If I want to storage my Chainlink on ledger nano, Binance will take like 5 Link tokens for "transaction fee"

If I want to storage my Chainlink on ledger nano, Binance will take like 5 Link tokens for "transaction fee"

Now when I want to put my LINK tokens back to some exchange from the Ledger I need to have some Ethereum in my wallet to pay for the tranaction fees, correct?

How much Ethereum I need to have to move around those tokens from the ledger back to exchange to pay the network? Cannot find any answers on this from web. Lets say I want to move around 30k Link tokens back from my wallet to some random exchange: how much Ethereum I need to have on my wallet?

Attached: ledger-nano-s-review.png (600x337, 82K)

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Like 10 cent? I got 10$ on mine, but you obviously have no clue how eth works

considering the JUST state of crypto what is the real use of a wallet that a strong password can't do

it would require someone to keylogged you while the device is attached.

GTFO newfag
stop being such a poorfag too and just put one eth on your wallet

but stinky linkies will be millionaires in 3-4 years, gotta protect the stack.

This is what's wrong with the crypto space. Paying fees with a different currency (Gas) to the one you're dealing (Link) with is retarded.

So nobody knows how much ETH it will cost to put those LINKs from Ledger Nano back to exchange?

1 ETH? 0,001 ETH? 0,5 ETH?

Only thing I understood is that if you try to move LINK tokens without any ETH on your wallet they will never go anywhere because the network will not "confirm" the transaction without any gas

,2 ETH is much more than enough to move 30k link

I would like to know how it is calculated in terms of GAS etc.

Can I pay the network with anal gas (AG) if I do not have any ethereum?

Just keep 0.1 ETH in your wallet for txns, each one should only be a dollar or so. Use My Ether Wallet and it just calculates it for you.


FYI: The Ledger Nano S and Trezor One were hacked last week. Google it and think about it. I keep 370k LINK on Binance, it's safe.

Go from a monero vs zcash thread to this fucking garbage thread. Jesus fucking christ.

Between 5 and 60cents you fuckwit. 60cents if the network is congested and you still want it go be confirmed in 2 minutes

Fucking idiot reddit spacer GET THE FUCK OUT OFF HERE
My wish for 2019 is that you kill yourself. Ugly nigger.

reddit formatting

Hi CZ!

>thinks proper spacing learned in 6th is reddit spacing

newfag detected

you need 5 ethereum to sedn funds to binance by yourself, or you can sedn me 2eth and your link stack and i'll sedn it to your binance (because i'm vip at binance and i know vitalik so i pay less on etherium netwok)



Faggot :)

Lol wtf you expect with erc20 tokens, you are using ethereum network which costs gas payable in ETH. For god's sake your still holding tokens with the expectation that some future network will come and actually have a valuable use.

Respectable projects with their own blockchains obviously dont have this issue.