
> get dumped twice in one year
The market is too fucking powerful.

sell some of your shitcoins and hire a hooker to find out

>he thinks I invest in meme coins

Makes sense, more resources = more testosterone. Combine that with inevitable boredom and you have a recipe for scat fetish.

Stop doing anal. It's degenerate and bad for the girl over time.

Omg imagine being this much of a virgin

I'm uncut and had the same problem with lack of sensitivity until I did nofap (no jerking off AND no porn). After about 2 weeks your dick head will get super sensitive and just rubbing it will make it tingle. 4 weeks nofap you are GOD MODE.

Le epic trolle

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When you look down and some girl is looking square into your eyes as she licks and sucks the end of your cock... dudes whats wrong with you?

Has nothing to do with being circumcised

Never had a good BJ. My current girl slobs on my fucking knob and deepthroats and swirls her tongue around it.. I can cum way harder than during sex from a BJ from her. It's like a vagina with a tongue licking you as well if she does it correctly.

My favorite is looking down while she's eating my asshole, have to move my cock out of the way and stare her in the eyes while a 19 year old tongues my butthole

that's the best feeling

I still cant believe things like this actually happen in real life

I’m 33, uncircumcised and have never been on a date or felt a boob.

I used to get upset, but after decades of untreated, chronic depression, relationships just seem like a meme or running joke that everyone else, even fat asses and uggos, are in on.

this. I feel bad for these guys

You wouldn't know OP since that probably isn't you.

Good for you dawg

Bags of sand

How old are you.

Holy shit I must be some kind of a sick degenerate because I get off more to hand holding than BJs

Feels like your dick is in someones mouth. It's amazing if she knows what she's doing. I hate girls that can't fit too much of my dick in their mouth or that scrape me with their teeth. Also hate when a girl produces too much saliva, gross.

I'm circumcised and feel it just fine.

>hating sloppy toppy


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Ever been blacked user?

i didn't cum from a bj until I was over 30 years old. my wife had been sucking my dick for years until one day something clicked. I love busting my nuts into her mouth. Feels way better than pussy but takes a long time to work.

imagine you're eating a large salami and you simply refuse to bite down

Ask Tone Vays, he sucks a lot of cock. A lot of cock. A lot... of cock.

>implying anyone on this boards dick is as big as a large salami


Ask your mom.

Kill yourself.

Well it’s more like: women can tell when you are enjoying their bodies, and that’s what they actually enjoy. So if you like pleasing them, please them. If you like roughhousing them, get rough. Pretty much do what gets you off and they will be happy that it they were able to do that for you. It’s weird, but women are weird