So how's your New Years Eve businessmen? Any plans for tonight?

So how's your New Years Eve businessmen? Any plans for tonight?

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>Any plans for tonight?
Where do you think you are?

Maybe try to fuck a tinder thots but that's never worked

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i got a bottle of top shelf champagne. heading over to a m8s house in t-30. gonna get fucked up, smoke a bunch of weed and then bomb the shit out of the neighbourhood with fireworks. other m8 might bring over mdma but not sure yet. gonna be a decent nye

Plan on pulling off my shorts.

Good, as long as you fuck off from here

I might shitpost from my m8s house just to keep you company user

No plans, but my family is out of town and evidently busy so they haven't hassled me about whether I'm doing anything so I didn't have to lie.

Same for me here in the netherlands.
Bottle of champaine, and a bottle of jack.
€350 in weed which has to go.
We have german fireworks too so should be fun!

Found a cutie on bumble last night. Texted for about 3 hours. We both have half days today so we're meeting for coffee this afternoon and if things go well we'll meet back up for new years partying.

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Drink with frens then continue avoiding them until find a job (probably never). If find a job, still avoid and save beer money for offing myself in style.

Thanks for the dog, have a tradesie.

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In awe at the size of this lad

stay confident and youll have a great night.

I'm going to Sol in Madrid to eat 12 grapes

First ever year partying with friends. Managed to completely turn my life around this year. Next year will be even better.

We're all going to make it.

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Studying for the last section of the CPA exam.

good work

also studying while having good wine, keep the spirit user

I've ran up £10k debt gambling

However I earnt 50k in 2018 and expecting it to be 100-150k in 2019

Im not drinking or going out, just preparing my journals for tomorrow. Excited to smash 2019 and get rich fellas.

Replying to a dead thread:
>I am here at new year's eve with you because I have nobody to share.
Same user, but I'm glad to share it with you neets and weirdos. You anons make navigating a world full of NPCs bearable and less lonely.
Perhaps you can join me in making a new years resolution to force myself be more sociable next year.
Thanks for being here anons, through the green wojacks as well as the pink. We're all going to make it.

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Happy New Years anons. I wish you spiritual rebirth next year. I know I had a lot of fun rushing out university papers last two days.

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Thanks user, that's good advice. I'm a bit of a Chad. Not buff, but very tall, handsome and smart. So far everything is on track for a great new years. Cheers!

>So far everything is on track for a great new years. Cheers!
Good, you can go fuck off from here too

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