Hire online support? India/ South America

Got an app making me hundreds per day but I can't fucking deal with customers anymore. It's an iPad app and they are too retarded to read the instructions to turn on bluetooth etc. which wouldn't be as bad if they didn't immediately give a 1* rating, call you a scam etc. when all they had to do was to read the instructions the app greets you with.

The conversations go the exact same way every time so I am currently using Gmail canned responses but I'd much rather pay someone to do that for me, especially when I am asleep.

Are there services where you pay Indians like 5ct/email? Getting about 30 emails/day, replying to them takes like half an hour so that would make $3 an hour which is probably a good wage for many people there.

If they don't work at night it would be cool to have the same in South America to cover 24/7 support but SA isn't known for their English skills unfortunately. Any recommendations? Could only find 'virtual assistants' on a per hour rate but for businesses who need like half an hour of workforce per day it would make sense to subscribe to a service where 1 worker deals with 10 different company's emails I guess.

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>Are there services where you pay Indians like 5ct/email?
pay peanuts get monkeys.

In my experience pajeets are fucking worthless at customer service for emails. They have no grasp of how normal people speak English in conversations.

Either go local, craigslist ad here and there, or go with philippinos.

Yo retardo i know you are a cheapskate so i guess thats why you might be failing but let me give you a different perspective. Pay a higher salary than average and the worker is going to go the extra mile for you and do even more and better work. We need to weed out these faggot company managers who buy pajeets and expect good quality. Maybe thats why your customers are shitty at you bcs your mentality sounds mega frugal. Start investing some money back at your company rather loathing it. A happy worker makes a happy manager...

Invest in better marketing. Goodvibespanel.com open a ticket and tell them what you need (support services, marketing strategy etc) you're welcome

literally all it takes desu. Absolutely no quality required as they only have to select different canned responses. Already thought about automating it but that would take more effort than just clicking those canned responses.

> local
I am Europe based, my customers are in the US - they send emails when Europe sleeps unfortunately so unless someone loves to work at night that wouldn't function
> philippinos
Would love that idea but don't know anyone from there, there's gotta be some kind of platform for this?

nigga I am a one-man business earning 5 figures a month I wouldn't call that "failing". And not every business can scale, please put down your books for a second and take a look at what the real world looks like

I don't need marketing bro, I rank #1 for the search term in a niche market. Couldn't find anything on their website about support services, you sure they do?

kys commie

Hey mate, would be happy to do that for you at a reasonable rate. I'm located in GMT+11 and have 2 others I work with so we can cover 24/7 between us if that's something you're keen on.

Let me know and ill happily shoot you thru an email

You guys are all retarded.

Use a system that uses natural language processing to respond with knowledge base step-by-step articles and videos. If they reply again, then handle their request. A computer can pick the first few canned responses.

I would be interested as I have 4 years of experience of Technical / Customer Support however you're in Europe.


guys I really appreciate it but like I said, it's 3 dollars worth of work per day so unless you are contracted by lots of similar businesses this wouldn't be worth your time, the overhead of turning on your pc would already take more than 10% of the time you'd be actually working if it's just for my business.

Lemme give you an example:
> what iOS version?
"The newest"
> I really need this bit of information for troubleshooting
"I always have it up to date"
> [link to the Apple Support page on how to update your iPad]
"Yes I have done that"
> is Bluetooth activated? [link for activating bluetooth]
> Ok then it's probably a technical issue, can you please screenshot the page with your iPad version, the update page and a screenshot of my app so I can forward this information to Apple to submit a bug report?
(knowing that they have NOT updated their iPad or Bluetooth activated)
"Oh it works now thanks a lot great app" *leaves 5 star review*

Every. Fucking. Time.

Target group is middle class stay at home moms, probably expect things to work without them having to set it up. Like ordering an Alexa and expecting it to work without setting up on your phone. This is why I have to "trick" them every time with the screenshot question so they, after 15 minutes, finally get off their stupid ass and enter the settings dialog to update/activate bluetooth. I've read about similar experiences in other dev forums so it's apparently a kind of widespread issue. Back then when I was making Android apps that was even worse because on Android you need 5 different instruction sets cuz every manufacturer adds his own shit to the menus

And I wouldn't be so pissed if it wasn't for the bad reviews they give. Just like everyone else, I've been dealing with stupid people for my whole life but giving a one star rating because you are required to activate bluetooth, as stated 142 times in the app, makes people appear so punchable to me.


I actually work only 14 days/month as I am on 12 hr shifts 9AM-9PM but unfortunately I am not up to covering night shifts
Sorry and gl!

I can assure you if you pay someone $3 a day to do this you will end up losing customers and rep. GL with it though

welcome to the glamorous world of entrepreneurship user. people are fucking retarded and these morons are your customers.

I'll do it for free for a contracted period if you give me broad strokes tutoring on which coding languages/skills/the general process to release multiplatform apps.

All of those problems seem to be caused by not enough hinting in the application. Why not indicate to the user *in the app* that their iOS version is wrong? (although it makes no sense why the app store would be giving them an app that their version of iOS doesn't support unless you're doing that on purpose)

The same for bluetooth. Check if bluetooth is both enabled on the device and the app has permissions. If bluetooth is off, then give them a button *in the app* that they can tap to open the settings and enable it.

Hi user. I set up teams like this for a living in house for companies. I specifically don’t use Indians because they’re unreliable and unfriendly which makes for very bad customer support. South Americans are also unreliable and typically have poor English as you’ve pointed out.

The Philippines are your country. But there’s a lot more to it than simply knowing where to hire out of, because the way they work and process work is specific.

I could set you up with reliable people with excellent English at a $3-$3.20/hr wage.

I’ll do this either for a small percentage of your companies profits for which I would continue to support you on that whenever needed (we can discuss details but I’ll be fair), or a flat hourly consulting fee in which I’ll set you up with the worker(s) you need and leave you to your own devices. Depending on the amount of work my minimum charge for this work would be $150/hr which is much less than I charge the companies I work with.

If you’re interested let me know.

Oh and just to give you a ballpark range on the hourly cost option I would imagine it’d be around $1-1.5k total unless it’s more complex than you’re saying.

so what kind of app is it, OP?

fucking THIS

“Muh users are the problem, not the app!”

Great philosophy. Shame that GUI’s and smartphones and fucking electric can openers were invented as well - why can’t people just learn to use the CLI? And who needs anything more than telegrams, Morselets who can’t memorize a few dots and dashes shouldn’t be communicating long-distance anyway. And for that matter I don’t want their money if they can’t figure it out.

I’m not even a SW engineer but even I know this is rule #0. If your users are constantly emailing you unable to use your gay VR porn app, perhaps it would be a better investment of your time to fix your AIDS-ridden goddamn UX before hiring a crack team of curryniggers to automated your canned “”””customer service””””.

Seriously this is what makes cancer companies like Sprint and Ebay such stains on humanity. Don’t be like that.

Now, THAT SAID! I am an android user and once I realized you mentioned “ipad app”, it wasn’t entirely surprising that applels can’t into technology; maybe you should make a version on a platform where statistically its users are more likely to be able to operate a toaster. You put this on yourself

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Ahh got it ok bro

that's why I was hoping there was some kind of network. $3 is starving wage but not if you get it for 10 companies each


Literally YouTube and Stackoverflow my friend. It's important you don't follow "how to make a timer app" tutorials because that will teach you nothing. You should rather make an egg boil reminder app and look at the code from different tutorials to learn how to extract the important bits. If you start learning before releasing you won't get anything done til 2025.

I do indicate it. The thing is that many devices COULD update but their users dismiss the update popup every time. You can't filter by devices, only by iOS version.

The description says that. The app says that. It literally says it can not proceed without bluetooth. Feel me?

Sure thing man you got a website?

Can't tell unfortunately, sorry

Yeah maybe I should capitalize on a market with a user base that expects to get everything for free. Out of 50 apps that I offer on both platforms, there are TWO that slightly surpass sales with their Android version. All the others are at like 20% of that.